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Model diagrams: Changing SHF Application and Company relationship to 0..many

Ashley Engelund edited this page Jan 11, 2018 · 3 revisions

Current relationship as of 8 Jan 2018

Currently there is a one-to-one relationship between a SHF Application and a Company. (history/background: application based on Company, not a User. Assumed information was tied directly to a

However, we now need to move to a zero-to-many ("0..M") relationship.
(impetus for change - learned more about needs)

Change to 0..M Relationship

Here's a diagram of the current implementation and what it will look like after the change:

SHF Application and Companies relationship

After the change has been implemented, we can work with the client to discover and define how information is entered, and by whom. Can a user apply to SHF and specify more than 1 company on their application? Can a user or member change the companies their application is associated with? Or can they request the change, and an admin actually makes the change?

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