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Releases: Dolibarr/dolibarr


04 Aug 11:35
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: reposition was broken if url end with #anchor
FIX: 10.0 - fatal with postgreSQL
FIX: #14109
FIX: #14112
FIX: #14142
FIX: all extrafields cleared after update of one of them
FIX: Avoid warning when creating a module with already existing files
FIX: change selected fields on company card
FIX: Correct ModuleBuilder left menu
FIX: create a deposit with amount using comma didn't work
FIX: Entry from stripe intent were reported into SEPA payments
FIX: Filter on status, closing opening status
FIX: html lost on html extrafield
FIX: Label of popup on thirdparty
FIX: missing possibility to change entity when propal cloning
FIX: missing setup of extrafields for MO
FIX: Missing the tooltip when creating bank account
FIX: Missing token
FIX: non numeric value on comm/card.php
FIX: SQL Problem in customer invoice list
FIX: SQL Problem in social contribution list
FIX: SQL Problem in supplier invoice list
FIX: SQL syntax error when editing extrafields
FIX: Sql type
FIX: takepos 12 hook
FIX: Update form erased extrafields that were hidden
FIX: Update of extrafields date
FIX: Update of extrafiels on draft object
FIX: upload documents into manual ECM was reported a permission error
FIX: Use of office365 TLS with SMTPs method.
FIX: wrong origin
FIX: Permission error during import


03 Jul 00:10
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: $arraydefaultmessage is an object, as well as in /htdocs/core/class/html.formmail.class.php
FIX: 10.0 - pagination in prelevement/bons.php
FIX: 10.0 - undefined $langs if template file copy fails during activation of modContrat
FIX: 11.0 - fatal with postgres on contact/agenda.php
FIX: 11.0 - multicurrency amount not fetched when fetching payments from llx_paiement or llx_paiementfourn
FIX: 11.0 - when using pdftk as per hidden conf USE_PDFTK_FOR_PDF_CONCAT, check that the file exists before displaying a success message
FIX: #13841
FIX: #13877 - Can validate invoice if there is a credit note with VAT 0% on an invoice with other lines with a VAT non 0%
FIX: #13968
FIX: #14001
FIX: #14002
FIX: 9.0 - delete unused mandatory argument from migrate_clean_association: argument count mismatch causes a fatal error since php7
FIX: 9.0 - fatal during migration from 3.1 using PHP 7
FIX: Accountancy - Binding index - Add a filter on sql request for module Subtotal & Jalon
FIX: avoid error "Call to undefined function measuringUnitString()"
FIX: BlindBoolean SQL injection reported by Christian Weiler
FIX: Can create a credit note on situation invoice if previous is also
FIX: can install module even if (x) was appended during download.
FIX: copy value date of VariousPayment onto the new AccountLine
FIX: count of open day when date and start are not open should be 0
FIX: Default bank account was not loaded for document generation.
FIX: Do not show stats panel if the user does not have permissions
FIX: Fix link of the button to create a credit note and fix the awareness of a error that happen when wo create a credit note
FIX: force rounding 2 on export ld compta
FIX: free text on cash desk
FIX: links into emails of notifications
FIX: missing file manifest.json.php
FIX: missing GetNomURL Hook in warehouse class
FIX: missing hook init + table class + $page not set
FIX: missing rollbacks on trigger bad return
FIX: missing translation value for key "NoMorePredefinedProductToDispatch"
FIX: percent must be displayed on one line
FIX: php error if multicompany disabled
FIX: Privilege escalation reported by wizlynx WLX-2020-011
FIX: replace filter parameter "none" by "restricthtml"
FIX: Rounding Total TVA in "crabe" model pdf
FIX: Show ref_customer, amount on contract link object
FIX: Site has moved to https://
FIX: Tickets mail models doesn't work
FIX: vulnerability reported by wizlynx WLX-2020-012
FIX: We must only rename current bank receipt
FIX: when creating a VariousPayment, the value date is not copied onto the AccountLine that gets created at the same time, so the bank transaction's value date will be the payment date instead of the payment's value date
FIX: wrong url param
FIX: XSS using the renaming of .noexe files - reported by Nolan.


