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pjcozzi edited this page Aug 22, 2012 · 20 revisions

Design and implementation ideas for models.


  • COLLADA features
    • Common Profile - most models today use the common profile AFAIK. We need to generate shaders based on their materials.
    • GLES2 - Recommended for use with WebGL. Do any models use it yet?
    • COLLADA FX - for writing shaders for things like metal, foil, etc.
    • COLLADA Animation - for articulating things like satellite solar panels and aircraft landing gear; rigs for robot arms; rigid body dynamics driving explosions; and skinning deformations.
  • Work in Columbus view. The model scale will need to be adjusted - and will be relative to the projection
  • Work in 2D. Render model to texture from top-down view; lay over top the 2D map as a billboard. The model will appear lit and changes in orientation, e.g., banked aircraft turns, will be seen. Awesome.
  • Interaction with CZML
    • CZML references external models.
    • Time-varying CZML can manipulate model animation (articulations), materiel properties, etc.
    • CZML includes a subset of model JSON, e.g., geometry (or all of it)?


  • Read COLLADA client-side?
  • Or convert COLLADA (and other model formats) to JSON server-side?
    • Use and contribute back to an open-source converter?
    • Use the most standard JSON format. Will Khronos propose a COLLADA JSON standard?
    • Go beyond JSON? Use typed arrays for vertex data. Take a close look at webgl-loader for mesh compression.
    • The converter should be a library for developers; a command-line tool for scripting; and a hosted web service for the rest of the world.
    • From the end-user's perspective, conversion to JSON should be transparent, e.g., if they drag and drop a COLLADA model, it is sent to the service, and JSON is sent back.

COLLADA to JSON Pipeline

Transform to the subset of the COLLADA spec that the Cesium client knows how to render:

  • Triangulate - Convert polygons (<polygons> and <polylist>) into triangle lists. Since this only adds indices, it does not dramatically increase the payload.
  • Unify indices - In COLLADA, each attribute may be indexed separately. Unify these so one index refers to all vertex attributes. In general, how does this affect the payload?
  • Split meshes to fit in unsigned short indices - This may need to be done in the optimizations instead if we are combining meshes.
  • Generate shaders - Create GLSL shaders for models using the Common Profile (fixed function), which is most models.

Tansforms for Performance

  • See below.

Finally, convert to JSON.

Rendering Optimizations

I believe we can have a very fast implementation; perhaps even faster than many C++ ones. Bold words, I know.

These optimizations could be on the fly or as a preprocess in the content pipeline (using node.js). Doing it on the fly ensures that no mater how the model is authored, we still get the rendering performance benefit.

  • If a mesh has the same vertex layout as another mesh, they should be combined into a single vertex buffer, and, possibly even a single draw call if the materials are the same.
  • If transforms are static, the tree can be flattened and positions adjusted so there are less batch-breaking model transform uniforms set, and, therefore, less draw calls.
  • Reorder for the vertex cache.
  • Auto generate discrete geometric LOD using quadric error metrics. Perhaps even stream just the lowest LOD to the client to start. Can we also use this code for polyline simplification?
  • In addition to sending the lowest LOD, the client can also start rendering the model before the textures are loaded by using a 1x1 white texture in the meantime.
  • Reduce the size of large textures that are not likely to take up a lot of screen space.
  • Use the COLLADA Refinery?

These optimizations will be done at run-time:

  • Sort by material, perhaps create buckets on model load.
  • Coarse front-to-back sort.


We recognize the need to support the widest possible content, therefore, we need to transparently support loading models from all major web-based model repositories whose terms of service allow.

  • rest3d aims to define a standard web API for accessing 3D assets.
  • 3dpie
  • Sketchfab is similar in that it is for sharing 3D models and embedding them in webpages. They have an API, but it is only for sending content; retrieving content is on their roadmap. Perhaps they are open to an API for reading models like OurBricks. They support a lot of formats.
  • OurBricks "connects people who need great 3D content with those who can create it." Great effort; worth a close look at their API.
  • is also for sharing 3D models. Artists can upload .obj files and embed the viewer in a webpage, but I'm not sure if there is any API for accessing their models.
  • OpenBuildingModels
  • US Government ADL 3D Repository - Very relevant content for Cesium; lots of satellite, aircraft, and ground vehicle models. Requires login to download. Models are available under public domain or CC license. Only 354 total models. No REST API.
  • verold
  • Google 3D Warehouse - lots of models. Need to look at the terms of service. Not sure about an API. It would be cool to have a WebGL browser for this though.
  • 3DVia - Looks good. Worth a closer look. Need to look at what is free and what is paid.

Will we be able to render models directly from the provider's APIs or do we need to proxy them for conversion? If we proxy, do the TOS allow us to cache?


  • COLLADA to JSON converter. Use JSON.NET, XSLTJSON, Jettison (Java), BadgerFish-JSON, or write our own.
  • Model editor - load models into a Cesium scene, tweak their animations, etc.
    • Perhaps part of Sandcastle.
  • Useful to integrate with existing WebGL modeling tools? Do any of these have APIs for accessing models?

Conversion to JSON

Existing COLLADA to JSON converters

Need to contact developers and look more carefully at each of these JSON formats.

Client-side COLLADA

Some libraries read COLLADA directly without converting it.

  • OVoiD.JS reads COLLADA client-side include animations and skinning. It also has a scene JSON format, and client-side exporting to this format, including from COLLADA.
  • Three.js reads COLLADA client-side. Looks like they've been working on it recently. Three.js also has a JSON format, including some Python exporters, that is worth a close look.
  • Odin reads COLLADA client-side or a derived run-time format.
  • SpiderGL - example.
  • C3DL - doc, tutorial, code.
  • I believe GLGE also reads COLLADA client-side.
