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Ben Forbes Griffith edited this page Oct 11, 2023 · 2 revisions

Even though GitHub files are Markdown, and although Markdown supports most HTML, you can’t put <style> or <script> tags in these files… Well, of course you could, but they will just get stripped ⽍

  • Ergo, many people assume they are quite limited in styling these documents per what Markdown will support… But is that truly the case?
  • Once extremely helpful tactic is that you can use SVG images anywhere in your files as an <img src="./file.svg" alt="" />
    • When used that way, even stuff like animations within them play❕ 🤯
  • SVG has nodes like <text> for textual content, but also <foreignObject> for HTML content…
  • SVG also supports <style> tags.
  • awesome GitHub profile examples