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Lori A. Burns edited this page Apr 28, 2017 · 6 revisions

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CheMPS2 Library

In Psi4, CheMPS2 is a library that provides additional quantum chemical capabilities (DMRG).


  • #####Build Bundled

  • #####Build Without CheMPS2

    setup --chemps2 off
  • #####Build Bundled with Specific HDF5

    setup --hdf5-dir /path/to/hdf5
  • #####Link Against Pre-Built

    setup --chemps2-dir /path/to/chemps2/root
  • #####Link Against Pre-Built with Specific HDF5

    setup --chemps2-dir /path/to/chemps2/root --hdf5-dir /path/to/hdf5/root

Imposing your will upon CMake

  • #####Relevant setup Options:

    --chemps2 {on,off}          Enable CheMPS2 external project (requires HDF5, GSL,
                                ZLIB). If this is left blank, CheMPS2 will be
                                included. (default: None)
    --chemps2-dir PATH          The install directory for a pre-built CheMPS2.
                                'lib/' and 'include/chemps2/DMRG.h' should
                                be in this directory. If this is left blank cmake will
                                build one for you. (default: None)
  • #####Relevant cmake Options:

    -DENABLE_CHEMPS2=ON         - enable CheMPS2 (OFF to disable)
    -DCHEMPS2_ROOT=PATH         - Preferred CheMPS2 directory

* #####Relevant Preprocessor Options:

    ENABLE_CHEMPS2              - set when CheMPS2 is enabled

### <a name="notes"></a>Notes

* Dependency Status: Optional

* #####<a name="chemps2gccflto"></a> How to fix ``plugin needed to handle lto object`` when building CheMPS2

  For building with GCC, errors involving unresolved symbols or a message "plugin needed to handle lto object" may indicate a failure of the interprocedural optimization. This can be resolved by passing full locations to gcc toolchain utilities to ``setup`` or ``cmake``: ``-DCMAKE_RANLIB=/path/to/gcc-ranlib -DCMAKE_AR=/path/to/gcc-ar`` . Details at
