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Moonshine IDE

Piotr Zarzycki edited this page May 28, 2019 · 9 revisions

Follow these instructions to use Moonshine IDE for developing Apache Royale applications.

Apache Royale has been started fully supported in Moonshine IDE 1.9.0.

If you find any problems or would like to propose new features in Moonshine IDE, please raise a new issue on the project's GitHub.

Add the Royale SDK

Option 1:

  1. Open Getting Started page by clicking "Help" menu and "Getting Started".
  2. Find on the list "Apache Royale Compilation" and click on download icon. Once download complete SDK will be added to your newly created project, if not follow instructions in "Option 2".

Option 2:

  1. Start Moonshine IDE and open its settings by clicking "File" menu and "Settings".
  2. Navigate to the "Default SDK".
    • In the "Default Apache Flex, Apache Royale or Feathers SDK" section, choose "Change".
    • Click on the "+" button to locate the directory of the downloaded SDK.

Create Royale project

  1. In the "Home" tab, choose "Royale Browser Project".
  2. Change "Project name".
  3. Change "Parent Directory".
  4. In the "Select Template Type" section, choose:
    • "Royale Browser Project Jewel" (This requires Apache Royale 0.9.6)
    • "Royale Browser Project Basic"
  5. Click on the "Create" button.

Open Royale project from the existing source

  1. In the "Home" tab, choose "Open Apache Flex/Royale Project..." and select the folder with your project. Moonshine will ask you the following question:
> This directory is missing the Moonshine project configuration files. 
> Do you want to generate a new project by locating existing source?
  1. In the "Select Template Type" section, choose:
    • "Royale Browser Project Jewel" (This requires Apache Royale 0.9.6)
    • "Royale Browser Project Basic"
  2. Make sure that you have a "Project with existing source" selected.
  3. Change "Project name".
  4. Locate "Main source folder".
  5. Locate "Main application file".
  6. Click on the "Create" button.

Build Royale project

Assuming that you have already opened a project in Moonshine IDE, you have a couple of options to build a project.

  • If you would like to build a project for SWF application, go to the "Project" menu and choose "Build Project" or "Build & Run". Note that this option will not work with template Royale Browser Project Jewel.
  • If you would like to build a project for JavaScript application, go to the "Project" menu and choose "Build as JavaScript" or "Build & Run as JavaScript".
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