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Releases: Aetherinox/mobaxterm-utility


29 Jan 13:26
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What's Changed

  • Fixed major bug related to deprecated user settings file exe.config not being present and causing utility to not launch.
    • Existing user settings migrated to Program.Settings
  • Removed deprecated settings no longer used
  • Cleaned up old references to package Newtonsoft.Json.dll
  • Updated Visual Studio main packages
  • Updated optimization function for better performance
  • Updated language entries for MessageBox
  • Cleaned up Resources, moved Materials to correct folder
  • Fixed wrong name on hex_patched.dmp
  • Fixed header tracking for debug mode
  • Updated Tools folder
  • Updated Sign.bat


Full Changelog: v1.3.0.0...v1.3.1.0


19 Jan 16:33
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This utility is now stable. Future changes to the parent application will result in updates, but this utility should not need any additional major updates. It has everything it should have, including enough intelligent code to understand where Mobaxterm is installed, and needs very little interaction from the user. Maybe a few more language entries need to be registered, but overall, it's stable and it works.

What's New

  • Update notification integration to help assist users with getting the latest copy of the patch when core software changes.
  • Updated core license generation command-line
    • Fixed bug with non-float version values throwing error
    • Version bump to 23.6
    • Updated to work with Python 3.12.1
  • Add priority to notifications to ensure user sees them and they don't dip behind interface
  • Added --debug startup argument
  • Added logging system in the event of user errors and being able to diagnose this utilities functionality
  • Optimizations:
    • Combined Powershell queries to utilize individual method
    • Interface now caches controls before loading them for more smooth interaction
  • Fixed bug in interface which caused it to not paint the background once minimized and brought back
  • App now gets cert and gpg IDs from Github manifest


Full Changelog: v1.2.0.0...v1.3.0.0


08 Jan 07:28
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v1.2.1.0-alpha Pre-release

What's New


This is an alpha release. Use it at your own discretion. All functionality has worked as it should, however, new versions usually get at least 8 hours of testing, which will happen tomorrow.

  • Update notification integration to help assist users with getting the latest copy of the patch when core software changes.
  • Updated core license generation cli
    • Fixed bug with non-float version values throwing error
    • Version bump to 23.6
    • Updated to work with Python 3.7



The update notification was recommended by two users. It seems like a useful feature, however, that's as far as I want to take it. Users should be able to download updates from Github on their own. I don't like software that starts doing things automatically, especially when I have a setup that I like and it works fine on its own.

The other option if people want to be informed of updates is to star this repo. I'm big on privacy, and I don't want the software doing anything weird, especially collecting data.

I also added a little icon that will appear in the menu next to Updates when there is an update, so I'm not even sure if the notification box is something to stay. It's relatively easy to just click on the menu and see if there's an icon or not. Or maybe throw a message in the status bar.


Full Changelog: v1.2.0.0...v1.2.1.0-alpha


05 Jan 15:45
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What's New

  • Revised interface layout
  • Added manual browse dialog to pick the directory that the file will save in if the utility can't auto-detect MobaXterm's location
  • Added Validate Signature feature available in the top menu.
    • This allows the user to confirm that all executables are properly signed and from the official developer.
  • Bumped default version to v23.6
  • Fixed a rendering bug when utility minimized
  • Utility now only uses one window at a time when navigating between the different menus
  • New link to official github page
  • Optimized key generation to be slightly quicker
  • Modified auto-detection priority to the following:
    • [1]: Utility folder
      • Utility automatically searches its home folder depending on where the exe resides. Useful for MobaXterm portable
    • [2]: Windows Environment Variable
    • [3]: C:\Program Files
    • [4]: C:\Program Files (x86)
    • [5]: C:\Users$USER\AppData\Local
    • [6]: PowerShell get-command <AppName>
  • Added Update IReceiver
  • Moved all major actions over to its own class instead of mingling it with the form
  • Replaced AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory with Process.GetCurrentProcess( ).MainModule.FileName
  • Made system messages with better descriptions


Full Changelog: v1.1.1.4...v1.2.0.0


24 Dec 06:11
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What's Changed

  • Bumped default version number for keygen to v23.5


Full Changelog: v1.1.0.0...v1.1.1.4


07 Nov 20:48
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What's Changed

  • Optimized some of the code
  • Housekeeping to clean up the binaries
    • No longer requires any files other than the single .exe binary


Full Changelog: v1.0.0.0...v1.1.0.0


12 Jul 04:31
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Initial release