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Posting Application

Sean McGregor edited this page Nov 15, 2012 · 6 revisions

Posting Application

Status: testing
This specification is being tested in the Firefox and Chrome extensions.

A posting application is an application that generates a new Privly URL. Injectable Application often do the work of generating their link and displaying it within the page, but in some cases it is useful to separate the application for generating a new link from the applications intended to view the content.

A user will be able to specify any posting application by giving the extension the application's address. The extension will come with several pre-packaged posting applications which are served directly from the extensions. The high-level process for posting a new Privly-type link is:

  1. The user selects the form element they want to post the link to (this often through a right click of the mouse)
  2. The extension opens a web application for the current posting application and messages the current contents of the host page's form element.
  3. When interaction with the posting application completes, it fires a privlyUrl event
  4. The extension places the URL into the host page's form element
  5. The extension closes the posting application's window

Sending the URL to the Extension

When the posting application creates a new link, the application will fire an event containing the URL for the extension to add to the host page.

Example Posting Application Event:

var url = "" //the Privly formatted URL
var urlEventElement = document.createElement("privlyEventSender");  
urlEventElement.setAttribute("privlyUrl", url);  
var evt = document.createEvent("privlyEvents");  
evt.initEvent("PrivlyUrlEvent", true, false);  

When we integrate the compiled encryption library, the posting applications will have API access to the user's public and private key. Most users will only use the pre-packaged applications, but they will have the option of using posting applications hosted on remote servers.

See Also: List of Current Injectable Applications