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Hooking item creation functions

Stan Bobovych edited this page Mar 27, 2014 · 5 revisions

Once I reverse engineered most of the item data structures, I wanted to store the items in lists. First step was to search for all the places where weapons.txt was being used. One function looked like this:

005A5BCB   .  51            PUSH ECX
005A5BCC   .  68 4C2D7300   PUSH GameJABi.00732D4C                   ;  ASCII "configs/weapons.txt"
005A5BD1   .  8D5424 20     LEA EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+20]
005A5BD5   .  55            PUSH EBP
005A5BD6   .  52            PUSH EDX
005A5BD7   .  BB 01000000   MOV EBX,1
005A5BDC   .  E8 8FD8E5FF   CALL GameJABi.00403470
005A5BE1   .  83C4 0C       ADD ESP,0C
005A5BE4   .  50            PUSH EAX                                 ; |Arg2
005A5BE5   .  56            PUSH ESI                                 ; |Arg1
005A5BE6   .  E8 55020200   CALL GameJABi.005C5E40                   ; \GameJABi.005C5E40

From that point, I traced through the functions till I could see one of the weapons in memory. For example, the first few bytes for AK 47 look like this: 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0F 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 88 0E 00 00 CC 10 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Once I found the function where the data structure for the weapons was filled in, I made a return hook in which I recorded the weapon in a list. Here is where the return hook went:

0052E323  |. 5F             POP EDI
0052E324  |. 5E             POP ESI
0052E325  |. 8BC3           MOV EAX,EBX
0052E327  |. 5B             POP EBX
0052E328  \. C2 0800        RETN 8

This hook gets executed for each weapon during game loading time.

I repeated the same process for weapon attachments.

0052E566   . E8 F5000000    CALL GameJABi.0052E660
0052E56B   . 8BC6           MOV EAX,ESI
0052E56D   . 5E             POP ESI
0052E56E   . C2 0800        RETN 8                                   


.text:005A5C22 push    eax
.text:005A5C23 push    offset aConfigsClothin          ; "configs/clothings.txt"
.text:005A5C28 lea     ecx, [esp+54h+var_38]
.text:005A5C2C push    ebp
.text:005A5C2D push    ecx
.text:005A5C2E or      ebx, 2
.text:005A5C31 call    sub_403470
.text:005A5C36 add     esp, 0Ch
.text:005A5C39 push    eax
.text:005A5C3A push    esi
.text:005A5C3B call    sub_5C6560
.text:005A5C40 jmp     short loc_5A5C44

Search for patter:02 00 00 00 CE 04

0052E3BB   . 8BC6           MOV EAX,ESI
0052E3BD   . 5E             POP ESI
0052E3BE   . C2 0800        RETN 8