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ROS Noetic on 22.04

This repository should allow you to build ROS 1 Noetic Base and Desktop Full from source on ubuntu 22.04. You can install it through Docker by building an image with the dockerfile provided, in a very similar way to how Lukas Reisinger did it in his article; or you can just install it locally on your machine by following the steps in this readme.

Install as a Docker Image

Ros Base

Whole build and install of ros noetic base has been automated for use through the dockerfile provided in this repo. Open a terminal from a directory with the Dockerfile inside and simply run:

~ - sudo docker build -t ros_noetic_22_04 .

Docker will take care of applying patches, building and installing all the components required for ros noetic base and provides all the tools to build the desktop full version. Next, you can start an interactive bash session with:

~ - sudo docker run -it --rm ros_noetic_22_04 bash

You can run roscore after sourcing the file "setup.bash" from that interactive bash session.

Ros Desktop Full

If you want the image to have the desktop full version, simply add the following lines to the Dockerfile:

RUN chmod 755 ./
RUN ./

and then have docker build the image with the same command as for the ros base install.

Install on a local machine

Ros Base

To install ros base on a local machine, you will need to have these packages installed:

~ - sudo apt-get update && \
        apt-get install -y \
        cmake \
        libboost-thread-dev \
        libboost-system-dev \
        libboost-filesystem-dev \
        libboost-regex-dev \
        libboost-program-options-dev \
        libconsole-bridge-dev \
        libpoco-dev \
        libtinyxml2-dev \
        liblz4-dev \
        libbz2-dev \
        uuid-dev \
        liblog4cxx-dev \
        libgpgme-dev \
        python3 \
        python3-pip \
        python3-setuptools \
        python3-empy \
        python3-nose \
        python3-pycryptodome \
        python3-defusedxml \
        python3-mock \
        python3-netifaces \
        python3-gnupg \
        python3-numpy \

After the installation process is complete, you'll have to run the install script:

~ - chmod 755 ./
~ - ./

Ros Desktop Full

To install ros desktop full on a local machine, you will need to have these packages installed:

~ - sudo apt-get update && \
        apt-get install -y \
        cmake \
        build-essential \
        python3 \
        pip \
        git \
        wget \
        curl \
        libcurl4-openssl-dev \
        qtbase5-dev \
        qt5-qmake \
        qttools5-dev \
        qttools5-dev-tools \
        qtwebengine5-dev \
        libqt5svg5-dev \
        libqt5websockets5-dev \
        libtinyxml-dev \
        libboost-thread-dev \
        libboost-system-dev \
        libboost-filesystem-dev \
        libboost-regex-dev \
        libboost-program-options-dev \
        libboost-python-dev \
        libyaml-dev \
        libyaml-cpp-dev \
        libconsole-bridge-dev \
        libpoco-dev \
        libtinyxml2-dev \
        liblz4-dev \
        libbz2-dev \
        uuid-dev \
        liblog4cxx-dev \
        libgpgme-dev \
        libgtest-dev \
        libbullet-dev \
        libeigen3-dev \
        libpcl-dev \
        liburdfdom-dev \
        libopencv-dev \
        fltk1.1-dev \
        python3-empy \
        python3-nose \
        python3-pycryptodome \
        python3-defusedxml \
        python3-mock \
        python3-netifaces \
        python3-gnupg \
        python3-numpy \
        python3-psutil \
        python3-sip \
        pyqt5-dev-tools \
        sip-dev \
        pyqt5-dev \
        python3-sip-dev \
        gazebo \
        libgazebo-dev \
        librviz-dev \

Also, there you need to install and compile Orocos:

~ - git clone
~ - mkdir /<path>/orocos_kinematics_dynamics/build
~ - cd "/<path>/orocos_kinematics_dynamics/build"
~ - cmake ../orocos_kdl && make && make install

and Stage (Stage and stage4 directories are in stored into the same directory):

~ - git clone
~ - mkdir /<path>/stage4
~ - cd "/<path>/stage4"
~ - cmake ../Stage && make && make install

You will now need to install the ros base version with:

~ - chmod 755 ./
~ - ./

and then run the update script:

~ - chmod 755 ./
~ - ./

Building a package

When catkin tries to build a package, it will parse the whole src directory and see all the packages that can be built. While it shouldn't really matter, I advise not to and to tell it which package you want to build. This is to avoid things such as the requirement of other packages and linking issues I have experienced during build, as per changelog entry #1. This can be done easily by using the command written below while inside the catkin_ws directory:

catkin_ws - ./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make install -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="<your_package_name_here>" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3


  • 21/06/2024 - Developed install scripts to install ros base locally and update to desktop full. Dockerfile now relies on the ros base install script. Rviz moved toward a apt-get install instead of compiling by source as it is more reliable. Removed a tutorial package.

  • 03/06/2024 - Developed Dockerfile to automate ros-noetic base install; added patching scripts. Edited Readme.

  • 13/02/2024 - Finished building all packages required by rosinstall. Ros-noetic base is built and roscore runs without issues. Still, running catkin_make install of all the packages inside catkin_ws/src throws the same cmake error as of Feb 7th, although all packages have been successfully built one-by-one. I suspect some linking libraries errors due to the amount of packages to be installed, but it's just a hunch. Theoretically, ros noetic full should have been built since all packages have been installed one-by-one; emphasis on the theoretical aspect.

  • 12/02/2024 - Added patches to build:

    kdl_parser              laser_filters
    laser_geometry          perception_pcl
    resource_retriever      robot_state_publisher

    Achieved success in building the following packages (and their subpackages):

    joint_state_publisher   kdl_parser
    laser_proc              laser_assembler
    laser_filters           laser_geometry
    laser_pipeline          media_export
    metapackages            navigation_msgs
    pcl_msgs                perception_pcl
    python_qt_binding       qt_gui_core
    qwt_dependency          resource_retriever
    robot_state_publisher   roslint
    rqt                     rqt_action
    rqt_bag                 rqt_common_plugins
    rqt_console             rqt_dep
    rqt_graph               rqt_image_view
    rqt_launch              rqt_logger_level
    rqt_moveit              rqt_msg
    rqt_nav_view            rqt_plot
    rqt_pose_view           rqt_publisher
    rqt_py_console          rqt_reconfigure
    rqt_robot_dashboard     rqt_robot_monitor
    rqt_robot_plugins       rqt_robot_steering
  • 09/02/2024 - Added patches to build tf and urdf packages with c++17. Achieved success in building the following packages (and their sub-packages):

    angles                  common_tutorials
    control_msgs            realtime_tools
    control_toolbox         geometry
    geometry_experimental   ros_tutorials
    geometry_tutorials      diagnostics
    executive_smach         filters
    urdf                    urdf_sim_tutorial
    urdf_tutorial           vision_opencv
    image_common            image_transport_plugins
    gazebo_ros_pkgs         gl_dependency
    image_pipeline          interactive_markers
  • 08/02/2024 - Changing approach: building base version first and build subsequent packages later. Added script to clone base version and patch them. Base version seems to build fine.

  • 07/02/2024 - Currently, packages are configured by catkin_make but an issue with the math.h library not being properly linked in a package halts the build, and is curretly being investigated.