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User Guide: Scripts

eduperez edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 4 revisions

To launch a script, just select it in the scripts page at the menu and press SET (unfortunately, scripts still cannot be launched using the shutter-release button). When a script starts or stops, a beep will be heard; and while a script is running, the DP button will flash (approx. twice per second, by default). To stop a running script, press the DP button again; sometimes the camera may not stop immediately, so hold the DP button until you hear a beep that signals the effective end of the script.

You can also pause a running script, by means of simply pressing the DISP button: this will put the camera into a low-power mode, and effectively stop all ongoing activity; press DISP again, to bring back the camera into life, and the script will continue normally. All scripts will check the card capacity before each shot; if the estimated number of shots available is lower than a fixed value (3), the scripts will stop executing.

Extended AEB

This script performs the same task as the standard AEB option from the camera, but with a few nice enhancements:

  • Up to 9 shots may be specified.
  • The separation between shots is configurable up to ±6 EV.
  • The camera will take all the shots in a sequence, automatically.
  • User can specify the direction of the sequence.

To configure and launch the Extended AEB script, use the "Ext. AEB" sub-menu in the scripts page at the menu:

Parameter Description
Delay Select whether this script should start shooting immediately or wait for 2 seconds.
Frames The number of frames (shots) the script should take. Values range from 1 to 9.
Step (EV) The separation in EV (exposure value) between each frame (shot). Values range from +1/3EV to +6EV.
Direction Specifies the direction of the EAEB sequence.
Bulb min The minimum shutter speed in BULB mode. Values range from 1/4000th of a second to 32 minutes.
Bulb max The maximum shutter speed in BULB mode. Values range from 1/4000th of a second to 32 minutes.

Supposing a configuration of 5 shots at 1EV separation, this is how each direction is supposed to work:

Value Meaning
+/- One photo at current EV, and the rest above and below it: 0EV, +1EV, -1EV, +2EV, -2EV.
+ One photo at current EV, and the rest above it: 0EV, +1EV, +2EV, +3EV, +4EV.
- One photo at current EV, and the rest below it: 0EV, -1EV, -2EV, -3EV, -4EV.


Previous versions of this script just adjusted the EV compensation between shots; this method has one major drawback: if the light in the scene changes during the sequence, the camera may change the exposure settings between shots, and this script will end applying different compensations to unrelated exposures; the final result is not what the user would expect.

Newer versions fire the first shot without changing any parameter, but the settings used by camera get recorded; then, the camera is set into M mode, and the rest of the sequence is taken using parameters calculated by this script. This ensures a correct sequence, regardless of changes in the scene; but has one inconvenience: some computer programs that detect sequences of AEB shots get confused, and the images do not seem to be related at all.

Extended AEB In BULB mode

In 'M' mode with the shutter speed set to BULB, this script will fire the camera as many times as needed (in this mode, the number of shots configured is irrelevant), with shutter speeds ranging from the "Bulb min:" value to the "Bulb max:" value, separating each shot by 1EV (in this mode, the separation configured is irrelevant).

Notice also that exposure times as long as 32 minutes can be used in this mode.

Flash AEB

Similar to the Extended AEB script, but only the flash exposure compensation will change.

Aperture AEB

Similar to the Extended AEB script too, and also called depth-of-field bracketing; in this case, the script changes both the aperture and shutter speed at the same time, but in different directions to maintain a constant exposure.


Camera will make a photograph for each ISO active. You probably want to set the camera to M mode prior to using this script.


This script will fire the camera as many times as configured (or endlessly), with a configurable delay between shots; use this script to create stop-motion movies, for example. To configure and launch the Intervalometer, use the "Interval" sub-menu in the scripts page at the menu:

Parameter Description
Delay Select whether this script should start shooting immediately or wait for 2 seconds.
Interval The interval time (in hours:minutes:seconds) between each shot (or group of shots); values range from 0:00:01 to 5:00:00.
Action See Script Chaining.
Shots The total number of frames (shots) the script will take; values range from 1 to 9000, and also include a "No Limit" value to shoot endlessly.
Video format (fps) Intended playback frame-rate, if preparing a time-lapse.
Recording time Estimated time that the camera will need to record the entire time-lapse (informative only).
Playback time Estimated playback time of the resulting time-lapse (informative only).

Strict scheduling

Notice that 400plus will always try to maintain a constant cadence of shots, independent of the exposure time: if configured to shot at 15s intervals, for example, then one shot will be taken exactly every 15s, even if the exposure is 10s. If one shot in the sequence has an exposure time longer than the configured interval time, 400plus will skip as many shots as needed and reschedule the sequence accordingly. This comment is also true when the intervalometer is configured to fire any multi-shot action.

