PHP Framework which includes Routes and Routing, Layout loader, Session manager, Database interface and Entities models.
use Kamebase\Layout\Layout;
use Kamebase\Router\Router;
// Only replies to GET requests
Router::get("/", "Controller@index"); // First param: Route, Second param: function or Controller@method
Router::post("/", "Controller@post");
Router::put("/", "Controller@put");
Router::delete("/", "Controller@delete");
Router::patch("/", "Controller@patch");
Router::options("/", function () {
return Layout::load("");
Router::all("/page", "Page@show"); // This route will work on every HTTP Method
// You can use variables in the route, for a post slug you can use for example /blog/{post}
// You can even use an optional variable, just add a "?" after the name, like /user/{id?}
// If the variable "id" has got a default value it will be used
Router::all("/page/{id}/section/{section?}", function ($id, $sec) {
// If you "return" an array it will be automatically converted to JSON
$array = array("id" => $id, "section" => $sec);
// Return arrays (served as JSON), numbers or text (such as HTML)
return $array;
// You can specify a regex for the variables with a where($name, $expression);
["id" => "[0-9]+", "section" => "[a-zA-Z-]+"]
// Specify a default value for optional variables
"section", "not-set"
Create a file named /Controller.php
in the /Controllers/
namespace Controllers;
use Kamebase\Request;
use Kamebase\Layout\Layout;
class Controller {
public function index(Request $request) {
return Layout::load("home");
Create a file named /Config.php
in the root directory,
the config will allow you to connect to a database.
class Config extends \Kamebase\Config {
protected $dbData = [
"host" => "localhost",
"user" => "username",
"password" => "password",
"database" => "database"
public function isCloudFlareEnabled() {
return true;
This project doesn't use Composer, sorry.