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Releases: AdguardTeam/AdguardForiOS


18 Jul 10:10
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This is huge! AdGuard 3.0 for iOS has lots of new things that should get you excited! DNS Privacy module, custom filters and max limit count raised to 250k ー we have enough topics to talk about!

[Improved] Safari content blocker max rule count raised to 250k #819

Safari is notoriously known for its harsh 50k max limit for filtering rules in content blockers. This number is laughably low, and for ages we were struggling with it. Now we've implemented a workaround: split AdGuard into five content blockers. Each of them has the same 50k restriction but in total they add up to a reasonable 250k rules max. You don't have to seek weird compromises anymore and can enable all your favorite filters!

[Added] "DNS Privacy" settings section #887

This section should look familiar to seasoned AdGuard Pro users. Basically, this is where you have a chance to configure DNS settings the way you like it ー and further protect your privacy along the way. The main difference to the Pro version is that there's no blacklist or whitelist here, this was impossible under the current Apple policy. However, there is a requests log that will provide you information about everything that's going on on your device.

[Added] An option to import custom filters by URL #518

This option will be very useful for those who support their own filters, or just have a favorite filter that wasn't included by default. Add it by URL and it will be kept updated just as any other filter!

Ad blocking

  • [Fixed] "Invert Whitelist" option doesn’t work #859
  • [Improved] Filters categories rework #818


  • [Added] "Restart tunnel on network change" setting #1039
  • [Fixed] DNS Privacy switch is on after VPN configuration is deleted from iOS settings #946
  • [Fixed] Filters update error #930
  • [Improved] Support for DNS64 / NAT64 networks has been added #796


  • [Added] An option to pause video guides #863
  • [Changed] Tutorial videos has been slowed down a bit #826


  • [Added] A forwarder for Adguard website links #783

2.1.1 Pro

22 Jun 09:32
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We really dislike releasing new versions that only contain bugfixes, but sometimes it is necessary. One of the bugs required our immediate attention, and we couldn’t wait for more features to come to release the new version.

[Fixed] Full tunnel mode misbehaviour #772

This is the main villain of the release. In full tunnel mode, some users experienced network failure after their device switched from WiFi to Mobile data. Only Flight mode on/off toggle or restarting the device helped bring the connection back to life. The bug proved to be trickier than we expected, so we added a new advanced setting to enable automatic tunnel restart after network switch.

NOTE: this setting is disabled by default. If you are one of the unlucky users, try enabling it.


[Fixed] DNS settings description doesn't change when switching phone language #794
[Changed] Reduce margin size on Quick tour screen #793


[Fixed] Manually adding/removing URLs to blacklist disables filtering #776


[Added] A help video for the Privacy module #681
[Improved] Several localization fixes and updates #760, #765, #770


22 Jun 09:33
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We are lucky to have a lot of amazing volunteers who help us translate AdGuard into various languages. Thanks to their efforts we were able to improve the existing localizations and even add a new one — AdGuard is now available in Japanese!

[Improved] Translations have been updated

2.1.0 Pro

18 May 15:33
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It is not uncommon when a big update is followed soon-ish with a minor one. This is exactly it: a minor update to tidy up bugs and inconsistencies that slipped past our attention during the v2.0 release. Nothing huge, just bugfixes and quality of life improvements.


[Added] "CANCEL" button to the Filtering log clearing dialog #652
[Added] Indicator for what exact blocking list has blocked a request #584
[Added] "Rate me" dialog #751
[Changed] The number of items in the DNS requests log has been limited #713
[Improved] The whole ‘Share' field is clickable now #708
[Improved] Dark keyboard to match the color scheme of the app #705

Ad blocking

[Improved] Handling of T-Mobile and Deutsche Telekom cases #688


[Fixed] DNS response caching #702
[Fixed] Errors when tunnel starts with encrypted DNS #744
[Fixed] IPv4 interface is added in IPv6-only networks #714
[Fixed] VPN is busy when enabling AdGuard protection #657
[Fixed] Unable to establish VPN connection after first clicking "check for updates" for subscriptions #752