For example, imagine an interval of 5 seconds, and exposures ranging between 1 and 4 seconds (let's suppose camera is in Av mode, and light conditions change during the script):

Time (s) : # · · · · # · · · · # · · · · # · · · ·
Exposure : * *       * * * *   *         * *

Notice how the length of the pause between the end of an exposure and the beginning of the next one adapts to the exposure time, so photographs always start at regular intervals. Now, imagine that one of the exposures takes longer than 5 seconds (let's say 7):

Time (s) : # · · · · # · · · · # · · · · # · · · ·
Exposure : * *       * * * * * * *       * *

Notice that the third photograph does not take place 5 seconds after the second one, but at second 15.

Note: 400plus will not validate that the values introduced by the user make sense at all: it will not complain if you set an interval time of 10 seconds with and exposure time of 15 seconds, for example; it is the sole responsibility of the user to avoid these situations.

Time-lapse calculator

If you plan to make a time-lapse movie with the photographs taken with this script, you can specify a desired reproduction frame-rate, and the script will calculate the resulting reproduction time. These parameters are purely informative, and have no influence on the script.

Bulb ramping

The bulb ramping script is similar to the intervalometer, but with the added peculiarities that it is used for long exposures (1s and longer) only, and that 400plus will gradually change the exposure time and / or the duration of the interval between shots. Bulb ramping is used mostly to make time-lapses in situations when the amount of light is expected to change, such as sunsets.

Parameter Description
Delay Select whether this script should start shooting immediately or wait for 2 seconds.
Shots The total number of frames (shots) the script will take; values range from 1 to 9000, and also include a "No Limit" value to shoot endlessly.
Interval The initial interval time (in hours:minutes:seconds) between each shot; values range from 0:00:01 to 5:00:00.
Exposure The length (in minutes:seconds) of the first exposure; values range from 00:00:01 to 05:00:00.
Ramp size (time) The length (in minutes:seconds) of the ramp; values range from 00:00:01 to 05:00:00.
Ramp size (shots) The length (in number of shots) of the ramp; values range from 0 to 9000.
Ramping (interval) The strength (in EV stops) of the ramp, as applied to the interval time; values range from -6 to +6.
Ramping (exposure) The strength (in EV stops) of the ramp, as applied to the exposure time; values range from -6 to +6.

Just as the intervalomenter, when the bulb ramping script is started, the camera will take a first shot (its length configured by "Exposure"), then a pause will follow (its length configured by "Interval"), and back to the beginning until the limit set by "Shots" is reached; but as the execution of the bulb ramping continues, the length of both the exposure and the pause between exposures will change smoothly, acording to the other parameters.

For example, if "Ramp size (shots)" is set to 5 shots, and "Ramping (exposure)" to +1EV, then the length of the exposure will double for every five shots taken; or, if "Ramp size (time)" is set to 1 hour, and "Ramping (exposure)" is set to -1EV, then the length of the interval between shots will half for every hour that the script has been running.

Notice that these changes happen gradually, there is never an abrupt change in exposure time or interval length. And also notice that there is one single ramp size, determined by the combination of "Ramp size (shots)" and "Ramp size (time)"; that ramp size is used to alter both the exposure time and the interval between shots, with a strength determined by their respective parameters.

Note: It is quite easy to configure the script with an impossible set of parameters, or with a set of parameters that will quickly degrade to an impossible to meet schedule. If the script detects that the interval between two shot or the length of an exposure are too short, it will produce a beeping sound. If the interval or the exposure are too long, the script will stop.

Hand Waving

This script will fire the camera when the display-off sensor (at the rear of the camera) is triggered. Use this script to fire the camera without the need of a remote to help reduce camera shake. If the "Repeat" option is active, this script will not end after being triggered, but will repeat itself again so you can take more shots. By default, this script will wait until something (like your hand or finger) blocks the sensor and is then removed to fire the camera. However, if the "Instant" option is enabled, the script will fire the camera as soon as the sensor becomes blocked.

To configure and launch the Hand Waving Script, use the "Handwave" sub-menu in the scripts page at the menu:

Parameter Description
Delay Select whether this script should take the shot immediately or wait for 2 seconds.
Action See Script Chaining.
Repeat If active (set to "Yes"), the script will restart itself after is has completed. This allows you to wave your hand repeatedly to continue using the script.
Instant If selected (set to "Yes"), the script will take a shot as soon as a hand is detected; otherwise, the script will wait until the hand is removed.

