This is the repository for CutLang: A Particle Physics Analysis Description Language Runtime Interpreter. CutLang is a domain-specific language and interpreter for cut-based HEP data analysis. It allows users to write analysis in ADL (Analysis Description Language) files, which are then interpreted by the CutLang framework at run time. The interpreter is implemented in C++ and is built on top of the CERN data analysis framework ROOT. CutLang offers several features to make data analysis more efficient and error-free, including object definitions, event selections, histogramming, and Monte Carlo weighting. It also supports multi-core/multi-CPU hardware and has the ability to save events at any stage of the analysis. The latest version CutLang V3 uses the Lex/Yacc-based approach for ADL file processing and has several enhancements over the previous version, including improved handling of object combinatorics, the ability to include tables and weights and support for more complex algorithms. By providing a standard and human-readable way for writing and interpretation, CutLang and ADL is aiming to advance the field of HEP data analysis.
ADL (Analysis Description Language) is a domain-specific language used to describe and implement analysis in high-energy particle physics experiments. ADL allows users to write HEP analyses in a clear and easily readable format. ADL is written in a way that is independent of any specific computing framework, making it easier to share and compare analyses between different users and experiments. It is used to define the criteria for selecting events of interest and to specify how the selected events should be processed (e.g. by calculating certain variables or performing specific cuts). ADL is typically used in conjunction with a Monte Carlo simulation to generate samples of events and a data analysis framework to process the events and produce results. You can read more about it here.
Auto-Generated Graph of an ADL Analysis (using Graphviz)Table of Contents
Cutlang is available on Linux, macOS, and Windows (partially).
Available on Linux, macOS, and Windows
- command line compilation utilities (make, gcc, g++...)
- flex
- bison (without installing flex and bison, the make command gets interrupted by a fatal error).
Setup the package using:
git clone
cd CutLang
# if you want, you can run
# echo "source /path/to/CutLang/" >> ~/.bashrc
# to keep it active all the time
CLA_compile # this will run the following in order
# make -j
Now, you can run CutLang (please see Running part)
Update the package using:
cd CutLang
git pull
CLA_recompile # this will run the following in order
# make clean
# make -j
Remove the package using:
rm -rf /path/to/CutLang
Create and activate the environment using:
conda create -c conda-forge -c cutlang --name <my-environment> cutlang # download CutLang and create environment
conda activate <my-environment> # activate environment
Now, you can run CutLang (please see Running part)
Update the environment using:
conda create -c conda-forge -c cutlang --name <my-environment> cutlang # remove the existing environment and install the latest version
# or just
conda update -c conda-forge -c cutlang cutlang # run in environment with cutlang installed
# or force update (temporary, do not use unless necessary)
Remove the environment using:
conda deactivate <my-environment>
conda env remove --name <my-environment>
Available on Linux, macOS, and Windows
After installing the Docker, download the image and run the container using:
docker run -p 8888:8888 -p 5901:5901 -p 6080:6080 -d -v $PWD/:/src --name CutLang-root-vnc cutlang/cutlang-root-vnc:latest
#If you would like to re-run by mounting another directory, you should stop the container using
#docker stop CutLang-root-vnc && docker container rm CutLang-root-vnc
#and rerun with a different path as
#docker run -p 8888:8888 -p 5901:5901 -p 6080:6080 -d -v /path/you/want/:/src ...
#For example:
#docker run -p 8888:8888 -p 5901:5901 -p 6080:6080 -d -v ~/example_work_dir/:/src --name CutLang-root-vnc cutlang/cutlang-root-vnc:latest
For Windows:
docker run -p 8888:8888 -p 5901:5901 -p 6080:6080 -d -v %cd%/:/src --name CutLang-root-vnc cutlang/cutlang-root-vnc:latest
#If you would like to re-run by mounting another directory, you should stop the container using
>> docker stop CutLang-root-vnc && docker container rm CutLang-root-vnc
#and rerun with a different path as
# docker run -p 8888:8888 -p 5901:5901 -p 6080:6080 -d -v /path/you/want/:/src ...
#For example:
#docker run -p 8888:8888 -p 5901:5901 -p 6080:6080 -d -v ~/example_work_dir/:/src --name CutLang-root-vnc cutlang/cutlang-root-vnc:latest
Execute the container by docker exec -it CutLang-root-vnc bash
If you have installed the container successfully, you will see:
For examples see /CutLang/runs/
and for LHC analysis implementations, see
Now, the container is ready to run CutLang.
You can leave the container by typing exit
on the command line.