[Added] Help video for the privacy module #681
[Fixed] Crashes #715
[Fixed] French translation bug #722
[Fixed] Warning message persists #676
[Improved] German translation #695
[Improved] Changed the way AG interacs with translation platform #66


23 Apr 14:41
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Hello! This is a very small update. We updated the translations (thanks to all the volunteers by the way!) and added a "Rate me" dialog window. If you've always wanted to give us 5 stars, but just keep forgetting — this change is for you! :) Seriously though, just swipe the dialog away if you don't feel like rating the app, and it won't bother you again.

[Added] "Rate me" dialog #751
[Improved] Translations has been updated


29 Mar 10:11
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Hello! Some iOS 9 users may have encountered certain troubles after the previous update. We fixed the related issues in this hotfix, so please update! Users of newer iOS versions can update too, there's no harm in that :)

[Fixed] AdGuard 2.0.2 crashes on old iOS versions #718
[Fixed] White text on white background #731

2.0.2 Pro

13 Mar 13:37
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Turned out, we overlooked a couple of minor bugs and inconsistencies in the v2.0 update. Here's a quick fix to set things right.

[Fixed] Warning "Safari content blocker is disabled" sometimes disappears #691
[Fixed] Blocking List Subscription disappears in testflight v2.0 124 #575
[Improved] Update the Safari filters' translations in Traditional Chinese language file #686
[Improved] AdGuard filter descriptions not translated to German #683
[Improved] Enable autoupdate over Wi-Fi only by default #682
[Improved] Show "hide" button after watching video #680
[Improved] Translations has been updated #679


19 Mar 15:11
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Usually we update both AdGuard and AdGuard Pro for iOS simultaneously, but not this time. Don't worry — the new version of AdGuard for iOS has arrived, and it features new design, web reporting tool integration and more.

[Changed] App redesign #455

This is undoubtedly the first thing you will notice when you run the app after the update. Light theme has been discontinued in favor of a dark one, and the overall style of the menu has changed.

[Added] Detect if Content Blocker is not enabled in Safari settings #437

Enabling AdGuard Content blocker in Safari settings is required to have filtering going on in Safari. If AdGuard is disabled, the red warning will appear at the top of the main screen to remind you to enable the Content Blocker. The video right below it shows how to do so.

[Added] Integration with the web reporting tool #533

You may have heard about the online reporting tool before, especially if you are an AdGuard for Windows or AdGuard extension user. Basically, it is a web form to report missed ads, false positives or any other issues caused by AdGuard filters. Now it is integrated with AdGuard for iOS, so whenever you report a problem, the app will automatically prefill all the required fields about its settings.

[Improved] Mobile Assistant version has been updated #581

The “Preview” button disappeared from the “Block element on this page” tool in the last update due to technical difficulties, which caused a righteous uproar from many users. Luckily, we were able to resolve these problems by now and the preview button is back where it belongs.


[Added] "Learn about other AdGuard products" item to the "RATE AND SHARE" block #641
[Improved] Tutorial videos have been updated #539
[Improved] AdGuard now uses default iOS Sharing functionality #590

Ad Blocking

[Changed] “Send Bug Report” menu item has been reworked #649
[Fixed] Error while loading filters into Safari #550


[Improved] Translations has been updated

2.0.0 Pro

06 Mar 09:56
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In this version, we introduce a wide range of novelties, from app redesign (dark theme looks slick!) to new features like Blocking Lists to block ads devise-wise, new Privacy module (and specifically DNSCrypt support) to boost your online privacy, integration with web reporting tool and much more.

[Changed] App redesign #455

This is undoubtedly the first thing you will notice when you run the app after the update. Light theme has been discontinued in favor of a dark one, and the overall style of the menu has changed.

[Added] DNSCrypt support #465

AdGuard now supports DNSCrypt servers. You can read why DNSCrypt is so important in our Knowledge base article. Long story short: it greatly enhances your online protection. Loads of DNSCrypt servers to choose from are available by default on the “DNS settings screen”, along with option to add a custom server.