Self Timer

This script simply adds a configurable pause before firing the camera.

Parameter Description
Delay Time (in hours:minutes:seconds) that the script should wait before shooting; values range from 0:00:00 to 5:00:00.
Action See Script Chaining.

Long Exposure

Just that, a configurable long exposure, from 1 seconds to 5 hours.

Parameter Description
Delay Select whether this script should take the shot immediately or wait for 2 seconds.
Time The length (in minutes:seconds) of the exposure; values range from 00:00:01 to 05:00:00.

Notice that the camera has to be in M + BULB mode to take a long exposure; this script will set the camera for you, but configuring a suitable aperture is the responsibility of the user.

Long Exposure Calculator

The long exposure calculator is a tool created to help the photographer quickly determine the exposure time required by a particular scene. The idea behind the long exposure calculator is that you can quickly measure a scene using a high ISO and a large aperture, then lower the ISO value and reduce the aperture, but increase the exposure time accordingly.

For example, let's suppose we want to photograph a night scene; we decide to use the lowest possible sensitivity (ISO100), to avoid noise, and a relatively closed aperture (f/8), to get the depth of field we need. Using those parameters, the exposure time needed may easily overpass 30 seconds, and thus we cannot use the camera to make a reliable measurement.

But we can temporarily select a high sensitivity and large aperture (ISO1600 and f/2.8, for example), measure the scene, and determine we would need a 15-second exposure with those parameters. Then we enter the long exposure calculator, lower the ISO value to 100, and close the diaphragm to f/8; the Ev indicator will display a value of -9 EV, meaning that with the current parameters the exposure is 9 stops below the measured value.

We can now increase the exposition time until the Ev indicator goes back to 0, meaning the current parameters would result in the same exposure than we had at the beginning; in our case, that means raising the exposure time from 15 seconds to 32 minutes. You can also change the expected EV value, and the script will adjust the exposure time to match that EV value.

Finally, just press "Apply" to configure the camera with these parameters, and then launch the long exposure script.

Notice: The Ev field in this calculator cannot display values smaller than -15EV or larger than +15EV.

Tip: If you plan to use a ND filter, you can measure the scene without the ND; then enter the long exposure calculator and adjust the exposure to get an Ev result inverse to the value of the ND filter. For example, assuming we have an ND8 filter (8 steps of light reduction): if the camera measures 1/120s f/4.0 ISO1600 without the filter, then select 2' f/8.0 ISO100 to achieve a Ev of +8.

DOF Calculator

The DOF Calculator can help determine the depth of field of a scene, or the range of distances that will be photographed as sharp; for more information about this concept, please visit DOF Master.

After entering the DOF Calculator, set the focal length of your lens, the aperture you are using, and the distance from the camera to the subject. The script will then display the near and far distances of acceptable sharpness. You can now change the aperture and / or the focusing distance until the depth of field displayed matches the part of your scene that you deem as important and want to remain in-focus.

When the "Max. DOF (m)" entry displays "INF!", the hyperfocal distance has been reached, and thus everything from the near distance of acceptable focus up to the infinity will be sharp.

Script Chaining

Some scripts (Intervalometer, Hand Waving, and Self-Timer) have an "Action" parameter, that allows the user to select another script (from "Extended AEB", "Flash AEB", "Aperture AEB", "ISO AEB", and "Long exposure") that will be used when the parent scripts decides to shoot.

This allows for the easy chaining of scripts: for example, the Intervalometer can be used to fire a sequence of 3 shots, using the Extended EAEB script, every 5 minutes.

Self-Timer and Mirror Lock-Up

Most scripts have a "2s delay" option; when this option is active, the script will wait 2 seconds before taking the first shot; if two scripts have been chained (see script chaining) only the parent script will wait. Notice that this pause is performed by 400plus, it is not related to the "self-timer" feature from your camera (there will be no visual or audible signaling). On the other hand, you also have the option to set the "drive mode" from your camera to "self-timer"; that option will affect each shot taken by any script, and your camera's self-timer will be used.

Note: Due to technical reasons, when the self-timer is active 400plus will also activate the MLU option for the duration of any script; if the self-timer is disabled, the MLU option will be disabled too.

Configuring Scripts

There are some configuration options at the "Config. Scripts" item in the settings page at the menu:

Item Description
Disable power-off When active (set to "Yes"), the Auto power-off option of the camera is disabled; useful when using long delays in the intervalometer.
LCD display Configure the brightness of the LCD display while a script is running; saves battery, and reduces glare during night shots.
Indicator Configure the blinking frequency of the blue LED while a script is running.