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A RESTful Python CRUD web app with Flask framework, SQLite Database, SQLAlchemy toolkit, Google Sign-in and JSON endpoints


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Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program

Project 4: Catalog App

Author: Aleksandr Zonis


TLTR - Python CRUD web app with Flask framework, SQLite Database, SQLAlchemy toolkit, Google Sign-in and JSON endpoints.

  • The name of application is "Furniture Catalog App"
  • This is a a RESTful web application using the Python and the Python framework Flask
  • It uses SQLite Database to store User, Category and Product information
  • The App is implementing Google Sign-In OAuth authentication using flow from oauth2client.client library
  • Create, delete and update operations do consider authorization status prior to execution
  • The app implements a JSON endpoints that serves the same information as displayed in the HTML endpoints for an arbitrary item or category in the catalog, or the all info from the catalog
  • The most important part of the application code is located in the file. It has Flask routing for all the web pages of the app.
  • The App is formatted and compliant with the Python PEP 8 style guide.
  • The app is fully responsive. The web pages of the App use Bootstrap 4, which is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites.

Installing and Starting Using the Furniture Catalog App

Install and Configure Virtual Machine

You will use a virtual machine (VM) to run the app. The VM is a Linux server system that runs on top of your own computer. You can share files easily between your computer and the VM.

I was using the Vagrant software to configure and manage the VM. Here are the tools you'll need to install to get it running:


VirtualBox is the software that actually runs the VM. You can download it from, here. Install the platform package for your operating system. You do not need the extension pack or the SDK.


Vagrant is the software that configures the VM and lets you share files between your host computer and the VM's filesystem. You can download it from, here. Install the version for your operating system.

Use Git to clone the VM configuration

git clone fullstack

Run the Virtual Machine

Using the terminal, change directory to fullstack/vagrant

cd fullstack/vagrant

Then type

vagrant up

to launch your virtual machine.

Once it is up and running, type

vagrant ssh

to log into it. This will log your terminal in to the virtual machine, and you'll get a Linux shell prompt.

Install necessary modules

If you want to run Application using python 2, most of the modules are already pre-installed. But to make sure you have all dependencies pre-installed before running the application. Run this on your virtual machine:

For Python 2, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

For Python 3, run:

pip3 install -r requirements3.txt

Cloning Application to the VM

Clone Furniture Catalog App to fullstack/vagrant directory.

  • Keep Terminal window where VM is running open
  • Open new Terminal window
  • Get to fullstack/vagrant directory
  • Clone Application to that directory
git clone catalogApp

Creating OAuth Gooogle Credentials

To run this app you will also need to create OAuth Client ID credentials

  • Go to
  • Sign In
  • Create a new project and give it whatever name you like
  • Go to credentials section
  • Once on Credentials section, click 'create credential' button and follow steps:
    • Click OAuth Cliend ID
    • Choose 'Web Application'
    • Name it
    • IMPORTANT: Insert 'http://localhost:8000' to the Authorised Origins and Redirects
  • Once credential is created, click on it. Find 'DOWNLOAD JSON'. Download JSON file, save it as 'client_secrets.json' in /catalogApp directory

Running Application on the VM

Once you complete steps from above: Install and Configure Virtual Machine, Cloning Application to the VM and Creating OAuth Gooogle Credentials, you can run the application.

  • On the terminal window where Virtual Machine is running go to the application directory /catalogApp

  • Create database

python or python3

  • Populate database

python or python3

  • And finally, run the app

python or python3

Once it is running. Visit http://localhost:8000 in the browser.


For my final project, I configured a Linux Apache server to serve the app. The project documentation is available in the catalog-server repo. The app is available at

Using Furniture Catalog App

The home page displays navbar with Application name, Home Button and Log In button; categories link list and recently added products.


You can view all the categories and products in the catalog, but if you want to create your own category or product you need to log in via Google Sign In.

  • Login Page.

login page

-Google Sign in page.

google sign in

Once you are logged in, you are able to Create category or product. In the navbar you can spot 'add category' and 'add product' links.

create product

If you are logged in, you can also Update or Delete category or product, but only if you are the creator of the product or the category.

  • View category and have options to edit or delete category, if you created it.


  • Edit category.

edit category

  • View product and have options to edit or delete product, if you created it. product

  • Edit product.

edit product

-Delete product.

delete product

The application is fully responsive and can be used via mobile or desktop display.

  • Responsive Category Page

responsive example 1

  • Responsive Home Page

responsive example 2

Also, the application returns JSON endpoints for full catalog, categories and products pages.

  • Catalog JSON.

catalog JSON

  • Categories JSON.

categories JSON

  • Products JSON.

products JSON

For more description image visit documentation


The contents of this repository are covered under the MIT license.


A RESTful Python CRUD web app with Flask framework, SQLite Database, SQLAlchemy toolkit, Google Sign-in and JSON endpoints








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