This is very typical face recognition app made for Computer Vision course at Silesian University of Technology. Professor suggested the Android platform, but it would take me a lot of time to learn it, and doing it as a web app makes it almost multiplatform. However, I tested it on my Xperia phone and Google Chrome only.
The previous version of this app was using small C++ OpenCV wrappers, that were invoked by Java backend. I decided to try to get rid of this dependency, so now I am using JavaCV native wrappers.
- modified recognition examples from OpenCV website in C++, extended with possibilities to pick different methods of recognition
- HTTP API written in Java (Spark microframework) that glues everything together
- Docker is a must, cause we still have ugly native dependencies
- "fake" SSL certificate for Chrome to stop complaining
- Two pieces, one for recognizing faces, and second for just extracting (useful for collecting training data)
- Decent Webcam.js library for camera support and jQuery+Bootstrap for the rest