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pjs548 edited this page Oct 14, 2015 · 3 revisions
<h1  style="text-align: center; color: green">APS Utilities Development, Maintenance and Documentation</h1>

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Bureau (ngamai) utilities portal

Minutes for 15th October 2015

1. ACCESS project created under MOSRS/utils

So we are free to put whatever we like under there, for anyone to see, and can then migrate upwards as each utility matures


  • need utility to move from old STASH to Rose config
    • this converter is almost running
      • strip out unwanted STASH from rose-config file
      • converts STASHC to rose-config file
      • Next step: combine & test
  • need utility to modify STASH
    • editor to be created
  • NCMWRF are also interested in ways to handle STASH according to TAG

Tickets with keyword 'UtilsWG'

### Active last month
  [[TicketQuery(format=table,keywords=~UtilsWG, modified=2015-09-15..,order=priority)]]

  [From OPS @ Met Office](!=closed&keywords=~UtilsWG&modified=2015-09-15..2015-10-15&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=milestone&col=severity&order=priority)

  [From Utils @ Met Office](!=closed&keywords=~UtilsWG&modified=2015-09-15..2015-10-15&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=milestone&col=severity&order=priority)

### Open
  [[TicketQuery(format=table,keywords=~UtilsWG, modified=..2015-10-15, status!=closed,order=priority)]]

  [From OPS @ Met Office](!=closed&keywords=~UtilsWG&modified=..2015-10-15&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=milestone&col=severity&order=priority)

  [From Utils @ Met Office](!=closed&keywords=~UtilsWG&modified=..2015-10-15&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=milestone&col=severity&order=priority)


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