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In-Form WYSIWYG and many small features and bugs

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@iJungleboy iJungleboy released this 24 Sep 18:02
· 5891 commits to master since this release


  1. IsDemoItem property to check if the data is just demo-data #1792
  2. Public forms now enabled on the new UI #1768
  3. WYSIWYG now available as in-form for shorter rich text #1820
  4. WYSIWYG now configurable to show/hide sources-button and advanced button #1821 #1820


  1. inpage.js now always minified; source in the #1819


  1. Bug in CreateInstance in WebApi #1816
  2. Shuffle DataSource doesn't work when you only take 1 #1815
  3. In rare cases AsAdam fails #1812
  4. Permissions were lost on app-imports #1818
  5. New UI showed errors if ADAM endpoint returned null #1826
  6. Editing library metadata content #1824
  7. New UI - field settings and presentation missing on first edit #1823 #1814
  8. Drag-drop of many files through ADAM works now #1813
  9. WYSIWYG - iframes work again #1810
  10. WYSIWYG - many small bugs and issues re-architected and fixed

See also the notes on 10.06 in