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Hermes edited this page Jan 27, 2021 · 2 revisions
  1. Q: Why don't my project credentials (App ID and App Certificate) get saved when I input them on the Settings tab?

A: This could be occurring for a few different reasons, one of the more common issues is conflicts with plugins. To test if it is a plugin conflict, please disable all plugins except for Agora. Then, try to save your AppID and App Certificate.

If this does not resolve the issue and your App ID and App Certificate are still not getting stored, please file a support ticket:

  1. Q: What is the purpose of the RTMP and external URL buttons?

A: The option for RTMP is for the purpose of pushing your Agora stream to a 3rd party service such as Vimeo or YouTube as a way to leverage 3rd party streaming services to increase your reach/visibility. This is an optional feature that does not need to be used if you don't want it.

The external url is for ingesting a stream from a CDN into the Agora stream. Similar to RTMP, this is an optional feature that does not need to be used if you don't want it.

  1. Q: How can I hide the RTMP and external URL buttons?

A: You can hide the RTMP and external URL buttons by hiding their container. To do so, add this to your theme's style.css: #lower-ui-bar div { display: none; } #screen-share-btn-container { display: block !important; }

  1. Q: Does communication mode support cloud recording?

A: Currently only Broadcast mode supports cloud recording, where the broadcaster has to initiate the recording.The decision was made during development for the privacy of users. The plugin allows for setting the cloud recording credentials within the communication channel settings because we want to allow users to extend the plugin based on their needs.

  1. Q: Why doesn't the video work? I see the buttons but I don't get any prompts for video access.

A: Browsers require a secure connection (HTTPS) for accessing a device's microphone and camera. When testing locally, localhost is a whitelisted URL but once you deploy to production you will need to have a secure connection for the plugin to function properly.

  1. Q: Why does the video look cropped? How can I set the video to not appear cropped?

A: When embedding a <video> element, the object-fit CSS property specifies how the <video> should be resized to fit its container. (details: W3C - object-fit). The Agora Video for WordPress plugin uses the default setting of cover, as set by the Agora Web SDK. To change this, you can use CSS. Within the WordPress Admin dashboard, click "Appearance" > "Customize" and then click "Additional CSS". Copy and paste the copy below into the "Additional CSS" input field and click the "Publish" button.

.agora .screen-users video{
  object-fit: contain !important;
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