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beginner-friendly unit testing framework utility for C and C++


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C and C++ test-driven-development framework



Made with

  • GNU binutils, coreutils, g++, gcc, gdb, and make
  • POSIX sh script
  • valgrind


Until hanamake is added to common distribution repos, manual installation is required.

To temporarily install the software in a
GNU / Linux / Unix (macOS) / WSL (Windows 10+) / Cygwin (Windows 7+) environment:

  1. Download the repo
  2. Navigate to the repo directory
cd ~/Downloads/hanamake  # probably here
  1. Add the current working directory to your PATH variable

How to use in 5 minutes


  Usage: hanamake [ -s <source-directory> ... ]
       | hanamake debug [ <function-name> ... ]
       | hanamake clean

WARNING: hanamake is currently in beta.
Some features and functionality are incomplete.

hanamake debug mode is in development.

In all .c and .cpp files below the directories specified with the -s option (default: source),
hanamake will look for function names enclosed with: hanamake_test( ) and check
the validity of corresponding assertions enclosed with: hanamake_assert( ).

For example, in C:

int add(int A, int B) { return A + B; }

#ifdef hanamake_test

    // Test commutative property of addition
    hanamake_assert(add(1, 2) == 3);
    hanamake_assert(add(2, 1) == 3);


The add function adds 2 numbers together,
and the test assertions tell hanamake to check that:

  • add(1, 2) == 3
  • add(2, 1) == 3

If none of the assertions fail (meaning: none of the expressions evaluate as false),
then hanamake will notify you during the testing phase that the test for add passed.

Otherwise, it will notify you that the test for add failed,
and record all failed assertions for add and their locations in a log file somewhere under hanamade/log.

The important log file is hanamade/complete.log.
It is the union of all failure logs with additional context.

For tests that fail, you can initiate debug mode via hanamake debug to re-run the failed tests in gdb with the failed assertions marked, and move through the logic step by step to help isolate the cause.

The main (if not only) gdb commands you'll need to know are:

  • r or run the program
  • n or next statement/line/instruction
  • s or step into the function (instead of executing it and moving on)
  • c or continue to the next breakpoint
  • p or print a variable's value--you just type p variable_name
    and it will tell you the current value
  • q or quit the GNU debugger (gdb)

The main reason behind gdb integration via debug mode is friction.
Running the tests, checking results, then working out where to start looking for bugs is a cumbersome loop.

Since hanamake runs a minimum of tests partly by working out inter-function dependency,
hanamake can also tell you where failures with greater consequences are, and thus where you should consider looking first.

And instead of making you look, since it already logged where the failures occured, it can just take you there and pause program execution just before failure via gdb breakpoints, potentially saving you hours if you had no idea where to start, and otherwise providing a systematic approach to eliminating run-time errors.

There are more features I could talk about that I spent a lot of time on, but if I've done this well, you'll appreciate them even if you're unaware.

The goal of hanamake is to be a brain-dead simple to use Unit & Regression testing tool and easy debugger experience that newcomers and veterans alike can enjoy with projects big and small.

That said, newcomers, students, interns, and beginners otherwise are the priority.
I hope this helps you on your journey.


Any file or directory above or below a <source-directory> must not have tabs, spaces, or newlines in its name. Despite my best efforts to allow them (see and launch-support), the build-support code (and GNU makefile in particular) relies heavily on their absence.

Functions are only detected as dependencies when invoked directly (i.e. not through a function pointer variable).

User defined global variable mutation effects are not accounted for by the testing system.

Tests for C (including extern "C") and C++ functions must only appear in files with their respective extentions:

  • .c for C and extern "C"
  • .cpp for C++

and must use a slight variation in syntax for each as follows:


  ... setup code ...

  hanamake_assert(boolean expression) ;

  ... cleanup code ...


hanamake_test(namespace::...function_name(parameter_type, ...))
  ... setup code ...

  hanamake_assert(boolean expression) ;

  ... cleanup code ...