[Added] Privacy settings #545

There is a new “Privacy settings” tab in the main menu. Inside you will find familiar Whitelist and Blacklist, but also new “Blocking lists” section. Blocking lists, sometimes also referred to as “subscriptions”, are lists of rules (similar to Safari content blocking rules) that are used to operate the filtering process. There is a link inside to add some of the popular subscriptions as well as a possibility to add any custom ones by URL. Subscriptions are either hosts-file or adblock-file based, the diffirences between them are described further down the release notes.

NOTE: Important to notice that too many subscriptions can lead to tunnel crash, i.e. the app will stop responding and the filtering will cease.

[Changed] Blacklist now supports both "adblock" and "hosts files" syntax #546

Hosts files are basically lists of matches between domain names and IP-addresses that the system should use to navigate to these domains. Unlike hosts files, adblock-based subscriptions are regular filters that support basic syntax. Both types of files can be added to AdGuard to block DNS requests.

[Added] Detect if Content Blocker is not enabled in Safari settings #437

Enabling AdGuard Content blocker in Safari settings is required to have filtering going on in Safari. If AdGuard is disabled, the red warning will appear at the top of the main screen to remind you to enable the Content Blocker. The video right below it shows how to do so.

[Added] AdGuard DNS (default, family) has been added to the list of known DNS providers #582

Not much to add here. Both AdGuard Default and AdGuard Family protection are now available from the DNS settings, without having to enter their addresses manually (by the way, AdGuard provides DNSCrypt servers too, and they are in the list).

[Added] Integration with the web reporting tool #533

You may have heard about the online reporting tool before, especially if you are an AdGuard for Windows or AdGuard extension user. Basically, it is a web form to report missed ads, false positives or any other issues caused by AdGuard filters. Now it is integrated with AdGuard for iOS, so whenever you report a problem, the app will automatically prefill all the required fields about its settings.

[Improved] Mobile Assistant version has been updated #581

The “Preview” button disappeared from the “Block element on this page” tool in the last update due to technical difficulties, which caused a righteous uproar from many users. Luckily, we were able to resolve these problems by now and the preview button is back where it belongs.


[Added] "Learn about other AdGuard products" item to the "RATE AND SHARE" block #641
[Changed] Color in DNS requests log #620
[Changed] Adguard to AdGuard in the list of DNS #618
[Improved] First run screen has been redesigned #613
[Improved] Tutorial videos have been updated #539
[Improved] AdGuard now uses default iOS Sharing functionality #590

Ad Blocking

[Added] Quad9 to the list of known DNS Servers #529
[Changed] Mobile ads filter turned on by default #624
[Changed] “Send Bug Report” menu item has been reworked #649
[Fixed] Error while loading filters into Safari #550


[Improved] Translations has been updated #667, #669


12 Dec 13:52
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The time has come for another version of Adguard for iOS to be released. Renovated Assistant and the new “Invert whitelist” option are the headliners of this update.

[Changed] Assistant in the Safari extension #469

We have unified the Assistant code, so that it’s the same across the board now: AdGuard for Windows, Mac and iOS, browser extensions, you name it. While at it, we have changed the exterior a bit (hopefully, for the better). As a side effect, there’s temporarily no ‘Preview’ option, but it will be added in the next version.

[Added] Inverted whitelist #431

This is a quite narrow option, but some users will definitely find it useful. By inverting the whitelist (which you can do in the Advanced settings, by the way) you will switch AdGuard into a special mode that doesn’t block ads anywhere by default, but filters all websites that you add to this list. The inverted whitelist is independent from the regular whitelist, so you can have them both configured as you find appropriate and switch between the modes depending on your current goals.

[Improved] Added scaling support for iPhone X (18:9) #513

Upon the release of iPhone X some of AdGuard interface panels looked pretty ugly. We had to do some work to make it look smooth and natural for all those lucky owners of the newest Apple flagship device :)

[Fixed] Keyboard covers up text field in custom filters #505