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Sample Starter Kit


A starter kit for building projects with the Unified APIs of Apideck.

Use a single API to push and query data from multiple connectors. In this starter kit, we use the Apideck Node SDK to create a session and fetch data from different connectors.

Quick overview

Execute create-next-app with npm or Yarn to bootstrap the starter kit:

npx create-next-app --example
# or
yarn create next-app --example


Getting started


  • An Apideck account: You can sign up for an Apideck account here:
  • Apideck Application ID: Available in your Apideck dashboard.
  • Apideck API Key: Available in your Apideck dashboard.

Installing the sample

This project uses the Accounting API as an example with the Node SDK. Visit Accounting Reference for documentation of the API and Apideck Node for documentation about the SDK.

To use a different API, for example CRM, you could simple switch the UNIFIED_API variable in SelectConnection.tsx and in api/vault/connections.ts from accounting to crm.

The useInvoices is an example on how to fetch invoices with the Accounting API. This code can be removed or replaced.

Step 1: Enable connectors

Login to Apideck and enable the connectors you would like to make available to your customers.

You can find the overview of connectors here:

Step 2: Update your environment variables

  • Copy .env.example and create a .env.local file
  • Add your API key: APIDECK_API_KEY=<your-api-key>
  • Add your Application ID: APIDECK_APP_ID=<your-app-id>

Note: You can find your credentials in the admin:

Step 3: Install dependencies

  • Install dependencies with yarn or npm install
  • Run the development server with yarn dev or npm run dev
  • Visit http://localhost:3000/ to see if it's running. If you haven't configured any integrations you will see a message.

Step 4: Create a session and add connections

You need to create a Vault session and add/configure at least one accounting connection. Use the button on the /invalid-session route to create a test session for a specific consumer (by passing the consumer ID). After creating a session you can click the integrations dropdown in the sidebar to select a connector. Make sure you have the Accounting connectors enabled in the admin:

You should now be able to load and manage the invoices, customers, and more of the connections you have configured.


yarn dev

Runs next dev which starts the app in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

yarn build

Runs next build which builds the application for production usage

yarn start

Runs next start which starts a Next.js production server

yarn lint

Runs the eslint command for all files with the js, ts, jsx, and tsx extensions. See the .eslint.json file for all configuration settings.

yarn lint:fix

Runs the eslint command with the --fix flag which tries to automatically fix linting problems.

yarn lint:cache

Runs the eslint command with the --cache flag which only checks the changed files.

yarn lint:format

Runs Prettier which formats all files inside the src directory based on the configuration set inside the .prettierrc file.

yarn type-check

Runs the tsc command to compile the project and check if it has type errors.

yarn test

Runs the jest command which runs all tests

yarn test:watch

Runs the jest command with --watch flag which runs all tests in watch mode

yarn test:coverage

Runs the jest command with --coverage flag which indicates that test coverage information should be collected and reported in the output.

Commit hooks

This project uses husky and lint-staged to run linters against staged git files on commit.


Before each commit we run eslint and prettier on all staged files.


Before each push to the repository we run jest to check if all tests are passing.


To learn more, take a look at the following resources:


Boilerplate for creating Apideck Samples






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