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Powered by vital.vim

Mplayer frontend of Vim. You can enjoy music/video on Vim!!


Play music by following command.

:MPlayer [File or Directory] ...

If you specify directory, this plugin play back the music which mplayer can play back. Playlist file is detected by the extension of the file name.

The following table is the command list of this plugin.

Command Description
MPlayer <file or directory> ... Play back specified files.
MPlayerEnqueue <file or directory> ... add the files to the current playlist.
MPlayerMru <file or directory from MRU list> ... Play back specified files in MRU list.
MPlayerMruEnqueue <file or directory from MRU list> ... Add the files in MRU list to the current playlist.
MPlayerMruUpdate Write current MRU list to the MRU cache file.
MPlayerMruReload Reload MRU list from MRU cache file.
MPlayerMruClear Clear MRU cahce file.
MPlayerCommand <arg> ... Send slave mode commands to the mplayer.
MPlayerEqualizer <preset name or band string> Set the equalizer of the mplayer.
MPlayerGetProperty <property> Print out the current value of a property.
MPlayerLoop <the number of loop> Specify the number of loop. 0 means infinite loop, -1 means no loop.
MPlayerNext Move to the next music/movie of the current playlist.
MPlayerOperateWithKey Operate the mplayer with keyboard inputs.
MPlayerPrev Move to the previous music/movie of the current playlist.
MPlayerSeek <position> Seek to the specified position. Argument format is .*% (percent based position) or .*s (seconds based position)
MPlayerSeekToEnd Seek to the end of file.
MPlayerSeekToHead Seek to the head of file.
MPlayerSetProperty <property> <values> ... Set a value to the specified property.
MPlayerShowCommandList Show slave mode commands.
MPlayerShowFileInfo Show the file information of the song which currently playing.
MPlayerSpeed <value> Set the play speed of the mplayer. When bang is added, don't keep pitch.
MPlayerStepProperty <property> <value> <direction> Change a property by value, or increase by a default if value is not given or zero.
MPlayerStop Stop the mplayer (kill process of the mplayer)
MPlayerToggleMute Toggle mute or not.
MPlayerTogglePause Toggle pause-state or not.
MPlayerToggleRTTimeInfo Toggle successively show or not show playback time.
MPlayerVolume <value> Set the volume of the mplayer.


Write following code to your .vimrc and execute :call dein#install() in your Vim.

" Dependent plugins
" for Vim without +job feature (neovim doesn't need vimproc)
call dein#add('Shougo/vimproc.vim')
" Optional plugins
call dein#add('Shougo/unite.vim')
call dein#add('Shougo/denite.nvim')
call dein#add('ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim')
call dein#add('junegunn/fzf')
call dein#add('LeafCage/alti.vim')
call dein#add('kamichidu/vim-milqi')

call dein#add('koturn/vim-mplayer', {
      \ 'depends': [
      \   'vimproc.vim',
      \   'unite.vim',
      \   'denite.vim',
      \   'ctrlp.vim',
      \   'alti.vim',
      \   'vim-milqi'
      \ ],
      \ 'on_cmd': [
      \   'AltiMPlayer',
      \   'CtrlPMPlayer',
      \   'MilqiMPlayer',
      \   'FZFMPlayer',
      \   'MPlayer',
      \   'MPlayerEnqueue',
      \   'MPlayerMru',
      \   'MPlayerMruEnqueue',
      \   'MPlayerMruUpdate',
      \   'MPlayerMruReload',
      \   'MPlayerMruClear',
      \   'MPlayerCommand',
      \   'MPlayerStop',
      \   'MPlayerVolume',
      \   'MPlayerVolumeBar',
      \   'MPlayerSpeed',
      \   'MPlayerEqualizer',
      \   'MPlayerToggleMute',
      \   'MPlayerTogglePause',
      \   'MPlayerToggleRTTimeInfo',
      \   'MPlayerLoop',
      \   'MPlayerSeek',
      \   'MPlayerSeekToHead',
      \   'MPlayerSeekToEnd',
      \   'MPlayerOperateWithKey',
      \   'MPlayerPrev',
      \   'MPlayerNext',
      \   'MPlayerShowFileInfo',
      \   'MPlayerCommand',
      \   'MPlayerGetProperty',
      \   'MPlayerSetProperty',
      \   'MPlayerStepProperty',
      \   'MPlayerHelp',
      \   'MPlayerFlush'
      \ ],
      \ 'on_source': ['unite.vim', 'denite.nvim'],

Write following code to your .vimrc and execute :NeoBundleInstall in your Vim.