03 Jul 00:09
Choose a tag to compare

For users:

NEW: Module MO (Manufacturing Order) is available as stable module.
NEW: Receipt printer module moved from 'development' to 'experimental'
NEW: Add option MAIN_VIEW_LINE_NUMBER_IN_LIST for some lists.
NEW: add numbering module for TakePOS module
NEW: 2 new options when creating an invoice from time spent on a project : by period or by task
NEW: Accountancy add column thirdparty on binding page
NEW: Accountancy - Add Export for Fiducial Winfic eWinfic WinSis Compta
NEW: Accountancy - Add Export LD compta version 10
NEW: Accountancy - Add mode intra & export for product or service bought
NEW: Accountancy - Add possibility to manage a short alternative label for account - Use to simplify accountancy
NEW: Accountancy - General ledger - Add an option to search not reconciled lines
NEW: Add accountancy code of thirdparty in contact and supplier export
NEW: support webp image format
NEW: Add checkbox "overwrite if exists" into ECM/DMS module
NEW: add a link to notes in members list
NEW: add a parameter to group same products in TakePOS
NEW: add a parameter to sort product by label in TakePOS
NEW: Add a profil to import contact categories
NEW: Add company extrafields into order export
NEW: add const CASHDESK_FORCE_DECREASE_STOCK to force batch decrementation
NEW: add const TAKEPOS_NUMPAD_USE_PAYMENT_ICON to use icons on payment buttons
NEW: add csv separator setup in module admin
NEW: add dedicated substitutions keys for extrafields of type date and datetime
NEW: add default warehouse for dispatch
NEW: Add due date in feature "Export accounting documents"
NEW: Add duration information for fichinter
NEW: Start support of Dark theme into ELDY theme
NEW: Add field author public alias for blog post on website module
NEW: Add "finished" field on product list
NEW: Add French association chart of accounts 2018
NEW: Add French farm chart of accounts 2014
NEW: Add French foundation chart of accounts 2018
NEW: add global reduction in cash desk
NEW: Add graph type 'piesemicircle'
NEW: Add hook getInputIdProf. Better solution for #13228
NEW: Add hook on margin list page
NEW: add icon on payment buttons in cash desk
NEW: Add include various payments and loans in accounting report with simplfified accountancy
NEW: Add invoice stat graph and categ search
NEW: Addition of delivery times in substitution variables
NEW: add member to validate on dashboard
NEW: Add method to add social network sharing buttons on blog posts
NEW: add multicurrency columns to document lists
NEW: add numbering module for cash desk
NEW: add Opening Balance column to balance.php
NEW: add opportunity status in project stats
NEW: Add option PDF_USE_ALSO_LANGUAGE_CODE to generate PDF in 2 languages
NEW: Add option to hide all inactive users into combo list of users.
NEW: add PDF certificate if present on document folder
NEW: add product if only one found
NEW: Add product on key "Enter" in search bar
NEW: add professional ID 1 in sepamandate document
NEW: Add Project Ref Column on list of social/fiscal contributions
NEW: add Project Ref in events export
NEW: add public and private notes in propal list
NEW: Add social networks of the company
NEW: Add sorting for contacts of ... pages
NEW: Add subtitution variables for url of document in backoffice
NEW: Add tel and fax in warehouse card
NEW: add total of value in product stat
NEW: add total weighted amount in project list
NEW: add units in product list
NEW: add VAT ID in sepamandate document
NEW: add VAT rates in free zone for product/service in TakePOS
NEW: add weighted amount on project/opportunity
NEW: add width and height measures in product list
NEW: add WYSiWYG on member type's description
NEW: [Allow constants values to be overridden by environment variables]
NEW: Allow custom module class origine type in Mouvementstock
NEW: allow display extrafields on pdf
NEW: Allow extrafields on pdf : extend to line desc
NEW: allow time consumed to be linked to another task
NEW: Another way to navigate between pages for some lists
NEW: Add author column in the client/supplier invoice lists and into order list
NEW: bank account tags for invoice ODT template
NEW: Bar Restaurant tab and Auto order
NEW: better filter on shipment list as other list
NEW: Better php module view admin
NEW: Bookkeeping - Add link to document & pdf
NEW: Bookmarks are now in top menu bar
NEW: Can check all events in one click in setup of audited events
NEW: Can create an deposit from order using a percentage of qty.
NEW: Can edit option PDF_USE_ALSO_LANGUAGE_CODE from PDF setup page
NEW: Can enter and edit stripe credit card using the Stripe card ID
NEW: Can filter on donation status in list
NEW: Can replace a string into all pages in website module
NEW: Can select several fields to personalize list before submit.
