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Elliot Jordan edited this page Apr 19, 2024 · 13 revisions

Important note

This feature requires Munki version 2.7.0 or greater.


This optional feature allows a Munki admin to use third party code, or create their own code to manipulate Munki's HTTP requests. The primary use case for this feature is to provide interaction with APIs, although it is not limited to that. Middleware is activated by the presence of a Python file. If it's there it gets called, if it's not it won't, it's as simple as that.


Middleware gets imported at runtime as a Python module so the middleware file must be written in Python. Nothing is stopping you from then calling another executable from Python, so in that sense, you're not limited to Python. At the beginning of the Munki run, Munki searches for "middleware*.py", it then tries to import it then looks for the function, "process_request_options". The options are then sent through, examined, changed, or not, before heading to the server.

You may only use one middleware file. If you have more then one of middleware file you will have unpredictable results.


For the middleware to work, you will need the following:


Munki is looking for files the start with "middleware" and end with ".py". Examples of good and bad middleware filenames:

  • middleware👎

The middleware file must live in the root of the munkitools folder (/usr/local/munki).


Root must be the owner of the file and be able to read it. Since its imported by python, the executable part isn't necessary. It's important to note that if you plan on storing sensitive information inside you should restrict access.

sudo chown root /usr/local/munki/middleware*.py
sudo chmod 600 /usr/local/munki/middleware*.py
The "process_request_options" function

This is the function that Munki is looking for. Think of it as the "main" fuction for the middleware. If Munki doesn't find this function it will abandon the middleware, and continue on as if it wasn't there.

Example function

def process_request_options(options):
   print('***Requesting: %s' % options.get('url'))
   return options

This is a basic example: Munki sends the request options, we print the requested url and then return the options unchanged.

process_request_options has a single input parameter: the options dictionary (described in detail below). It must return the options dictionary (possibly modified).

Middleware examples

Query Parameters

Query Params Example

from urllib import urlencode

QUERY_PARAMS = {"username": "apiuser", "password": "secret password"}

def encode_params(data):
    """Encode parameters in a piece of data.
    Will successfully encode parameters when passed as a dict or a list of
    2-tuples. Order is retained if data is a list of 2-tuples but arbitrary
    if parameters are supplied as a dict.
    result = []

    for k, vs in QUERY_PARAMS.items():
        if isinstance(vs, basestring) or not hasattr(vs, "__iter__"):
            vs = [vs]
        for v in vs:
            if v is not None:
                        k.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(k, str) else k,
                        v.encode("utf-8") if isinstance(v, str) else v,
    return urlencode(result, doseq=True)

def process_request_options(options):
    url = options.get("url")
    if "" not in url:
        print("URL Before: %s" % options.get("url"))
        # concat url and query string
        options["url"] = options["url"] + "?" + encode_params(QUERY_PARAMS)
        print("URL After: %s" % options.get("url"))
    return options

In the example above we are joining the URL from Munki and query string together.




Headers Example

HEADERS = {"api_key": "123_IAM_A_KEY", "api_secret": "SECRETKEY"}

def process_request_options(options):
    url = options.get("url")
    if "" not in url:
        print("Headers before: %s" % options["additional_headers"])
        # Merge headers with Munki
        print("Headers after: %s" % options["additional_headers"])
    return options

Since the 'additional_headers' key is a dictionary it is easy for us to update retaining the User-Agent and Authorization headers.


{u'Authorization': u'Basic bXVua2k6WUhuUXhWWFFh==', 'User-Agent': u'managedsoftwareupdate/2.6.1 Darwin/15.4.0'}


{'api_secret': 'SECRETKEY', 'api_key': '123_IAM_A_KEY', u'Authorization': u'Basic bXVua2k6WUhuUXhWWFFh==', 'User-Agent': u'managedsoftwareupdate/2.6.1 Darwin/15.4.0'}

Available options

These are all the options that can be changed with the middleware. Most of the time you'll only be interested in the url and the additional_headers

Key Type Description Default Value
url String The 'url' you are requesting.
additional_headers Dictionary These are the HTTP headers that are going in the get request. List of HTTP header fields {'User-Agent': u'managedsoftwareupdate/%MUNKI_VER% Darwin/%OS_VER%'}
follow_redirects String Explained here None
resume Boolean If True, Gurl will attempt to resume an interrupted download. **You should probably leave this alone. False
download_only_if_changed Boolean If destinationpath already exists, you can set 'onlyifnewer' to true to indicate you only want to download the file only if it's newer on the server. **You should probably leave this alone. False
cache_data NSObject **Don't touch this.
logging_function Function The logging function in use. **You should probably leave this alone.

Middleware modules

Here are some middleware modules to try:

Provider URL
Amazon CloudFront
Amazon s3
Backblaze B2
Google Cloud storage
Azure Blob Storage


Munki 6.1

Munki 6

Munki 5

Managed Software Center

Command-line Tools

Munki configuration




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