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File metadata and controls

96 lines (65 loc) · 4.23 KB


This document contains rules and guidelines for porting the library from Java to TypeScript.


Local development using Node.js and npm or yarn, see package.json for dependencies.

Note: Keep dependencies at minimum necessary. 🖤

Run the docs

To run the docs, open the CLI in this project root folder (something like <somepath>/zxing-js/library):

user@computer BUILDV <somepath>/zxing-js/library (develop)
http-server ./docs -a localhost -p 4040 -o

Note: http-server is a package that runs a local server, install with npm i -g http-server.


Initial port from 3.3.1-SNAPSHOT on May 2017 by Adrian Toșcă (@aleris).


The Java files are transformed using regexps for some obvious syntax transformation (see ./autotransform) and then modified manually.

Using was considered but rejected because of loosing type information early on (for example number versus int is essential for bitwise operations), language style and older TypeScript version.


  • Keep all types as close to the original as possible.
  • Keep detailed type information in comments where applicable (example int will become number /*int*/) as the code is extensively using bitwise operations that can overflow.
  • Use TypedArray whenever possible (example int[] will become Int32Array) - see below for more info.
  • Use constructor property whenever possible.
  • Take care of array initialisation with capacity, especially when using length and push later on. Basically only use when setting with index accessor only .
  • Use utility classes to implement platform dependencies (like System or Arrays), avoid inline implementation for anything that is not trivial.
  • Use single class|enum|interface per module, export with default. Move internal classes to separate modules if used from other modules.
  • Package level visibility will transform to public to avoid module complexity.
  • Keep enum as similar with the original interface as possible (transform to class and use static fields for enum values).
  • Always use === for == to avoid glitches from type transforms.

Cheat Sheet 💩

Java TypeScript
byte[] Uint8ClampedArray
int[] Int32Array


Java types

  • byte has 8 bits, signed (e.g. -127 to 127), so byte[] would transforms to Int8Array however:
    • TextEncoder will use Uint8Array.
    • canvas image data will use Uint8ClampedArray.
  • int has 32 bits, signed, so int[] transforms to Int32Array.
  • char has 2 bytes, so char[] transforms to Uint16Array.
  • long has 64 bit two's complement integer, can be signed or unsigned.

JavaScript's TypedArray

Things to look for

  • Take care of int -> number (integer to number) port when doing bitwise transformation especially <<. Do a & 0xFFFFFFFF for ints, a &0xFF for bytes.
  • Take care of array initialization, in Java new Array(N) initializes capacity NOT size/length.
  • Use Math.floor for any division of ints otherwise the number type is a floating point and keeps the numbers after the dot.
  • For float to int casting use Math.trunc, to replicate the same effect as Java casting does.


In Java new String(<ByteArray>, encoding), a lot of encodings are supported See StringEncoding.ts for implementation in TypeScript for handling limited browser support. Will became: StringEncoding.decode(<ByteArray>, encoding).


  • Check for sometype[] arrays: check for push, check for == length etc. To spot size comparison bugs.
  • Skipped:
    • common/
    • common/
  • Cp437 not supported by TextEncoding library see DecodedBitStreamParserTestCase.
  • Replace instanceof with something more robust.
  • Simplify double null !== <something> && undefined !== <something> checks.

Most of things here are opinions and were written by the first porter, please feel free to discuss and help us to make it better.