NEW: Can select which element to export in export accounting documents.
NEW: can update contact in import model
NEW: Cash Fence in TakePOS
NEW: Categories and subcategories sorted by label in TakePOS
NEW: Categories for actioncomm
NEW: Category filter for bank and warehouse list
NEW: Chart of accounts to Ecuador
NEW: class tool for converting units
NEW: Close #13011 Add button create thirdparty when creating intervention
NEW: Colorful theme for TakePOS
NEW: columns units in product list
NEW: compatibility of translabel with more dictionaries
NEW: Confirm file delete on invoice card
NEW: "contact_civility" for ODT templates
NEW: CUPS printing compatibility for TakePOS
NEW: Customer command list - Add date start & date end
NEW: display weight in shipment list
NEW: Documentation about PHP support in Dolibarr
NEW: Donation - Update FR CERFA to 11580*04
NEW: Easier way to setup the different types of tax. Better visibility.
NEW: Expedition list - Add date start & date end
NEW: Experiment supplier packaging with option PRODUCT_USE_SUPPLIER_PACKAGING: Using price according to the minimum quantity
NEW: Export module, add extrafields for Contract and Contract line
NEW: Extend retained warranty to be available for all invoices
NEW: French new regions
NEW: hook and data id
NEW: hook on ics generation to add more events in eventarray
NEW: hook on product load stats
NEW: If $dolibarr_main_force_https is set, the flag 'secure' on session
NEW: ignore dir for apple pay with stripe
NEW: Invoice list - Add date start & date end
NEW: invoice list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: labels on reduction buttons in cash desk
NEW: Minimum sell prices taking into account in TakePOS
NEW: monthly view to enter time
NEW: Multiple sales in TakePOS
NEW: multiselect categorie client stats facturation
NEW: no confirm discard ticket if paid
NEW: not show linked table on add message action
NEW: only auto print paid ticket in cash desk
NEW: only show units columns in product list (not in service list)
NEW: order list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: Overwrite tpl with module_part['tpl'] is deprecated. USe hooks
NEW: possibility to defined rounding rules by currency
NEW: possibility to show society info when print page
NEW: Povide a RSS Feed for blogposts
NEW: Project task list, add column selector and extrafields
NEW: Propal list - Add date start & date end
NEW: propal list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: Restore version of application on main screen (for screenshots)
NEW: Salaries list - Add date start & date end
NEW: search on key code "enter" if defined in TakePOS
NEW: set payment method on paid ticket in TakePOS
NEW: Show active widget state of a RSS feed
NEW: Show count of each category elements in category card
NEW: Show creator, last update user of category/tag in the information tab
NEW: Show list of users in the user category card
NEW: show messages on ticket card
NEW: show "New category" button in top of sub categories list
NEW: show project label in project index
NEW: Show units of products in stocks and hide total units if content is of diffents units
NEW: sorting elements on project overview
NEW: special option MAIN_CREATEFROM_KEEP_LINE_ORIGIN_INFORMATION to store in document line created form other documents lines the id of original lines and origin class line rather than origin object id and origin object type
NEW: stats invoice graph with 3 bars (3 years instead of 2)
NEW: supplier invoice list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: supplier order list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: supplier proposal list: enable multicurrency columns
NEW: Support of tag {line_pos} for line numbers for tables in ODT templates
NEW: Support some HTML contents into ODT documents
NEW: Parameters for Bar Restaurant are grouped in same tab
NEW: Takepos : Sort products by reference
NEW: Takepos supplements are supported.
NEW: The info_admin() can show text after click on other text
NEW: The module selection uses a KanBan view by default.
NEW: tooltip for Unit_type and scale in "Dictionary setup - Measuring Units"
NEW: tooltip notes with first public note and then private note
NEW: Tree view for sub-categories
NEW: Truncate columns names when too long and show full title as popup
NEW: upload odt models for invoices, order, proposal, thirdparties and shipments.
NEW: Use native --convert-to feature to convert to pdf
NEW: Add user on order list
NEW: Various payment list - Add search date start & date end & subledger account
NEW: visu FROM day TO day in permonth view
NEW: Website logs are now into a separated log file.
NEW: X-Axis on graph are shown verticaly when there is a lot of values.
NEW: Can force ref of a variant product

