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qrCode.js is a web based QrCode generation library in javascript. It extends the functionality of qrcode-generator.

Getting started

    npm i


    yarn add


ES6 Modules

import { qrcode, modes, ecLevel } from '';
const qrCodeSetting = {
    size: 400,
    ecLevel: ecLevel.QUARTILE,
    minVersion: 8,
    background: '#fff',
    mode: modes.DRAW_WITH_IMAGE_BOX,
    radius: 0.5,
    image: '',
    mSize: 0.15,

const element = document.getElementById("qrCode"); //Element must be an instance of HTMLCanvasElement or HTMLDivElement
const qrCode = new qrcode(element); //Initializing the QrCode
await qrCode.generate('', qrCodeSetting); // Function that generates the QrCode
let image = this.qrCode.getImage(); // Function to get the data Url of the QrCode Image


<!DOCTYPE html>
            html, body {
                height: 100%;
                width: 100%;
                position: relative;
                margin: 0;
                overflow: hidden;
        <div id="qrCode"></div>

        <!-- Assuming node_modules is located in parent directory -->
        <script src="../node_modules/qrcode.umd.js"></script>
        <script type="application/javascript">

            const image = './assets/logo.jpg'; // To modify path to the image url
            const element = document.getElementById("qrCode"); //Element must be an instance of HTMLCanvasElement or HTMLDivElement
            const qrCode = new QrCode.qrcode(element);

            const qrCodeSetting = {
                size: 400,
                ecLevel: QrCode.ecLevel.QUARTILE,
                minVersion: 8,
                background: '#fff',
                mode: QrCode.MODES.DRAW_WITH_IMAGE_BOX,
                radius: 0.5,
                image: image,
                mSize: 0.15,

            let qrCodeImageUrl = null;

            qrCode.generate('', qrCodeSetting)
                .then(() => {
                    qrCodeImageUrl = qrCode.getImage();
                    console.log("[IMAGE URL] : ", qrCodeImageUrl);



constructor (element: instance of HTMLDivElement | instance of HTMLCanvasElement): qrcode
fucntion generate(text: string, options: Object): Promise
function getImage(): string


Name Type Default Description
minVersion number 1 Version Range: Minimum 1*
maxVersion number 40 Version Range: Maximum 40*
ecLevel string 'H' Error Correction Level*
size number 500 Size of QrCode in pixel
fill string '#000' Color of Module in Color Code
background string null Background color or null for transparent background
radius number 0 Corner radius relative to module width: Range from 0.0 to 0.5
quiet number 0 Quiet zone in modules (White border around the QrCode)
mode number 0 Mode of QrCode - Refer to the end of table for more information
mSize number 0.3 Size of Label or Image
mPosX number 0.5 Position of Label or Image on x-Axis
mPosY number 0.5 Position of Label or Image on y-Axis
fontname string 'sans' Font Name to be used
fontcolor string '#000' Font Colour in Color Code
label string 'no label' Label used for Mode with Label
image string null Image used for Mode with Image


QrCode Modules refers to the black and white dots that make up the QrCode.


QrCode version ranges from 1 - 40 where which version has a different number of modules. Each higher version consists of a higher number of modules which allows the QrCode to contain more data.

Error Correction Level (ecLevel)

QR Code has error correction capability to restore data if the code is dirty or damaged. Four error correction levels are available for users to choose according to the operating environment.



Name Level Error Correction Capability
LOW 'L' ~7%
MEDIUM 'M' ~15%
HIGH 'H' ~30%


Name Description
NORMAL To generate a default QrCode
DRAW_WITH_LABEL_STRIP To add a label with a white strip taking the width of the QrCode
DRAW_WITH_LABEL_BOX To add a label base on the length of text on the QrCode
DRAW_WITH_IMAGE_STRIP To add an image with a white strip taking the width of the QrCode
DRAW_WITH_IMAGE_BOX To add an image base on the image width on the QrCode


MIT License (MIT)

The word "QR Code" is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED

Special Thanks

This library is greatly inspired by Lars Jung, Author of jquery-qrcode.

Thanks to Kazuhiko Arase for original QrCode generation.