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Hermes edited this page Oct 27, 2020 · 5 revisions

This page explains the required settings for setting up the plugin. There are two credentials (AppID and AppCertificate) that are required for the most basic set up, while advanced features require a few other steps to enable.

Agora Developer Console, Project Credentials Page

take note of the App ID and App Certificate values from

Basic setup

  1. Create or Log into an Agora developer account (
  2. Create a project and take note of the App ID and App certificate keys
  3. Navigate to the plugin's Settings page and input App ID and App certificate keys

Advanced setup

  1. Create or Log into an Agora developer account (
  2. Create a project and take note of the App ID and App certificate keys
  3. Navigate to "Products and Usage" page. Enable RTMP and Cloud Recording.
  4. Navigate to the Dashboard API section of your Agora Dashboard ( and take note of your Customer ID and Customer Certificate keys.
  5. Navigate to the plugin's settings page and input App ID, App certificate, Customer ID, and Customer Certificate keys
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the plugin's settings page and click the toggle to enable real-time chat.

fully completed advanced setup

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