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Reversing XP updating

Stan Bobovych edited this page Jul 25, 2015 · 8 revisions
XP from actions gets updated here

_thiscall update_xp(void * this, int add_exp)
EAX has add_exp
ECX has this *

GameJABiA.exe+14C470 - 56                    - push esi				// push exp increase on stack
GameJABiA.exe+14C471 - 8B F0                 - mov esi,eax
GameJABiA.exe+14C473 - 32 C0                 - xor al,al			// zero out eax
GameJABiA.exe+14C475 - 85 F6                 - test esi,esi			// is esi 0?
GameJABiA.exe+14C477 - 7E 40                 - jle GameJABiA.exe+14C4B9		// if esi != 0
GameJABiA.exe+14C479 - 8B 51 10              - mov edx,[ecx+10]			// ecx is the character (this pointer - 0x10), get current exp from character datastructure and put it in edx
GameJABiA.exe+14C47C - 81 FA D8590000        - cmp edx,000059D8			// exp >= 23000?
GameJABiA.exe+14C482 - 73 35                 - jae GameJABiA.exe+14C4B9		// if yes, return
GameJABiA.exe+14C484 - 03 F2                 - add esi,edx 			// else
GameJABiA.exe+14C486 - 83 79 0C 0A           - cmp dword ptr [ecx+0C],0A	// level >= 10?
GameJABiA.exe+14C48A - 89 71 10              - mov [ecx+10],esi			// copy new exp into character datastructure
GameJABiA.exe+14C48D - 73 2A                 - jae GameJABiA.exe+14C4B9		// if yes, return
GameJABiA.exe+14C48F - 90                    - nop 
GameJABiA.exe+14C490 - 8B 51 0C              - mov edx,[ecx+0C]
GameJABiA.exe+14C493 - 3B 34 95 84DF7100     - cmp esi,[edx*4+GameJABiA.exe+31DF84] // find xp required for next level
GameJABiA.exe+14C49A - 72 1D                 - jb GameJABiA.exe+14C4B9
GameJABiA.exe+14C49C - 83 FA 0A              - cmp edx,0A
GameJABiA.exe+14C49F - 73 10                 - jae GameJABiA.exe+14C4B1
GameJABiA.exe+14C4A1 - 8D 42 01              - lea eax,[edx+01]
GameJABiA.exe+14C4A4 - 89 41 0C              - mov [ecx+0C],eax
GameJABiA.exe+14C4A7 - 8B 04 85 ACDF7100     - mov eax,[eax*4+GameJABiA.exe+31DFAC]	
GameJABiA.exe+14C4AE - 01 41 14              - add [ecx+14],eax			// add training points
GameJABiA.exe+14C4B1 - 83 79 0C 0A           - cmp dword ptr [ecx+0C],0A
GameJABiA.exe+14C4B5 - B0 01                 - mov al,01
GameJABiA.exe+14C4B7 - 72 D7                 - jb GameJABiA.exe+14C490
GameJABiA.exe+14C4B9 - 5E                    - pop esi
GameJABiA.exe+14C4BA - C3                    - ret 
		push esi	           // push exp increase on stack
		mov esi,eax
		xor al,al            // zero out eax
		test esi,esi         // is esi 0?
		jle jmp1     // if esi != 0 continue else jmp to return
		mov edx,DWORD PTR DS:[ecx+0x10]         // ecx is the character (this pointer - 0x110), get current exp from character datastructure and put it in edx
		cmp edx,0x000059D8         // exp >= 23000?
		jae jmp1     // if yes, return
		add esi,edx          // else
		cmp DWORD PTR DS: [ecx+0x0C],0x0A    // level >= 10?
		mov DWORD PTR DS:[ecx+0x10],esi         // copy new exp into character datastructure
		jae jmp1     // if yes, return
		mov edx,DWORD PTR DS:[ecx+0x0C]		
		CMP ESI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX*4+0x71DF84] // find xp required for next level and compare to current level
		jb jmp1									// is current xp > xp for next level? if yes then don't jump
		cmp edx,0x0A							// current level >= 10?
		jae jmp2								// if yes then jump 
		lea eax,DWORD PTR DS:[edx+0x01]			// increment level
		mov DWORD PTR DS:[ecx+0x0C],eax			// store level in character data structure
		MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX*4+0x71DFAC]   // look up how many training points we get for this level
		mov eax, 0x2
		add DWORD PTR DS:[ecx+0x14],eax         // add 2 training points into character data structure
		cmp DWORD PTR DS: [ecx+0x0C],0x0A		// current level < 10?
		mov al,0x01
		jb jmp3									// if yes, then jump
		push ecx
		call changeCharacterStats                // call custom function to increase stats
		pop ecx
		pop esi

Every time character gains XP, a message show up over the character with the number of XP gained.

