Small, simple, minimal HTTP server library with no dependencies.
Since it isn't doing too much in the background, it should also be pretty darn fast.
On my machine, a query to the example /bunnies
route takes ~15ms using curl, which is on par with
ASP.NET and Express, if not a little faster.
In your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// ...
"io.github.aliics" %% "mouse" % "0.4.2",
// ...
A toy example showcasing various features mouse
has and how to use them. These are very simple examples, but they
should be a good place start.
import mouse.Implicits._
import mouse.Method.Get
import mouse.PathParams.param
import mouse.QueryParams.{optional, required}
import scala.concurrent.Future
object HelloWorld extends App {
val bunnies = List("Ollie", "Mr. Ollie", "Sr. Ollie", "King Oliver I")
val routes = Routes(
// Simple echo. Just responds with the given body.
// Works on all methods, but in the real-world, this should probably just be a POST/PUT.
("echo", req => Future.successful(Ok(req.body))),
// /hello?name=NAME will greet the name given. "name" is required, so a 400 will be
// returned if not given.
(Get / "hello", implicit req => Future {
val name = required[String]("name")
Ok(s"""Hello, $name!""")
// /bunnies?id=OPTIONAL_ID will respond with a list of bunnies. "id" is optional, so
// that must be handled by us. Additionally, it must be Int-parseable.
(Get / "bunnies", implicit req => Future {
val fetched = optional[Int]("id")
.map(i => List(bunnies(i)))
Ok(fetched.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
// This route will always timeout because the Server is configured to a 1 second timeout
// and the route takes 2 seconds to complete.
("/will-timeout", _ => Future {
Thread.sleep(2000) // Heavy operation.
Ok("Why didn't it timeout??")
// Routes can be concatenated, so these will be added onto our Server routes.
val additionalRoutes = Routes(
// This shows two need dsl features, path joining with "/" and path parameters.
// Path params must be provided if the route uses them, so there is no optional version of the "param" function.
(Get / "about" / ":name", implicit req => Future {
val name = param[String]("name")
Ok(s"$name is cool!")
// Run the server with a custom timeout (default is 30 seconds).
new Server(routes ++ additionalRoutes, timeout = 1.second).runBlocking()