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This is a grunt.js plugin that wraps .js files in minispade registers/requires based on Yehuda Katz's minispade.js


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wraps .js files in minispade closures for use with minispade.js

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-minispade --save-dev

One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "minispade" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named minispade to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().
You will probably want to use the syntax of "src-dest" shown below in most cases as you are typically going to be wrapping many files in minispade closures and then concatenating them all into one output source file.

  minispade: {
    options: {
      // Task-specific options go here.
    files: {
      src: ['whereMyFilesAre/*.js'],
      dest: 'outputFile.js',

Default Options

Choose a separator character to place between concatenated files. This feature is left in as a courtesy to other grunt plugins' formats but it's not particularly useful here and should be left alone in most cases.

  minispade: {
    options: {
      separator: "", 
    files: {
      //file stuff

Custom Options

renameRequire If your source files use "require" or "requireAll" you should consider enabling this flag. Once enabled grunt-minispade will automaticly find and replace all calls to these functions with the appropriate equivelents ("minispade.require" and "minispade.requireAll").

useStrict Adds JavaScript's 'use strict' inside each registered minispade closure.

prefixToRemove If source files come from a directory structure that doesn't match the structure your require statements use to find those modules, you may need to specific a string here that will be removed from all "minispade.register" closures.

removeFileExtension Boolean value that decides if the file extension should be included in the output name. Defaults to true.

moduleIdGenerator A function which takes one argument that is the path name of the file and returns the name of the minispade module. If this option is set, the prefixToRemove option is ignored to avoid collision

stringModule If set to true, the output will be a string rather than a closure and a @sourceURL wil be appended for easier debugging

e.g If your javascript files are first compiled from coffeescript they may be outputted in a directory called "compiledJS". Your register statements thus need to have "compiledJS/" removed from them in order for your requires to find them.

  minispade: {
    options: {
      renameRequire: true,
      useStrict: true,
      prefixToRemove: "",      
    files: {
      //file stuff


To contribute, contact @stv_kn or email or Alternatively, create a fork and pull request on github.

Release History

0.1.0 March 12, 2013 initial release


This is a grunt.js plugin that wraps .js files in minispade registers/requires based on Yehuda Katz's minispade.js







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