For developers or integrators:

NEW: Add a method $form->widgetForTranslation to allow any field of a form to be entered into different languages.
NEW: Add API to get types of expense reports
NEW: API filter bankaccounts by category
NEW: API filter contacts by cate...

Read more


03 Jul 00:09
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: #13749
FIX: #7594 Expense report multi pagebreak
FIX: Access to undeclared static property: Contact::$table_element
FIX: actions on supplier proposal not saved (bad trigger name)
FIX: Add function "completeTabsHead" to "addreplace" type hook.
FIX: All forms must use newToken()
FIX: Another "Access to undeclared static property: Contact::$table_element" && "Societe::$table_element"
FIX: author search supplier proposal list
FIX: A variable was erased by a temporary variable
FIX: Avoid infinite loop when a fetch is inside a compute field.
FIX: Backto link
FIX: Bad position of total in column
FIX: bad value in currency into discount created from down payment
FIX: buyprice extrafield langfile and tooltip
FIX: Buyprice was updated only if min price for this qty had same qty
FIX: Can switch from double to price type for extrafields
FIX: Can use decimal value in virtual products
FIX: child categories only with good entity rights
FIX: cloning of emailing when no content selected
FIX: closing tags
FIX: Combo list of available users to filter on the list of leaves.
FIX: Compatibility with multicompany, bad numerotation of task.
FIX: consistency of price w/wo vat wrong when price entered with tax
FIX: default value of selectMasssAction broken
FIX: draftordered replenish virtual stock
FIX: Error update SQL into stock reception
FIX: expensereport status in generated pdf
FIX: extra date field incorrect check
FIX: Extrafields of type price must be '' and not '0' if not defined
FIX: Foreign currency lost when splitting a discount
FIX: get remain to pay with rounding decimals
FIX: gzip and bzip2 must use option -f
FIX: IHM, unexpected quote
FIX: keep viewstatut for doli 3.5
FIX: Link missing into email of some notification
FIX: Look and feel v11
FIX: md stylesheet to be included by external modules like eldy
FIX: missing array option
FIX: missing default accountancy product buy code
FIX: missing fk_bank during export of suppliers invoices
FIX: missing member entity
FIX: missing selectedlines on supplier order but checkbox are displayed
FIX: Missing token and take into account max date when it can.
FIX: model export list must be sorted by label
FIX: Must escape shell
FIX: Must exclude logs and some dirs for compressed backup
FIX: ordered stock already in $stock
FIX: picture migration script from doli 9.0
FIX: print pictures on shipment docs
FIX: product get purchase prices
FIX: product purchase prices
FIX: Protection when database has a corrupted product id
FIX: remove unused var, $usercancreate can be change by Multicompany
FIX: replenish stock to buy
FIX: Sanitizing menu parameter
FIX: Send email from bulk action of list of thirdparties
FIX: setup of suggested payment mode on proposals and orders
FIX: Several pb in export of documents
FIX: Situation invoice take into account the credit notes.
FIX: some others modules (like subtotal) use other product_type than 0 or 1 AND must not be considered in this report
FIX: sort by default role makes no sense
FIX: sort on company on member list
FIX: TakePOS buying price
FIX: text version of html emailing (removed the body style)
FIX: The "test smtp connectivity" failed on page to setup mass emailing
FIX: Error logs an Orderline::delete error, but this is an Orderline::insert error
FIX: Translation of tooltips of extrafields
FIX: Use getNomURL instead of hard coded link. Fix limit.
FIX: Use of image into free text for PDF if DOL_DATA_DIR is outside of
FIX: viewstatut to search status
FIX: we must export company mail address on contact vcard only if contact email address is empty
FIX: when we filter a list on a view status, we want this filter to be on bookmark that we create
FIX: Wrong Sql on getListOfTowns api method
FIX: wrong user right's name to top menu "commercial"
FIX: XSS Vulnerability reported by Mehmet Kelepçe / Gais Cyber Security


