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ADL implementations of some LHC analyses

ADL (for Analysis Description Language) [1,2] is a recently developed domain-specific language for describing event selections.In ADL, analyses are written in plain text files separating object, variable and event selection definitions in blocks following a keyword-value structure, where keywords specify analysis concepts and operations. ADL syntax includes mathematical and logical operations, comparison and optimisation operators, reducers, four-vector algebra and common HEP-specific functions (e.g. d\phi, dR). ADL files can be complemented by and can refer to self-contained functions encapsulating variables with complex algorithms (e.g. M_T2, aplanarity) or non-analytic variables (e.g. efficiency tables, machine learning discriminators).

There are currently two interpreters that parse and run analyses written in ADL: adl2tnm [3] and CutLang [4,5]. adl2tnm is a Python transpiler that converts an analysis written in ADL into a complete C++ analysis code. CutLang is a runtime interpreter that directly runs an analysis written in ADL on events without the need for compilation. Both frameworks can process a variety of event formats and be used for experimental analysis or phenomenology studies. A parser from ADL to Rivet is also under development.

This repository is also added to CutLang git repository as a submodule.





