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Anfootball: Ultimate-Guitar Discord Bot


Anfootball is a Discord bot that retrieves chords, tabs, and lyrics for a specified song from Ultimate-Guitar.



Parameters: <> - required, [] - optional, \ - either/or Do not include <> , [] or \ when executing the command.

Usage Description
/chords <artist> <song> [transpose] Finds the highest voted Chords tab for a song.
Transpose to change the key of the song (beta).
/tabs <artist> <song> Finds the highest voted Tabs tab for a song.
/search <all\chords\tabs> <artist> <song> Search for a song.
/explore <today\popular\recent\rating> Explore tabs on Ultimate-Guitar.
/nevermeant The americ anfootball lick.
/ping Pings the bot and returns the latency.


/chords artist:Hot Mulligan song:Pop Shuvit Hall of Meat Duh

/tabs artist:Chinese Football song: Electronic Girl

/search all artist:Jimmy Eat World song:The Middle



  1. Install python3 from

  2. Create a virtual environment of python3 in the anfootball folder:

    pip install virtualenv
    virtualenv venv
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -U discord-py-interactions
    pip install -U interactions-wait-for

    Note: is not used for slash commands so pip install -U is not needed.

  4. Run the bot:



Part 1: Web Scraper

  • Will be able to successfully send a query to the API
    • Successfully able to access the html of a page (2022/09/09)
  • Will be able to successfully receive data from the API
    • Successfully able to return JSON extracted from the html (2022/09/09)
  • Will output the return data in chords and lyrics format (with hard-coded query)
    • Successfully able to return the tab content in chords and lyrics format, mirroring the original tab (2022/09/10)

Part 2: Discord Bot

  • Create a Discord bot that can produce output
    • Successfully pinged and received a "Pong!" (2022/09/10)
      • Added bot response latency in milliseconds to /ping (2023/06/20)
  • The bot can receive input and produce output
    • Successfully able to receive input and respond (2022/09/11)
  • The bot can display chord/lyric format
    • Successfully able to display chord/lyric format in a code block, limited to 2000 chars. (2022/09/11)
  • The bot can successfully apply Part 1
    • Successfully able to display tab in an embed. (2022/09/11)

Part 3: Search Feature

  • Make a web scraper for the search results on ultimate guitar that only returns chord type results
    • Successfully able to scrape for the results and return a JSON (2022/09/12)
  • Inputting an artist and song will return the first 5 (at most) chord results
    • Successfully able to input artist/song and filter for chords (2022/09/12)
  • The Discord bot will be able to receive artist - song input and return a list of the results
    • Displays a 10 page (at most) list of at most 5 Chords and 5 Tabs. (2022/09/12)
    • Known issue: "This interaction failed." shows up whenever any buttons are pressed
      • Fixed! (2022/09/13)
  • When the user chooses one of those results, the bot will correctly display the chord/lyric format for that specific chord tab
    • Successfully displays the chords format when the user chooses that result option (2022/09/12)

Part 4: Additional Features

  • Allow for transposition of songs
    • Chords can now be transposed by the transpose: option in /chords, but needs work on dealing with sharps and flats (2022/09/19)
    • Make transpose a pair of buttons on the tab embed rather than an input field
  • Support for Tabs. Differentiated from chords by the search results and lack of transposition ability
    • Added /tabs (2022/09/15)
  • Subcommands for search: search chords and search tabs
    • Main search function renamed to /search all and added /search chords and /search tabs
    • Close brings back to search
  • Able to display a specific Chords/Tabs tab by ID
    • Not able to search by ID, checked (2023/06/20)
    • Use which redirects to the tab page
  • Add a function to browse top 10 popular today and all time (2023/06/20)
    • /explore function added: /explore today, /explore popular, /explore recent, and /explore rating
    • Close brings back to browse
  • Search for an artist, able to return most popular songs
    • Issue with pagination: how to handle artists that have a lot of tabs