In case an update is necessary, you can perform the update as follows:
docker pull cutlang/cutlang-root-vnc:latest
docker stop CutLang-root-vnc && docker container rm CutLang-root-vnc
docker run -p 8888:8888 -p 5901:5901 -p 6080:6080 -d -v $PWD/:/src --name CutLang-root-vnc cutlang/cutlang-root-vnc
Remove the docker container and image using
docker stop CutLang-root-vnc
docker ps -a | grep "CutLang-root-vnc" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm
docker images -a | grep "cutlang-root-vnc" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi
Available on Linux, macOS, Windows
- You should have completed the CutLang setup and be able to run the CLA command without any problems.
Starts Jupyter with "ROOT c++ with CutLang" kernel in your current directory
CLA_Jupyter lab
# or
CLA_Jupyter notebook
# Jupyter will be started, you can use by using the link in the logs
CutLang can be used on Jupyter notebooks with ROOT
- You can see how to use ROOT notebooks from the link
- You can also run CutLang on any cell as (For detailed information, you can check the tutorial section.)
%%cutlang file=<root-file-name> filetype=<root-file-type> ...
CutLang can be run anywhere using the CLA
(shell script) or using the
CLA (or [inputrootfile] [inputeventformat] -i [adlfilename.adl] -e [numberofevents]
# Also, you can start simultaneous processes, which can increase the analysis speed tremendously.
CLA (or [inputrootfile] [inputeventformat] -i [adlfilename.adl] -e [numberofevents] -j 0
# When you enter 0 in the j flag, it will start the process as much as the number of processor cores, if you want, you can set the number of processes by changing the value from 0.
# for example:
# CLA (or [inputrootfile] [inputeventformat] -i [adlfilename.adl] -e [numberofevents] -j 8
# above command starts 8 simultaneous processes
- Input event formats can be: DELPHES, CMSNANO, LHCO, FCC, ATLASVLL, ATLASOD, CMSOD, VLLBG3 and LVL0 (CutLang internal format)
- Number of events is optional.
The output will be saved in histoOut-[adlfilename].root
. This ROOT file will have a separate directory for each search region, which contains the relevant histograms and ADL content defining the region. The histogram(s) cutflow
(and bincounts
, in case search bins are specified in the region) exist by default.
First, download some simple event samples:
The samples contain SUSY events in DELPHES format.
ADL syntax is self-descriptive. One can study and run several tutorial examples to learn the main syntax rules. These examples can be seen by:
ls /CutLang/runs/tutorials/*.adl
Read the ADL files in the tutorials directory to understand the algorithm and syntax. Then run the ADL files with the commands given below. If there are histograms made, check out the resulting ROOT file and inspect the histograms.
CLA T2tt_700_50.root DELPHES -i /CutLang/runs/tutorials/ex05_functions.adl
CLA T2tt_700_50.root DELPHES -i /CutLang/runs/tutorials/ex06_bins.adl
CLA T2tt_700_50.root DELPHES -i /CutLang/runs/tutorials/ex12_counts.adl
More ADL files for various full LHC analyses (focusing on signal region selections) can be found in this git repository.
Starts Jupyter with "ROOT c++ with CutLang" kernel in $CUTLANG_PATH directory
CLA_tutorial lab
# or
CLA_tutorial notebook
# Jupyter will be started, you can use the tutorial by using the link in the logs
# Then you can browse index and other ipynb files in binder folder
# force update (temporary, do not use unless necessary)
Where to find example ADL files?
Example adl files are kept in runs directory, you can also check out the repository at can refer to using CutLang from source
Create and activate the environment using
git clone
cd CutLang
conda env create -f scripts/environment.yml # create environment with dependencies
conda activate CutLang-dev # activate development environment
# if you want, you can run
# echo "source /path/to/CutLang/" >> ~/.bashrc
# to keep it active all the time
# then you should run (just first time)
CLA_recompile # this will run the following in order
# make clean
# make -j
Compile CutLang, and build and run the container using:
git clone
cd CutLang
./scripts/docker/ dev
# ! Do not add the dockerfile created for the development environment to the git
docker-compose up
Exec the container using (in the another terminal window):
docker exec -it cutlang-dev bash
# then you should run in docker (just first time)
CLA_recompile # this will run the following in order
# make clean
# make -j
git clone
cd CutLang
cd scripts/conda
# To change version you have to edit scripts/conda/meta.yaml
conda-build -c conda-forge .
# You will see the "anaconda upload /file/path/to/upload" command at the end of the logs after the compile process is finished, you can upload the package to the relevant conda channel by using this.
# And then it can be used with:
# conda create -c conda-forge -c <your-username> --name <your-environment> cutlang
git clone
cd CutLang
./scripts/docker/ prod
# you need to edit docker-compose.yml image name <your-username/cutlang>
docker-compose build
docker push <your-username>/<your-image-name>:<tagname>
# example:
# docker push cutlang/cutlang:latest
If a newer version is released, please wait until all the tests are checked in the respective commit and the associated packages have been available. A notifying mail will be sent.