03 Jul 00:09
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: 10.0 - missing translations for "orders" homepage "orders" box
FIX: 10.0 - status missing from last customer invoices box when using MAIN_STATUS_USES_CSS
FIX: 10.0 - translations for "orders" not loaded in the homepage box
FIX: #10309
FIX: #12875
FIX: #12932
FIX: #12966
FIX: #12973
FIX: #13304
FIX: advanced target emailing sql and ergonomy
FIX: an external user can not approved
FIX: Bad translation for productlot EatBy and SellBy
FIX: better check
FIX: better method to check user rights AND usergroup rights !
FIX: CA by prod list filter
FIX: can be a string or integer
FIX: Check on unicity on prof id was not triggered sometimes
FIX: clone of purchase order
FIX: compatibility with multicompany (avoid duplicate data)
FIX: complex export model loading
FIX: date filter not used if no operator
FIX: date order was -1D and desc with label repetition
FIX: default lang selection when filter
FIX: dom and missing param
FIX: drafts are now implemented for stats
FIX: Error in log for email sending with smtps was not complete
FIX: Extrafield position in export field list must respect "pos" field
FIX: FEC export format
FIX: FEC export have specific name
FIX: fetching account on current entity
FIX: Filenames must not contains non ascii char or we will get non ascii
FIX: fk_type subscription list via api REST
FIX: Force FEC export to txt format
FIX: get remain to pay with rounding decimals
FIX: Invert isSellerInEEC and isBuyerInEEC
FIX: keep assigned users in session when loading projects and tasks
FIX: length, width and height units coherence in product table
FIX: links in products/services index
FIX: Mail smtps truncated if content has a line with single .
FIX: missing array option
FIX: missing global $conf
FIX: missing hook parameter
FIX: Missing Linked objects Fichinter Ref. in PDF formats
FIX: missing "statut" for getNomUrl() function
FIX: multicompany for discount
FIX: must be == and not =
FIX: Problem with column label in subscription list
FIX: regex for include or exclude categories in full arbo
FIX: Remove unexisting link
FIX: remove unused var, $usercancreate can be change by Multicompany
FIX: require category class in extrafield
FIX: round MT in accountancy books
FIX: search with '0'
FIX: send expense report mail in HTML format
FIX: SQL request and phpunit
FIX: substitute lines dates values on doc generator (ODT, ...)
FIX: test on 0 better than isset
FIX: The "automatic bind" was linked EEC to export accountancy code
FIX: thirdparty alias name desappeared if we change country with THIRDPARTY_SUGGEST_ALSO_ADDRESS_CREATION conf
FIX: timezone must be tzserver and not tzuser as well as on contract card
FIX: typo on ckeck method
FIX: use "usergroup" instead "user"
FIX: Visualization rights correction on last modified contacts box
FIX: Warning on admin/export_files
FIX: We want to be able to import data for extrafields of entity 0 too
FIX: when we filter a list on a view status, we want this filter to be on bookmark that we create
FIX: wrong test
FIX: XSS vulnerability in description of list of audit events.
FIX: z-index for moretabsList with constant MAIN_MAXTABS_IN_CARD


20 Mar 13:55
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: unit price for selected supplier products not set. NaN was used.
FIX: use bad var to check if total is positive for each VAT rate when validating an invoice
FIX: status missing from last customer invoices box when using MAIN_STATUS_USES_CSS
FIX: translations for "orders" not loaded in the homepage box
FIX: #13194
FIX: #13274 cannot add or update 0 value for an int or double extrafield
FIX: #13285 SQL error during migration with pgsql
FIX: #13294
FIX: #13313
FIX: Clone Fourn Command, add line's extrafields
FIX: cols parameter not propagated to tpl
FIX: CSRF error when creating an intervention
FIX: date order was -1D and desc with label repetition
FIX: empty of series in graph of product distribution
FIX: fk_type subscription list via api REST
FIX: link when using anchor on "/" in website module
FIX: menu export document was not visible when using "simple accounting"
FIX: missing class declaration
FIX: missing global $conf
FIX: Missing token in some forms (avoid unset POST errors)
FIX: params of setEventMessage($langs->trans('ErrorProductClone')...
FIX: Remove unexisting link
FIX: mass action on stock movements
FIX: substitute lines dates values on doc generator (ODT, ...)
FIX: Ticket - Load Cache Messages Ticket, wrong message's status
FIX: Ticket Public - Private messages are displayed
FIX: wrong include - replace extrafields_create.tpl.php to extrafields_add.tpl.php


20 Mar 13:55
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: #10309
FIX: #13110
FIX: #13118
FIX: #13124
FIX: #13131
FIX: #13135
FIX: #13146
FIX: #13198
FIX: #13175
FIX: #13182
FIX: #13183
FIX: #13184
FIX: #13263
FIX: #13267
FIX: an external user can not approve
FIX: API Get list of documents for supplier_invoice
FIX: API to push an expense report
FIX: API upload/download doc for expensereport
FIX: Avoid to download the export if we just press enter to refresh form
FIX: Bad link to template invoices
FIX: Bad sort link in accounting report
FIX: Bad translation for productlot EatBy and SellBy
FIX: better method to check user rights AND usergroup rights !
FIX: CA by product list filter
FIX: Disable js if no javascript
FIX: duplicate class name into some log lines
FIX: etrafield with visibilty=5 were not in read only.
FIX: excess paid from situation invoices not counted when calculating remain to pay.
FIX: Force FEC export to txt format.
FIX: Free input for email no more visible.
FIX: Keep assigned users in session when loading projects and tasks
FIX: List of viewed projects too large in task widget.
FIX: Menu truncated. Add tooltip to have all content.
FIX: Missing field "billed" in export.
FIX: missing "statut" for getNomUrl() function
FIX: modFournisseur is required by modSupplierProposal
FIX: Multicompany compatibility
FIX: must be == and not =
FIX: option for topbar search and bookmarks
FIX: some responsive troubles
FIX: round MT in accountancy books
FIX: search with '0'
FIX: sort link
FIX: SQL Overload in default contact trigger.
FIX: SQl syntax error.
FIX: Submit of documents for supplier invoices.
FIX: timezone must be tzserver and not tzuser as on contract card
FIX: token in barcode tools page missing
FIX: Type of contact for event does not exists and not supported
FIX: Type of contact not saved when creating a contact
FIX: typo on ckeck method
FIX: undefined function measuringUnitString in product list
FIX: Usage of project not available in export.
FIX: wrong test
FIX: z-index for moretabsList with constant MAIN_MAXTABS_IN_CARD
FIX: Use GETPOST instead of POST
FIX: HTML Injection
FIX: Visualization rights correction on last modified contacts box.
FIX: Vulnerability in module from modulebuilder.
FIX: Vulnerability reported by code16