// Before this 5 was pushed on stack and EBX has " XP" in it
// This parameters determines the color of the text, 5 = blue, 2 = red and teal, 0 = teal and blurry
00416900    55              PUSH EBP
00416901    8BEC            MOV EBP,ESP
00416903    83E4 F8         AND ESP,FFFFFFF8
00416906    83EC 0C         SUB ESP,0C
00416909    53              PUSH EBX
0041690A    56              PUSH ESI
0041690B    57              PUSH EDI
0041690C    8BF8            MOV EDI,EAX
0041690E    8D45 08         LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
00416911    50              PUSH EAX
00416912    8D4C24 14       LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14]
00416916    81C7 E8000000   ADD EDI,0E8
0041691C    51              PUSH ECX
0041691D    E8 9EC1FFFF     CALL GameJABi.00412AC0
00416922    8B7424 10       MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+10]
00416926    8B5F 18         MOV EBX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+18]
00416929    8B3F            MOV EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI]
0041692B    85F6            TEST ESI,ESI
0041692D    74 04           JE SHORT GameJABi.00416933
0041692F    3BF7            CMP ESI,EDI
00416931    74 05           JE SHORT GameJABi.00416938
00416933    E8 477C2900     CALL GameJABi.006AE57F
00416938    8B7C24 14       MOV EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+14]
0041693C    3BFB            CMP EDI,EBX
0041693E    74 23           JE SHORT GameJABi.00416963
00416940    85F6            TEST ESI,ESI
00416942    75 1B           JNZ SHORT GameJABi.0041695F
00416944    E8 367C2900     CALL GameJABi.006AE57F
00416949    3B7E 18         CMP EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+18]
0041694C    75 05           JNZ SHORT GameJABi.00416953
0041694E    E8 2C7C2900     CALL GameJABi.006AE57F
00416953    8D47 10         LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+10]
00416956    5F              POP EDI
00416957    5E              POP ESI
00416958    5B              POP EBX
00416959    8BE5            MOV ESP,EBP
0041695B    5D              POP EBP
0041695C    C2 0400         RETN 4
// this function seems to be called every time a refresh happends
005A9B10    55              PUSH EBP
005A9B11    8BEC            MOV EBP,ESP
005A9B13    83E4 C0         AND ESP,FFFFFFC0
005A9B16    D9EE            FLDZ
005A9B18    81EC F4040000   SUB ESP,4F4
005A9B1E    53              PUSH EBX
005A9B1F    8B5D 0C         MOV EBX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+C]
005A9B22    56              PUSH ESI
005A9B23    57              PUSH EDI
005A9B24    8B7D 08         MOV EDI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]
005A9B27    83EC 0C         SUB ESP,0C
005A9B2A    D95424 08       FST DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8]
005A9B2E    8D4C24 78       LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+78]
005A9B32    D947 70         FLD DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+70]
005A9B35    D95C24 04       FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
005A9B39    D91C24          FSTP DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]
005A9B3C    E8 AF58E6FF     CALL GameJABi.0040F3F0
005A9B41    50              PUSH EAX
005A9B42    8D8424 D0000000 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+D0]
005A9B49    50              PUSH EAX
005A9B4A    8D4F 64         LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI+64]
005A9B4D    E8 6E31E7FF     CALL GameJABi.0041CCC0

case 4 must be enemy hit

005AA0F2  |. /EB 72         JMP SHORT GameJABi.005AA166
005AA0F4  |> |8B4424 78     MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+78]            ;  Case 5 of switch 005A9FEC		// This is the case for XP increase
005AA0F8  |. |6A 00         PUSH 0                                   ; /Arg1 = 00000000
005AA0FA  |. |C74424 60 2B0>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+60],2B             ; |
005AA102  |. |E8 F9C7E6FF   CALL GameJABi.00416900                   ; \GameJABi.00416900
005AA107  |. |8B08          MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
005AA109  |. |898C24 980000>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+98],ECX
005AA110  |. |33C9          XOR ECX,ECX
005AA112  |. |83C0 04       ADD EAX,4
005AA115  |> |8B10          /MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
005AA117  |. |89948C 9C0000>|MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+ECX*4+9C],EDX
005AA11E  |. |41            |INC ECX
005AA11F  |. |83C0 04       |ADD EAX,4
005AA122  |. |83F9 02       |CMP ECX,2
005AA125  |.^|72 EE         \JB SHORT GameJABi.005AA115
005AA127  |. |BB 14307300   MOV EBX,GameJABi.00733014                ;  UNICODE " XP"
005AA12C  |. |EB 38         JMP SHORT GameJABi.005AA166
005AA12E  |> |8B45 08       MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+8]             ;  Case 4 of switch 005A9FEC
005AA131  |. |8378 04 02    CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+4],2
005AA135  |. |8B4424 78     MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+78]
005AA139  |. |75 04         JNZ SHORT GameJABi.005AA13F
005AA13B  |. |6A 04         PUSH 4
005AA13D  |. |EB 02         JMP SHORT GameJABi.005AA141
005AA13F  |> |6A 02         PUSH 2                                   ; /Arg1 = 00000002
005AA141  |> |E8 BAC7E6FF   CALL GameJABi.00416900                   ; \GameJABi.00416900
005AA146  |. |8B08          MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
005AA148  |. |898C24 980000>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+98],ECX
005AA14F  |. |33C9          XOR ECX,ECX
005AA151  |. |83C0 04       ADD EAX,4
005AA154  |> |8B10          /MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX]
005AA156  |. |89948C 9C0000>|MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+ECX*4+9C],EDX
005AA15D  |. |41            |INC ECX
005AA15E  |. |83C0 04       |ADD EAX,4
005AA161  |. |83F9 02       |CMP ECX,2
005AA164  |.^|72 EE         \JB SHORT GameJABi.005AA154
005AA166  |> \8B4424 78     MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+78]            ;  Default case of switch 005A9FEC
005AA16A  |.  6A 05         PUSH 5                                   ; /Arg1 = 00000005
005AA16C  |.  E8 8FC7E6FF   CALL GameJABi.00416900                   ; \GameJABi.00416900