NeoBundle 'koturn/vim-mplayer'

If you want to use :NeoBundleLazy, write following code in your .vimrc.

NeoBundle 'koturn/vim-mplayer', {
      \ 'depends': [
      \   'Shougo/vimproc.vim',
      \   'Shougo/unite.vim',
      \   'Shougo/denite.vim',
      \   'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim',
      \   'LeafCage/alti.vim',
      \   'kamichidu/vim-milqi'
      \ ],
      \ 'on_cmd': [
      \   'AltiMPlayer',
      \   'CtrlPMPlayer',
      \   'MilqiMPlayer',
      \   'FZFMPlayer',
      \   'MPlayer',
      \   'MPlayerEnqueue',
      \   'MPlayerMru',
      \   'MPlayerMruEnqueue',
      \   'MPlayerMruUpdate',
      \   'MPlayerMruReload',
      \   'MPlayerMruClear',
      \   'MPlayerCommand',
      \   'MPlayerStop',
      \   'MPlayerVolume',
      \   'MPlayerVolumeBar',
      \   'MPlayerSpeed',
      \   'MPlayerEqualizer',
      \   'MPlayerToggleMute',
      \   'MPlayerTogglePause',
      \   'MPlayerToggleRTTimeInfo',
      \   'MPlayerLoop',
      \   'MPlayerSeek',
      \   'MPlayerSeekToHead',
      \   'MPlayerSeekToEnd',
      \   'MPlayerOperateWithKey',
      \   'MPlayerPrev',
      \   'MPlayerNext',
      \   'MPlayerShowFileInfo',
      \   'MPlayerCommand',
      \   'MPlayerGetProperty',
      \   'MPlayerSetProperty',
      \   'MPlayerStepProperty',
      \   'MPlayerHelp',
      \   'MPlayerFlush'
      \ ],
      \ 'on_source': ['unite.vim', 'denite.nvim'],

With Vundle

Write following code to your .vimrc and execute :PluginInstall in your Vim.

" Dependent plugins
" for Vim without +job feature (neovim doesn't need vimproc)
Plugin 'Shougo/vimproc.vim'
" Optional plugins
Plugin 'Shougo/unite.vim'
Plugin 'Shougo/denite.nvim'
Plugin 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
Plugin 'junegunn/fzf'
Plugin 'LeafCage/alti.vim'
Plugin 'kamichidu/vim-milqi'

Plugin 'koturn/vim-mplayer'

Write following code to your .vimrc and execute :PlugInstall in your Vim.

" Dependent plugins
" for Vim without +job feature (neovim doesn't need vimproc)
Plug 'Shougo/vimproc.vim'
" Optional plugins
Plug 'Shougo/unite.vim'
Plug 'Shougo/denite.nvim'
Plug 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf'
Plug 'LeafCage/alti.vim'
Plug 'kamichidu/vim-milqi'

Plug 'koturn/vim-mplayer'

Clone this repository to the package directory of pathogen.

$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-mplayer

With packages feature

In the first, clone this repository to the package directory.

$ git clone ~/.vim/pack/koturn/opt/vim-mplayer

Second, add following code to your .vimrc.

packadd vim-mplayer

With manual

If you don't want to use plugin manager, put files and directories on ~/.vim/, or %HOME%/vimfiles/ on Windows.

Dependent plugins


If you use vim without +job feature or your don't use neovim, following plugin is neccessary.


This plugin provies extensions for following plugins.



This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.


Mplayer frontend for Vim







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