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Thom Bakker edited this page Oct 17, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the jinq.js wiki! Choose a method in the menu to learn more about it.


  • aggregate()
  • all()
  • any()
  • average()
  • concat()
  • contains()
  • count()
  • defaultIfEmpty()
  • distinct()
  • elementAt()
  • except()
  • first()
  • groupBy()
  • groupJoin()
  • intersect()
  • join()
  • last()
  • max()
  • min()
  • orderBy()
  • reverse()
  • sequenceEqual()
  • select()
  • selectMany()
  • single()
  • skip()
  • skipWhile()
  • sum()
  • take()
  • takeWhile()
  • toArray()
  • toDictionary()
  • toLookup()
  • union()
  • where()
  • zip()
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