Monitor multiple signals utilizing BlueSky's LivePlot but without saving data to database (doesn't use databroker)
liveMonitor plots (with live updates) PVs.
sigList: List of PVs to plot. Defaults are two signals from 29ID.
displayList: Display names for the plots for each PV. Defaults are two
signals from 29ID.
delay: delay in seconds between data acquisitions. Defaults
to 1 second
points: number of points to acquire, Defaults to infinite
testPlot: boolean set to True for using bluesky test signals (det1,
noisy_det). Defaults to False
liveTab boolean for adding a LiveTable callback during plan.
Defaults to False (no LiveTable).
ylab: boolean for using EGU field of 1st PV as y-label of plot.
Defaults to True (use EGU field)
verbose: boolean for showing tracebacks. Default is false which
suppresses traceback listing
This Jupyter notebook was used for prototyping aspects of the liveMonitor project