WAF Testing Tool (WTT) is a small script to send attacks to application firewall and check, which are blocked. Attacks are taken from files in specified folder, transformed to HTTP-requests and sent to specified address (IP, hostname). Script supports python 2.x/3.x and should work on both windows and *nix hosts.
# python wtt.py --help
usage: wtt.py [-h] -f PATH -u URL [-a UA] [-c COOKIE] [-o OUTPUT]
[-t {status_code,pattern,regex}] [-p PATTERN] [--all]
[--auth {basic,digest,http}] [--auth-url AUTH_URL]
[--auth-params AUTH_PARAMS] [--csrf] [--csrf-name CSRF_NAME]
[--csrf-sendname CSRF_SENDNAME] [--health HEALTH]
[--report-template REPORT_TEMPLATE] [--threads THREADS]
Waf Testing Tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f PATH, --folder PATH
Path to folder containing attacks samples
-u URL, --url URL Set WAF address, e.g.
-a UA, --useragent UA
Set User-Agent header value
--referer Set Referer header value with request hostname
-c COOKIE, --cookie COOKIE
Set Cookies informat key1=value1,key2=value2
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file (default: report.html)
-t {status_code,pattern,regex}, --type {status_code,pattern,regex}
Detect blocked page based on HTTP response
code,pattern or regular expression (default:
--codes CODES List of status codes for blocked pages
e.g. 403 or 403,500
-p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
Detect blocked page based on status code or pattern
--all Include passed attack to report
--auth {basic,digest,http}
Enable authentication
--auth-url AUTH_URL Set url for authentication
--auth-params AUTH_PARAMS
Set authentication parameters in format
key1=value1,key2=value2. E.g. for basic and digest
auth username should be set as login, password as
password: login=john,password=pwd123
--auth-success AUTH_SUCCESS
Regex pattern to find in response and detect if HTTP
auth was successful.
--csrf Get CSRF-token from response (body, header or cookie)
--csrf-name CSRF_NAME
Param name, that should be found in response
--csrf-sendname CSRF_SENDNAME
Set param name, that is placed in POST-requests if it
deffers with csrf-name
--health HEALTH Check server availability frequency (default: 10,
disable: 0)
--report-template REPORT_TEMPLATE
Set jinja2 report template
--threads THREADS Set threads number (default: 1)
Attacks to test OWASP Top10 attacks are located in owasp folder and are ready to use against BeeBox VM. Running script with http authentication and taking csrf tokens from X-Csrf-Token header and adding to POST-requests as "csrftoken" will looke like:
python wtt.py -u http://protected.app.local/ -f owasp --auth http --auth-params login=bee,password=bug,security_level=0,form=submit --auth-url --auth-success Welcome.Bee --csrf --csrf-name X-Csrf-Token --csrf-sendname csrftoken -o beebox_report.html --all --threads 5
python wtt.py -u http://protected.app.local/ -f owasp -t status_code 403,500
python wtt.py -u http://protected.app.local/ -f owasp -t pattern -p Forbidden
python wtt.py -u http://protected.app.local/ -f owasp -t regex -p ID:.*
python wtt.py -u -f owasp -c PHPSESSID=1234abcd5678efgh,some_value=1
python wtt.py -u http://protected.app.local/ -f owasp --auth basic --auth-params login=John,password=123
python wtt.py -u http://protected.app.local/ -f owasp --auth digest --auth-params login=John,password=123
python wtt.py -u http://protected.app.local/ -f owasp --auth http --auth-url http://protected.app.local/bWAPP/login.php --auth-params login=John,password=123,form=Submit --auth-success Welcome.Bee
python wtt.py -u http://protected.app.local/ -f owasp --csrf --csrf-name csrftoken
Attacks should be provided in JSON format and have following structure:
"id": "OWASP_A1_21", # attack ID number
"description": "SQL Injection (GET/Search)", #
"method": "GET", # HTTP-request method
"url": "/bWAPP/sqli_1.php?title=adsf'%20or%201%3D1%20--%201&action=search", # url for HTTP-request
"status_code": 403, # expected result (403: blocked, any other - pass)
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64 AppleWebKit/537.36 KHTML, like Gecko Chrome/44.0.2403.107 Safari/537.36"
}, # list of used headers (in )
"body": null, # body for POST-requests
"block": true # shows if this attack is intended to be blocked
"payload": "adsf' or 1=1 -- 1" # payload in raw form
If you have only payloads and want to convert it into attacks format, use:
python payload2attacks.py -i folder_with_payloads -o folder_for_ready_attacks -m get,post
python payload2attacks.py -i folder_with_payloads -o folder_for_ready_attacks -m all