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User Guide: The Menu

eduperez edited this page Mar 2, 2016 · 4 revisions

Accessing The Menu

To access 400plus' menu, press the DP (DIRECT PRINT) button from within the main camera dialog; to exit 400plus' menu, just half-press the shutter-release button. The DP button is located on the rear of the camera, at the left of the viewfinder, and beside the blue printer icon with a squiggly arrow line next to it.

Navigating The Menu

400plus features a multi-page menu, where each page is dedicated to a certain task. To navigate the pages, use the front wheel (notice the '<<' and '>>' indicators at the header of the menu). There is also a method to quickly access any page: press and hold the AV button down, then a list of all available pages will appear; now use the front dial to select a page, and release the AV button to jump into it. Moreover, if the "Navigate to main" option is active (see the settings page), you can also press and immediately release the AV button to stay in the main page; once there, just use UP (ISO) and DOWN (WB) to select a page, and SET to enter it.

To navigate within a page, use the UP and DOWN buttons, (or ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT, to move faster); then use the LEFT (METERING) and RIGHT (AF) buttons to change the value of the selected item (hold these buttons down to change the value faster). Items with an exclamation mark '!' at the left perform an action: activate it with the SET button. And Items with a right sign '>' are sub-menus: enter them with the RIGHT button, and return back to the main page with the AV button. Notice that some items can both perform an action and have a sub-menu.

Menu Pages

Parameters Page

This page contains extensions to the camera's shooting parameters, and also provides a quick access to some commonly-used, but hard to reach, custom functions.

Item Description
Av comp Extended Exposure Compensation
AEB Extended Exposure Compensation
Color Temp. (K) Custom White Balance
Named Color Temps. Named Color Temperatures
ISO Extended ISOs
Safety Shift Safety Shift
Mirror Lockup Other Shortcuts
IR remote enable IR Settings
Flash > Disable flash Flash Configuration
Flash > AF Flash Other Shortcuts
Flash > Flash 2curt Other Shortcuts

Scripts Page

Scripts are little programs that control your camera, and automate certain tasks.

Item Description
Extended AEB The Extended AEB Script
Flash AEB The Flash AEB Script
Aperture AEB The Aperture AEB Script
Intervalometer The Intervalometer
Bulb ramping Bulb Ramping
Handwaving The Hand Waving Script
Self-Timer The Self-Timer
Long exposures The Long Exposure Script
DOF Calculator The DOF Calculator

Info Page

This page contains some useful information about your camera and 400plus.

Item Description
Version The version number of the 400plus software currently installed.
Release count The total number of shots (actuations) made by this camera body.
Body ID The "BodyID" of the camera body (an internal number, unique to each camera).
Firmware The firmware version (should be 1.1.1 for 400plus to be working).
Owner The owner of this camera (use Canon software to change it).

Settings Page

Some advanced settings about your camera and 400plus; please, see Configuration for more information.

Item Description
Language Internationalization
Digital ISO step Configuring Extended ISOs
Persist AEB Persisting AEB
Restore config. Restore Configuration
Config. Scripts Configuring Scripts
Config. Buttons Configuring Buttons
Config. Custom modes Configuring Custom Modes
Config. Quick exposure Configuring Quick Exposure
Config. Menus Configuring Menus
Config. Pages Configuring Pages
Developers menu Developers Page

Custom Modes Page

Custom modes are complete configurations of your camera, quickly accessible from the main dial; see Custom Modes for more information.

Developers Page

This Page Is Intentionally Left Blank.

Note: The developers page is disabled by default, and must be enabled in the settings page prior to accessing it; moreover, the developers' page lays outside the normal page navigation: press the TRASH button while in the menu to enter the developers' page.

Warning: The options contained in this page should be used with great care; there is probably little to see here, unless you are developing your own version of this hack.

Personalizing The Menu

While in any page within the menu, you have the ability to change the order of the items to your own personal preference. To do this, just press the PLAY button to 'grab' an item (a small '>' will be displayed at the left of the item). Now use the UP and DOWN buttons to position the item where you would like it to reside (you will see the item actually move to the new position). Finish the process by pressing the PLAY button again, to save your changes.