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pkgdown 1.6.0

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@hadley hadley released this 07 Sep 14:06

Major changes

  • pkgdown now uses the new downlit package for all
    syntax highlighting and autolinking (in both reference topics and vignettes).
    There should be very little change in behaviour because the code in downlit
    was extracted from pkgdown, but this makes it easier to use pkgdown's nice
    linking/highlighting in more places (#1234).

  • pkgdown now uses the ragg::agg_png() device to generate example figures.
    This should be a little faster and produce higher quality output. Learn
    more at (#1320).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

Rd translation

  • \special{} support inside \usage{} added to allow non-standard R usage
    syntax (@klmr, #1345).

  • #ifdef and #ifndef are now supported; the "current" OS is hard coded to
    "unix" to ensure reproducible output regardless of where you build the
    website (#1384).

  • Nested \subsection{}s now generate appropriate heading levels
    (h3, h4, h5 etc) (#1377), and get anchor links (#1389).

  • \preformatted{} no longer double escapes its contents (#1311).

Articles and vignettes

  • build_articles() no longer sets the theme argument of the document format
    to NULL when as_is: true. This should allow it to work with a wider
    range of output formats including bookdown::html_vignette2() and
    friends (@GegznaV, #955, #1352).

  • When build_article() fails, it gives the complete failure message (#1379).

  • Markdown header attributes are now processed in all markdown files (@jonkeane, #1343)

Auto-linking and syntax highlighting

  • The branch used for source linking can be configured by setting
    repo: branch: branch_name in _pkgdown.yml (@jonkeane, #1355):

      branch: main
  • autolink_html() is (soft) deprecated. Please use
    downlit::downlit_html_path() instead.

  • Highlighting of empty expressions works once more (#1310).

  • New deploy$install_metadata option in _pkgdown.yml. Setting it to
    true will store site metadata in the package itself, allowing offline
    access for packages that to autolink to the package's website
    (@mstr3336, #1336).


  • You can now control the background colour of plots with the
    option (it is transparent by default, and given a white background by
    css). See ?build_reference for an example.

  • HTML is automatically stripped from the page title (#1318).

  • Suppressing CRAN dates in news file now actually works.

  • All HTTP requests are now retried upon failure (@jameslamb, #1305).

  • Setting clean = TRUE in deploy_site_github() removes old files from the
    deployed site before building a new one (#1297).