The 2 variations really are almost identical:

Conceptually, you're just passing a function to the testing system.
In practice, hanamake pre-mangles specified target C++ function signatures in .cpp files, hence the slight, but rigid difference.

This is needed to unambiguously tell the hanamake testing system which C or C++ function the test is for.

It's worth noting that hanamake_assert( ) returns its evaluated boolean, so it can be used in other expressions and if(statements).

That said, there are 2 additional constraints on the syntax of C++ function signatures passed to hanamake_test( ):

  • Array parameter types in C++ hanamake_test( ) statements must be expressed with pointer syntax:
    An int array[] parameter is expressed as int*
    Specifically, function_name(int array[]) is marked for testing with hanamake_test(function_name(int*))

  • Template type instantiation syntax <type, ...> cannot be used directly--
    instead, you should pass a wrapper function that calls an instantiated template function:

    template <typename T>
    void print_generic(T data) { cout << data << endl; }
    void print_character(char C) { print_generic<char>(C); }
    hanamake_test(print_specific(char)) { ... }


Here is how I implemented a test for an endianness switching function in C
that switches byte ordering between big and little endian order:

#ifdef hanamake_test
  { uint8_t  Byte = /*---*/ 0x12
  ; endian_mirror(sizeof(Byte), &(Byte))
  ; hanamake_assert(Byte == 0x12)         // reversing the sequence of bytes
  ;                                       // '12' is '12' ('12' is one byte)
  { uint16_t Word = /*---*/ 0x1234
  ; endian_mirror(sizeof(Word), (byte*)&(Word))
  ; hanamake_assert(Word == 0x3412)       // reversing the sequence of bytes
  ;                                       // '12','34' is '34','12'
  { uint32_t Dword = /*---*/ 0x12345678
  ; endian_mirror(sizeof(Dword), (byte*)&(Dword))
  ; hanamake_assert(Dword == 0x78563412)  // reversing the sequence of bytes
  ;                                       // '12','34','56','78' is
  }                                       // '78','56','34','12'
  { uint64_t Qword = /*---*/ 0x12345678AABBCCDD
  ; endian_mirror(sizeof(Qword), (byte*)&(Qword))
  ; hanamake_assert(Qword == 0xDDCCBBAA78563412)  // I'll let you work out
  ;                                               // the rest ;)
  { char Cstring[] = "Hello World!"
  ; endian_mirror(sizeof(Cstring), (byte*)Cstring)
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[ 0] == '\0')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[ 1] ==  '!')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[ 2] ==  'd')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[ 3] ==  'l')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[ 4] ==  'r')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[ 5] ==  'o')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[ 6] ==  'W')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[ 7] ==  ' ')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[ 8] ==  'o')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[ 9] ==  'l')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[10] ==  'l')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[11] ==  'e')
  ; hanamake_assert(Cstring[12] ==  'H')

What I'm really doing here is stating my expectations about what a byte sequence reversal should look like.

If there's only 1 byte in the sequence, there's nothing to reverse.
If there are 2 bytes in the sequence, it's just a swap of 2 values.
The 4 and 8 byte sequences are just a couple of sanity checks.

The Cstring assert is a check that the middle byte in an odd number of bytes
(13 -- we start from 0, and including 1-12, there are 13),
corresponding to the letter 'W' in
'H' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o' ' ' 'W' 'o' 'r' 'l' 'd' '\0'
is Cstring[ 6] (Text between dialogue " " quotations implicitly ends with a '\0' byte)

In case you're wondering what an endian switching function might be used for:
machine-agnostic general radix-sort algorithm.

You can detect endianness (albeit a little wastefully) with:
#define little_endian (*(int16_t const * const)" " == ' ')

An improvement, relying on relatively low optimization capabilities from a compiler:
(meaning this is virtually guaranteed to work wherever you use it)

#define little_endian little_endian()
static inline uint8_t little_endian { return (*(int16_t const * const)" " == ' '; }