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Greg Neagle edited this page Mar 28, 2016 · 5 revisions


The copy_from_dmg installer type is typically used for "drag-n-drop" disk images; where the vendor has supplied their software on a disk image and expects the user to drag the software from the mounted disk image to some place on the the startup disk (typically, but not always, /Applications/).

copy_from_dmg supports copying arbitrary items from a disk image to arbitrary locations on the startup disk. You can also specify owner, group, and mode for the copied items.


The munkiimport tool will automatically generate a pkginfo file using copy_from_dmg if the item to be imported is a disk image that contains an application at the root of the mounted filesystem.

You can manually create a pkginfo file using the copy_from_dmg method. Use makepkginfo to create a pkginfo item like so:

makepkginfo /Volumes/repo/pkgs/apps/GoogleEarthMacNoUpdate-Intel-5.2.dmg --owner=root --group=admin --mode=go-w --item="Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin" --destinationpath="/Library/Internet Plug-ins"

This creates a pkginfo item instructing Munki to copy "Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin" from the root of the mounted disk image to "/Library/Internet Plug-ins"; to set its owner to "root," group to "admin," and to remove the write bit for "other". The resulting plist looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
            <string>/Library/Internet Plug-ins/Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin</string>
            <string>/Library/Internet Plug-ins</string>
            <string>Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin</string>
    <string>Google Earth Web Plug-in</string>

The Google Earth disk image actually contains two items you might want to install -- the Google Earth application itself, and the Google Earth Web Plug-in. You have two options here:

  1. Create two separate pkginfo items, one for Google and one for Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin. You could then add an "update_for" key to the Google Earth Web Plug-in item, marking it as an update for Google Earth. When munki is instructed to install Google Earth, it will install the Google Earth Web Plug-in as well.

  2. Combine the "installs" and "items_to_copy" sections from the two pkginfo items into a single pkginfo item. makepkginfo currently only supports a single installation item when creating a copy_from_dmg pkginfo item, but the plist itself can support multiple items. Such a combined pkginfo item would look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
            <string>Google Earth</string>
            <string>/Library/Internet Plug-ins/Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin</string>
            <string>/Library/Internet Plug-ins</string>
            <string>Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin</string>
    <string>Google Earth</string>


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