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Lori A. Burns edited this page May 27, 2015 · 1 revision


Creating a Tarball File From a Branch

If you need to share a tarball file for a specific branch, this can be accomplished easily with git. If you are already in the branch you wish to share, and if you wish to share the entire source tree, then, from the top-level psi4 directory, use a command like this:

git archive --prefix=psi4.0b1/ --format=tar 4.0b1 | gzip >../psi4.0b1.tar.gz
  • --prefix=psi4.0b1/ -- prefix every file in the new tarball with this path. You need the trailing slash.
  • --format=tar -- process the files through the tar command
  • 4.0b1 -- the branch to make a tarball from
  • | gzip >../psi4.0b1.tar.gz -- pipe the result of the git command through gzip creating psi4.0b1.tar.gz in the parent directory.

If you are not already in the branch you wish to share, then make sure to precede the branchname with origin/, e.g., --format=tar origin/4.0b1 in the example above.

To share only some particular subdirectory (e.g., the basis set data), run this command from within that directory (e.g., psi4/lib/basis).

Increment the Code

  • In in the new branch, bump up the version number define([psi_version],[4.0.0-beta4])

  • In in the master branch, bump up the version number define([psi_version],[4.0.0-beta4+])

  • In the new branch, check in a configure file so users don't need autoconf.

  • In the new branch in doc/sphinxman/source/, edit the following. The SUBSTITUTE_HERE should be the flat repo created in the next section.

    # Uncomment these lines for named releases
    #version = 'beta4'
    #release = 'beta4'
    # Uncomment these lines for named releases
    #extlinks = {'source':    ('', 'psi4/'),
    #            'srcsample': ('', ''),
    #            'srcbasis':  ('', ''),
    #            'srcplugin': ('', ''),
    #            'srcdb':     ('', '') }

Creating a Flat Public GitHub Mirror From a Branch

For releases, we want the source code to be publicly accessible but not its history (which would include removed files). We also want tickets to track across versions, so every new version should be checked into the psi4/psi4release repository. The steps taken for beta5 are as follows.

  • Package up the target branch into a tarball, directions above. This captures only files under git control. Unpack the tarball and rename the psi4 root directory to psi4release.

    >>> tar -xvfz psi4.0b5.tar.gz
    >>> mv psi4.0b5 psi4release
  • Remove the README.rst associated with the developers' GitHub site and replace it with the users', incrementing the links as necessary.

    >>> rm README.rst
    >>> vi
  • Assume the identity of psi4 to git so github repo will look like it's checked in by psi4 and not you.

    >>> git config --list Burns
    >>> git config --global "psi4"
    >>> git config --global
    >>> git config --list
  • Initialize a git repository in the directory and add all the files and directories.

    >>> git init
    >>> git add .
    >>> git commit
  • Look at the repo history and confirm that only one commit is present.

    >>> git log
      commit 47b23b147779c39cc29e25744edb16877dee4e30
      Author: psi4 <>
      Date:   Tue Jul 2 19:31:20 2013 -0400
           sourceforge psi4.0b5.tar.gz contents
  • Add the GitHub psi4/psi4release repo as a remote.

    >>> git remote add origin
    >>> git remote -v
      origin (fetch)
      origin (push)
  • Force push the repository to GitHub. This will wipe the git history and replace the codeset with an entirely new flat code set.

    >>> git push -u --force origin master