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Ted face

🌟 Ted Super 🌟

A "retcon" and re-imagining of my Discord bot in Python. This version of the bot will be more focused on minigames and interactions between server members. Written using Pycord.

🛠 Development Setup

Note: These instructions assume you are using a Linux system, or Windows via WSL. Change any instructions to fit your operating system as needed.

To get started, create a Discord application and add a bot user for it. Then, scroll down and make sure the "Message content intent" option is toggled on. Finally, add the bot to your server of choice.

After you've made your application, clone this repo somewhere on your machine, then create a file in the root of the project directory called bot_settings.toml. This will contain all the settings required for the bot.

The file should contain at least the settings below. An example file has also been provided in the project directory.

token = "your token here"

Dependencies are handled by Poetry. Install Poetry on your machine if you haven't already, then simply run poetry install in the project directory.

To run the bot, cd into the root of the project directory and run poetry run python -m ted_super (or activate the virtual environment created by Poetry using poetry shell and run python -m ted_super in the project directory). If everything has worked, you'll be greeted by an ASCII Ted!