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Lori A. Burns edited this page Jun 6, 2015 · 3 revisions

Setting up Access to Both Public and Private Repositories

The public repository is at psi4/psi4public.git. The private one is at psi4/psi4.git. We intend for the master branch to stay synchronized between these branches. The private repository only exists to allow for private branches to be developed before they are ready to be accessible publicly.

Occasionally a developer makes a change on the master branch of one repository (public or private), and the change needs to be propagated into the master branch of the other repository. This document explains how to do that.

Let's suppose we have a copy of the public repository, checked out using

git clone psi4

(If you are using ssh logins instead of https you would replace every instance of in this document with

We can set up access to the private repository (assuming the user has been added as a collaborator) using the following (the --tags bit pulls tags from the remote:

git remote add --tags priv

Now we can check what repositories we have access to using

git remote -v

This should print back the following:

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
priv (fetch)
priv (push)

To make it easier to remember if origin refers to the public or private branches, we can create an alias to the public repository like this

git remote add pub

Now we can list the repositories with git remote -v and get

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
priv (fetch)
priv (push)
pub (fetch)
pub (push)

Now everything is set up for us to access both repositories.

Synchronizing the Repositories

First, if you've made any changes, make sure to commit those. And if you're adding a tag, do it now

git commit
git tag -a 0.2 -m 'CheMPS2 and setup improvements'

Then, you can synchronize the repositories just by pulling over any changes from both of them, and then pushing the changes back to both of them ("double-pull, double-push"). You must make sure to do this only for the master branch.

git pull pub master
git pull priv master
git push pub master
git push priv master
git push pub 0.2
git push priv 0.2