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Ben Forbes Griffith edited this page Jan 1, 2024 · 1 revision

Free&Open-Source Software

FOSS has a rich and fascinating history that traces its roots back to the early days of computing. The story begins in the 1980s when the concept of free software started gaining traction, driven by the efforts of visionary individuals who believed in the principles of openness, collaboration, and freedom in software development.

  1. The Birth of Free Software:
  • The free software movement was catalyzed by Richard Stallman, a programmer and founder of the Free Software Foundation (“FSF”). In 1983, Stallman launched the GNU Project, aiming to develop a free Unix-like operating system. Central to his philosophy was the concept of "free" not only in terms of cost but also in terms of freedom – the freedom to use, modify, and distribute software.
  1. The GNU General Public License (“GPL”):
  • To protect the freedoms of users and ensure that software remains free, Stallman created the GNU General Public License (“GPL”) in 1989. This license, often referred to as a “CopyLeft” license, stipulates that any derivative work must also be distributed under the same terms, preventing the software from being turned proprietary.
  1. Linux+Open-Source Movement:
  • In the early 1990s, Linus Torvalds, a Finnish student, developed the Linux kernel, a crucial component of an operating system. Combined with the GNU software, Linux formed a complete, free, and open-source operating system. This collaboration marked the emergence of a new term (“Open Source”) coined in 1998 to emphasize the pragmatic benefits of freely available source code.
  1. Apache, BSD, and more:
  • Around the same time, other significant “FOSS” projects were gaining momentum. The Apache web server, with its permissive Apache License, became a cornerstone of the World Wide Web. The Berkeley Software Distribution (“BSD”) operating systems also played a vital role, offering a more permissive license compared to the GPL.
  1. The Rise of Communities&Platforms:
  • The internet played a pivotal role in the growth of “FOSS” communities. Platforms like SourceForge (1999) and later GitHub (2008) provided spaces for developers worldwide to collaborate on projects, share code, and contribute to a growing ecosystem of open-source software.
  1. Business&Open Source:
  • As the “FOSS” movement matured, businesses recognized the value of open-source software. Companies like Red Hat successfully built business models around providing support&services for open-source solutions. This shift demonstrated that free&open-source could coexist with commercial interests.
  1. Modern Landscape:
  • Today, the “FOSS” ecosystem is vast and diverse, encompassing operating systems (Linux distributions), web servers, databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL), programming languages (Python, Java), and countless other tools&applications. Many household names, like Android or Mozilla Firefox, are based on open-source principles.
  1. Challenges&Opportunities:
  • While the “FOSS” movement has achieved remarkable success, it faces challenges such as sustaining developer contributions, ensuring diversity and inclusion, and navigating complex legal&licensing issues. Nevertheless, the principles of openness, collaboration, and freedom continue to drive innovation and shape the ever-evolving landscape of Free&Open-Source Software.