20 Mar 13:54
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: advanced target emailing sql and ergonomy.
FIX: After import of a website template, home page was not set.
FIX: Avoid deletion of bank record if in accounting
FIX: compatibility with multicompany (avoid duplicate data)
FIX: Confusion between 'bank reconciled' and 'accounted'. Show both data.
FIX: Count of Stripe payment mode must take test/live into account
FIX: Creation of Stripe card from backoffice must return a clean message
FIX: CVE-2019–17223
FIX: CVE-2019–17223
FIX: CVE-2020-7994
FIX: CVE Need permission to be able to develop modules
FIX: #13053
FIX: Disable ticket status change if ticket closed
FIX: doc of dictionnary API
FIX: expedition ceate line new parameter is not required.
FIX: export ledger
FIX: FEC export have specific name
FIX: Filenames must not contains non ascii char or we will get non ascii
FIX: Filter on list of events were lost after "Back to list"
FIX: hasDelay for retained warranty
FIX: If we can change vendor status, we must be able to chane vendor code
FIX: links in products/services index
FIX: Log of authentication ok or ko + CVE-2020-7996
FIX: Look and feel v11
FIX: Mail smtps truncated if content has a line with single .
FIX: missing hook parameter
FIX: Missing include
FIX: need weight short label in shipping doc
FIX: Picture of contact not visible in tooltip
FIX: Problem with column label in subscription list
FIX: ref_client not visible in tooltip.
FIX: search filter on extrafields were not restored after "Back to list"
FIX: situation invoice: allow excess paid to be converted to discount
FIX: situation invoice: bad amount for previous payments because of local variable overwriting a more global one
FIX: situation invoice: can't convert excess received to discount & bad previous payment amount
FIX: SQL request and phpunit
FIX: Update export_files.php
FIX: Use ref into label of ticket message
FIX: use "usergroup" instead of "user"
FIX: Warning on admin/export_files
FIX: #10203
FIX: default filtering for 'select' extrafields should use "=", not "LIKE"
FIX: #11975 When a product is split between multiple pages in a document, prices/quantity/etc appear on the last relevant page
FIX: #12760 #12763 #12755 #12765 #12751
FIX: #12874
FIX: #12892
FIX: #12908 User login with credentials from self-subscription form fails
FIX: #12932
FIX: #12966
FIX: #12973
FIX: #12974
FIX: #12975
FIX: #12978
FIX: #12986
FIX: #12991
FIX: #12992
FIX: #12995
FIX: #13018 Extrafields Supplier invoice
FIX: #13019
FIX: #13022
FIX: #13028
FIX: #13038 ExpenseReport PDF - custom category description is not correct
FIX: #13046 More complete
FIX: #13048
FIX: #13050
FIX: #13077 Replace left join with inner join (left join was useless)
FIX: #13085
FIX: #13094
FIX: #13096
FIX: #13100


10 Feb 00:37
Choose a tag to compare

For Users:

