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FastAPI 🚀

Your Lightning-Fast FastAPI Server 🏁 Tags:

  • fastapi 🚄
  • uvicorn 🐍
  • python 🐉
  • sqlalchemy 🗃️

How to Get Started 🌟

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt. 📦
  3. Fill in the required parameters in the .env file (See env.sample for guidance). 🛠️
  4. Run the script. 🏃
  5. Access the application via http://localhost:8000. 🌐

Features ✨

Real-Time Sockets 📡

  • Instantly receive messages from the front-end when users join the chat. It's all about real-time communication! 🗨️

Admin Superpowers 👑

  • GET /admin/show_users: Marvel at the list of users. 🦸‍♂️
  • PUT /admin/range/{user_name}: Bestow a mighty role upon a user. ⚔️
  • PUT /admin/ban/{user_name}: Banish troublesome users. 🚫
  • PUT /admin/unban/{user_name}: Grant a second chance by lifting the ban. ✌️
  • DELETE /admin/delete/{user_name}: Delete users – the power is in your hands! ❌
  • DELETE /admin/tables/delete: For when you need to clear the database slate. 🗑️

User Empowerment 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

  • GET /user/{user_name}: Uncover the secrets of a user's profile. 🕵️‍♂️
  • GET /user/profilePIC/: Gaze upon the user's chosen profile picture. 📸
  • POST /user/profilePIC/upload: Let users express themselves through profile pictures. 🌆
  • PUT /user/updatepass: Users can update their passwords for added security. 🔒
  • PUT /user/updatename/: A user's name can change, and we'll help you with that. 📝
  • DELETE /user/delete: When it's time to say goodbye, delete a user account. 🚪

Authentication Magic 🪄

  • POST /token: Begin your journey with a login and receive the coveted access token. 🎩
  • GET /users/me/: Discover the mystical secrets of the authenticated user. 🔍
  • POST /Register: Bring new users into this magical realm. 🪶

Explore these fantastic features and unleash the full potential of your FastAPI server. If you have any questions or need further assistance, we're here to guide you on your quest! 🚀🔮🌟