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This package requires of the following system libraries and packages

  • cmake, a cross-platform build system.
  • Eigen, C++ template library for linear algebra

Compilation and installation


git clone
cd lib_planning/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. 
sudo make install

How to include it

To use this library in an other library or application, it is necessary add in the CMakeLists.txt file:

find_package(planning REQUIRED)

And Eigen's dependence is necessary:


And link the libraries to the program

TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(<executable name> planning) 

How to use it (Global Path Planning)


#include <planning/graph.h>


struct Pose{ 
  vector<double> coordinates; 
  vector<vector<double> > matrix; 
  • coordinates: Vector with coordinates x,y,z,yaw

  • matrix: Covariance matrix (4x4)

struct StNodes {
  long id;
  vector<double> coordinates;
  vector<vector<double> > matrix;
  vector<long> nodesConnected;
  • id: An identifier of the node

  • coordinates: Vector with coordinates x,y,z,yaw

  • matrix: Covariance matrix (4x4)

  • nodesConnected: identifiers of connected nodes


Graph(string url, vector<vector<double> > matrix, string typeDistance, double radiusDistance) 

Load an OpenStreetMap xml

  • url: A string where the file .xml is (The file must have been saved with latitude longitude coordinates)

  • matrix: Covariance matrix

  • typeDistance: Can be mahalanobis or euclidean. It is a enum and to use it you have to use "M" or "E".

  • radiusDistance: This value indicates the distance to consider an intermediate position of the trajectory as reached

Graph(string typeDistance, double radiusDistance);

Does not load any data

  • typeDistance: Can be mahalanobis or euclidean. It is a enum and to use it you have to use "M" or "E".

  • radiusDistance: This value indicates the distance to consider an intermediate position of the trajectory as reached

Method getNextPose:

Pose getNextPose(Pose myPosition, Pose endGoal)	
  • myPosition: Pose where the robot is

  • endGoal: Final goal

return next pose of the trajectory

Method getPathPoses:

  vector<Pose> getPathPoses(Pose myPosition, Pose endGoal);
  • myPosition: Pose where the robot is

  • endGoal: Final goal

return a vector with the next poses of the trajectory

Method xmlWrite:

  void xmlWrite(string fileName, int precision);

Write an xml with the information from the graph. The coordinates will be saved with UTM coordinates.

  • fileName: Name of the xml file to write

  • precision: Number of decimals for each coordinate to save. ( If the precision is 1, it will save the number with a decimal. If the precision is 15, it will save the number with 15 decimals )

Method xmlReadUTM:

  void xmlReadUTM(string url);

Load the information from the file.

  • fileName: Name of the xml file to read (The file must have been saved with UTM coordinates)

Method loadStructGraph:

  void loadStructGraph(vector<StNodes> st_nodes);

Load the information from the StNodes struct.

  • st_nodes: Vector of StNodes struct

Method getStructGraph:

  vector<StNodes> getStructGraph();

return a vector of StNodes struct

Method newMatrix:

vector<vector<double> > static newMatrix(double x, double y, double z, double yaw) 
  • x,y,z,yaw: Diagonal values in the matrix (4x4)

Method setAStarAlgorithm:

  void setAStarAlgorithm();

Set Dijkstra as the algorithm to use

Method getPlanningGraph:

  void setDijkstraAlgorithm();

Set Dijkstra as the algorithm to use

How to use it (Local Path Planning)


#include <planning/local_planning.h>


Configuration for lidar sensor:
struct SensorConfiguration
  float max_elevation_angle;
  float min_elevation_angle;

  float max_azimuth_angle;
  float min_azimuth_angle;

  float grid_azimuth_angular_resolution;
  float grid_elevation_angular_resolution;

  // To calculate these values:
  // 1 + (max_azimuth_angle - min_azimuth_angle) / grid_azimuth_angular_resolution;
  int num_of_azimuth_cells;
  int num_of_elevation_cells;
Configuration for ground filter as obstacle detection:
struct FilteringConfiguration
  float max_range; // Points above the threshold are discarded
  float min_range; // Points below this threshold will get discarded
                   // (to filter reflections in the Ego-vehicle).

                   // canonical parameters of plane
  double a; // plane intersection in x axe
  double b; // plane intersection in y axe
  double c; // plane intersection in z axe
  double variance;
  double radious;
  double var_factor;

  float ground_in_sim;

  bool is_simulation;
Configuration for ackermann control:
struct AckermannControl
  float max_angle;
  float delta_angle;
  float v_min;
  float v_max;
  float v_length;
  float delta_arc;
  float max_arc;
  float kp;
  float margin; //from base_link

  float steering;
  float velocity;
2D pose struct:
struct Pose2D
  float x;
  float y;
  float yaw;



Method groundSegmentation:

void groundSegmentation(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &input_cloud,
      local_planning_lib::SensorConfiguration lidar_configuration,
      local_planning_lib::FilteringConfiguration filtering_configuration,
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &ground_cloud,
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &obstacles_cloud,
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &free_map);	

Method localGoalCalculation:

void localGoalCalculation(pcl::PointXYZ global_goal,
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> obstacles_cloud,
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> free_map,
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &local_path);	

Method controlActionCalculation:

void controlActionCalculation(pcl::PointXYZ local_goal,
      local_planning_lib::Pose2D base_in_lidarf,
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> obstacles_cloud,
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &collision_risk,
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &collision_actions,
      pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &free_actions,
      local_planning_lib::AckermannControl &ackermann_control);	

Example of usage:

You can run an example following the instructions in applications (Examples).