NEW: Module BOM is now stable.
NEW: Module MO (Manufacturing Order) is available with experimental status.
NEW: Can set the Address/Contact by default on third parties.
NEW: Add a dictionary to edit list of Social networks.
NEW: A nicer dashboard for open elements on Home page.
NEW: Add task widget and add task progress bar
NEW: Support of deployment of metapackages
NEW: Menu "Export accounting document" to generate a zip with all documents requested by a bookkeeper is now stable.
NEW: Add button "Save and Stay" in website editor of pages.
NEW: Accountancy - Can add specific widget in this accountancy area.
NEW: Accountancy - Add export model LDCompta V9 & higher
NEW: Accountancy - Add permission on export, delete operations in ledger
NEW: Can defined alternative profiles (email and signatures) for users.
NEW: add ability to edit price without tax before adding a line of a predefined product.
NEW: Add a tab to setup "Opening hours" of company (information only).
NEW: Add attendee to ical export + cleanup.
NEW: Add bank data of users into the expense report exports.
NEW: add clone customers prices in clone product or service.
NEW: Add column of module source and POS terminal in the invoice list.
NEW: Add column last modification date into the table of targets for emailing.
NEW: Add column VAT rate in product list
NEW: Add constant MAIN_DISABLE_GLOBAL_WORKBOARD to disable workboard in home page
NEW: add country code in import product model
NEW: Add 'Direct Cash Payment' button in TakePOS
NEW: Add odt support to supplier orders
NEW: Add feature to search a string into website containers
NEW: Add GET and POST /supplierinvoices/payments REST API endpoints.
NEW: Show progress bar for declared progression of tasks.
NEW: Add last change date in page "Other setup". Can sort page on name/date.
NEW: Add link to export targets of an emailings into a CSV file.
NEW: Add link to the public interface on the ticket card.
NEW: Add location into event tooltip. Use full day for fullday events
NEW: add MAIN_LANGUAGES_ALLOWED constant to limit languages displayed.
NEW: add mass actions in shipment list.
NEW: add minimum stock filter in load warehoues for product form.
NEW: add name_alias in fields used for quick search.
NEW: add new rule fetchidfromcodeandlabel for categories import.
NEW: add office phone for salespresentatives
NEW: add office phone & job on user tooltips
NEW: Add pagination on list of object of a category
NEW: add parent category id or label in import category module
NEW: add parent id or ref column in warehouse import
NEW: Add search into template
NEW: Add shipment widget
NEW: Add statistics on product into contracts
NEW: Add status of warehouse in the tooltip of a warehouse.
NEW: add supplier's product list
NEW: add units fields in buying price tab of product card
NEW: Add units in select products lines
NEW: Add upload document on account statement
NEW: Add widgets for BOMs and MOs.
NEW: Amount invoiced column in proposal list
NEW: Ask the new label and new dates in confirm popup when cloning tax
NEW: auto set closing date and user on invoice
NEW: Avoid wrap between picto and text on getNomUrl
NEW: Balance Stripe connect account for supplier
NEW: Bank Add an option for colorize background color of debit or credit movement
NEW: Beautify the select box of warehouses
NEW: Add birthday widget for members
NEW: Widgets uses fiscal year.
NEW: Can change supplier when cloning a Purchase Order.
NEW: can choose lines to keep while creating order from origin
NEW: Can crop/resize image attached on a bank record
NEW: Can edit date or RUM mandate.
NEW: Can edit link to the translation page in website module
NEW: Can edit the price of predefined product during adding in documents
NEW: Can enter price tax incl on vendor proposal and purchase orders
NEW: Can filter on description on bank account transaction lists.
NEW: Can filter on label on invoice in accounting vendor binding pages
NEW: Can load multilang translation in same step than fetch_lines
NEW: Can restrict access using DAV module to some host IPs only
NEW: Can restrict API usage to some IP only
NEW: Can select website templates from available default templates with a preview.
NEW: Can set a squarred icon on your company setup
NEW: can specify hour start end for selectDate and step for minutes
NEW: Categories/Tags are also available on warehouses
NEW: Check if a resource is in use in an event
NEW: Compute column value from others columns in import module
NEW: Copy linked categories on product clone process.
NEW: Digitaria model for numbering accountancy thirdparty
NEW: Display membership in takepos if member linked to the thirdparty
NEW: Display supplier in objectline if defined
NEW: Add default duration of subscriptions on members type
NEW: Email template for Takepos (to send invoice)
NEW: Expense request and holiday validator fields
NEW: Export ledger table in Charlemagne format
NEW: Extend option ORDER_ADD_ORDERS_WITH_PARENT_PROD_IF_INCDEC for all virtual product stats (renamed into PRODUCT_STATS_WITH_PARENT_PROD_IF_INCDEC)
NEW: Value "None" to unbind an invoice line and its accounting account is more visible
NEW: FCKeditor setup for tickets
NEW: The default theme of TakePOS work better on smartphones.
NEW: GeoIP v2 support is natively provided -> So IPv6 is supported
NEW: List by closing date on order list and proposal list
NEW: Look and feel v11: Some setup pages are by default direclty in edit mode.
NEW: Management of retained warranty on situation invoices
NEW: Mass email action on invoice list use billing contact if exists
NEW: more living colors for charts and option for "color bind" people
NEW: Supports multiple payments in a TakePOS sale
NEW: multiselect with checkbox in categories/tags search for product list
NEW: Option to allow to create members from third-party
NEW: Platform compliance with Stripe Connect
NEW: print / send email form in TakePOS
NEW: Public holidays are now in a dictionary table (no more hard coded per country)
NEW: Better performance by reducing the $companystatic calls on some pages.
NEW: Replace the "info" tab on contract with the more complete "agenda" tab.
NEW: Save user of last modification in donation record.
NEW: Show html combo list instead input text for extrafields typed as list.
NEW: Show POS application and the terminal used on invoice card.
NEW: Add categories/tags for stocks.
NEW: Support Net Measure in product's card.php
NEW: Extrafields separator can be collapsed or not
NEW: Extrafields support on Leave requests.
NEW: Extrafields support on Salaries.
NEW: Extrafields support in Product supplier prices.
NEW: Add extrafields for warehouses
NEW: Add extrafields in export of expense report (and holiday)
NEW: The integrity checker now show also the expected size of files.
NEW: The order method in purchase order is now mandatory when recording an order.
NEW: update / delete stripe account for supplier
NEW: Use the gender of member for picto in member lists.
NEW: Use the squarre logo as favicon of pages
NEW: VAT list - Add date start & date end in filters
NEW: widget box for supplier orders awaiting reception
NEW: Update translations
NEW: #4301

