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Human-Computer-Interaction using gestures

Human-Computer-Interaction using gestures is a Python application designed to provide users with customizable gesture controls for launching various applications. This application utilizes Python's tkinter library for creating a graphical user interface (GUI) and interacts with MongoDB for storing user-defined configurations.


  • Customizable Gestures: Users can assign specific applications to different gestures (e.g., tapping, swiping) for quick access.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The GUI allows users to easily customize their gestures and manage their configurations.
  • Persistent Storage: User configurations are stored in a MongoDB database, ensuring that preferences are retained across sessions.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: The application is compatible with multiple operating systems including Windows and macOS.

How It Works

  1. Unique ID Generation: The application generates a unique identifier based on the user's machine's MAC address and hostname.
  2. MongoDB Integration: Utilizing pymongo, the application connects to a MongoDB database to store and retrieve user configurations.
  3. GUI Creation: The tkinter library is used to create a two-screen GUI. The first screen displays options to launch the program or customize gestures, while the second screen allows users to customize their gesture preferences.
  4. Custom Gesture Configuration: Users can select applications from a predefined list and assign them to five available gestures (index, index and middle, index, middle and ring, index, middle, ring and little, thumb).
  5. Persistence: User-defined configurations are saved to the MongoDB database and a local JSON file for persistence across sessions.
  6. Launching Applications: Upon customization and saving of gestures, users can launch the assigned applications by performing the corresponding gestures.


Before running the application, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.x
  • MongoDB

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine.

  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Depending on your system, choose the appropriate requirements file to install the necessary Python packages:
      • For macOS (Darwin):
        • Run pip install -r requirements_apple_silicon.txt if you're using an Apple Silicon-based Mac.
      • For Windows:
        • Run pip install -r requirements_windows.txt to install the required Python packages.
  3. Set Up MongoDB: Make sure MongoDB is running locally or accessible via a URI. Set the MongoDB URI in a .env file in the project directory.

  4. Run the Application: Execute the Python script to launch the application.

  5. Customize Gestures: Follow the on-screen instructions to customize gestures and assign applications.

  6. Enjoy Gesture Navigation: Once customization is complete, use the assigned gestures to perform various actions with ease.


This project was made possible thanks to the collaborative efforts of the following team members:

Contributor Role
Medhaj Bhandari GUI Development, Blender Animations
Akshat V Ghanathay Gesture Recognition Algorithm, Testing
Aditya Chintala Database Integration, GUI Development, Windows specific algorithm
Adithya Kramadhati Gesture Recognition Algorithm, Documentation, GUI Development


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.