Search an font awesome icon by name and copy it to the clipboard. Works best with a dmenu variant that does fuzzy search such as rofi, but it's compatible with plain dmenu.
If possible, it also sends a desktop notification for better user feedback.
Clone the repo. Assign a keystroke in your i3 configuration:
# ~/.config/i3/config
bindsym $mod+quotedbl exec path/to/rofi-fontawesome
- dmenu-emoji. Search an emoji by name and copy it to the clipboard.
- One liner, requests emojis each time, no autocomplete
- rofimoji. Python-based, rofi only, can insert directly instead of copy&paste
- emoji-rofi-menu. Rofi only, can insert directly
- rofi-emoji. Python-based (but generates a bash script so Python is not used each time), rofi only, inserts-directly