For Developers or integrators:

NEW: Compatible with PHP 7.4
NEW: Code for extrafields uses the new array $extrafields->attributes
NEW: Can set a filter on object linked in modulebuilder.
NEW: Can defined a position of numbering submodules for thirdparties
NEW: Add option multiselect for developers on the selector of language.
NEW: Add a manifest.json.php file for web app.
NEW: Support of deployement of metapackages
NEW: Removed deprecated code that create linked object from ->origin
NEW: experimental zapier for dolibarr
NEW: Accountancy - Add hook bookkeepinglist on general ledger
NEW: Can update product type with the update method.
NEW: add API shipment mode dictionnary
NEW: Add API to get Country by code and iso
NEW: Add API to get objects by ref, ref_ext, ...
NEW: Add anonymous telemetry
NEW: Add a category to a contact in API
NEW: Add fk projet on stock movement
NEW: Add hidden option to set fields for the quick search on products.
NEW: add hook on commongeneratedocument
NEW: Add hook on fileupload.class.php to enable modules to override…
NEW: Add hooks on index pages
NEW: adding 'formObjectOptions' hooks loading at card.php of adherents module
NEW: Add method getStructuredData for website
NEW: Add payments GET and POST REST API endpoints for supplierinvoices.
NEW: Add POST /bankaccounts/transfer REST API endpoint.
NEW: add "printBucktrackInfo" hook, an external module can add info
NEW: Add trigger DIRECT_DEBIT_ORDER_CREATE on widthdraw is missing
NEW: API to post documents for "product" and Delete document
NEW: add new function "setEntity()" and better compatibility with Multicompany
NEW: Can add a button "Create" after combo of object with modulebuilder.
NEW: contacts type dictionnary in api_setup.class.php
NEW: Look and feel v11: Introduce CSS "trforbreak"
NEW: list of measuring units API
NEW: get social networks dictionary by API
NEW: Get thirdparty's salesrepresentatives by API
NEW: get user connected informations in REST API
NEW: mode for list thirdparty API (add easy filter for supplier only)
NEW: purchase_prices API
NEW: Provides more complete demo data
NEW: Module builder can generate CSS of JS file.
NEW: Use a dedicated css for the pencil to edit a field.
NEW: multilangs in fetch_lines
NEW: Add more complete info for triggers actioncom
NEW: add ...

Read more


20 Mar 14:02
Choose a tag to compare

FIX Regression of 10.0.5 to create/edit proposals and orders.
FIX: #12760 #12763 #12755 #12765 #12751
FIX: add product qty in shipment already sent (fix for option STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_SHIPMENT_NEW)
FIX: an issue that shows all entities stock
FIX: class Facture undefined in displaying margin information
FIX: error 500 when getting margin info for objects other than invoices
FIX: Loan card - Wrong language key used
FIX: Missing language key for MAIN_MAXTABS_IN_CARD
FIX: product with empty stock were not visible
FIX: remove backward compatibility projectid and uses object id instead
FIX: Some issues on salary payment
FIX: Some problems on conciliation with others modules
FIX: typo on language key
FIX: url new for task time spent in project element tab
FIX: uses GETPOSTISSET instead of GETPOST for projectfield
FIX: var transkey not defined in input hidden
FIX: wrong var name and avoid warning