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Mikolaj committed Mar 23, 2011
1 parent d0e9837 commit cf8765a
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Showing 9 changed files with 139 additions and 100 deletions.
23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions src/Actions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import LevelState
import Message
import Movable
import MovableState
import Monster
import MonsterState
import Perception
import Random
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,15 +303,16 @@ actorOpenClose actor v o dir =
pl <- gets splayer
let txt = if o then "open" else "closed"
let hms = levelHeroList state ++ levelMonsterList state
let loc = mloc (getActor state actor)
let body = getActor state actor -- TODO: swap args of getActor, for gets
let loc = mloc body
let isPlayer = actor == pl
let isVerbose = v && isPlayer
let dloc = shift loc dir -- location we act upon
in case lmap `at` dloc of
Tile d@(Door hv o') []
| secret o' && isPlayer -> -- door is secret, cannot be opened or closed by the player
neverMind isVerbose
| maybe o ((|| not o) . (> 10)) o' ->
| maybe o ((|| not o) . (> (niq (mtype body)))) o' ->
-- door is in unsuitable state
abortIfWith isVerbose ("already " ++ txt)
| not (unoccupied hms dloc) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -641,7 +643,8 @@ drinkPotion =
PotionWater -> messageAdd "Tastes like water."
PotionHealing -> do
messageAdd "You feel better."
let php p = min (mhpmax p) (mhp p + baseHp `div` 4)
let php p =
min (nhpMax (mtype p)) (mhp p + baseHp `div` 4)
updatePlayerBody (\ p -> p { mhp = php p })
Just _ -> abortWith "you cannot drink that"
Nothing -> neverMind True
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -694,7 +697,7 @@ dropItem :: Action ()
dropItem =
state <- get
pbody <- gets getPlayerBody
pbody <- gets getPlayerBody
ploc <- gets (mloc . getPlayerBody)
items <- gets (mitems . getPlayerBody)
if L.null items
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -971,7 +974,7 @@ advanceTime :: Actor -> Action ()
advanceTime actor =
time <- gets stime
updateAnyActor actor $ \ m -> m { mtime = time + mspeed m }
updateAnyActor actor $ \ m -> m { mtime = time + (nspeed (mtype m)) }

playerAdvanceTime :: Action ()
playerAdvanceTime = do
Expand All @@ -982,11 +985,11 @@ playerAdvanceTime = do
regenerate :: Actor -> Action ()
regenerate actor =
pl <- gets splayer
time <- gets stime
-- TODO: remove hardcoded time interval, regeneration should be an attribute of the movable
let upd m = m { mhp = min (mhpmax m) (mhp m + 1) }
when (time `mod` 1500 == 0) $ do
pl <- gets splayer
pbody <- gets getPlayerBody
time <- gets stime
let upd m = m { mhp = min (nhpMax (mtype m)) (mhp m + 1) }
when (time `mod` (nregen (mtype pbody)) == 0) $ do
-- We really want hero selection to be a purely UI distinction,
-- so all heroes need to regenerate, not just the player.
-- TODO: currently only the heroes on the current level regenerate.
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/Display/Gtk.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Display.Gtk
bright_blue, bright_magenta, bright_cyan, bright_white,
Attr, AttrColor) where

import qualified Data.Binary
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events -- TODO: replace, deprecated
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ doAttr :: TextTag -> AttrKey -> IO ()
doAttr tt (FG color) = set tt [ textTagForeground := colorToRGB color ]
doAttr tt (BG color) = set tt [ textTagBackground := colorToRGB color ]

data AttrColor =
data AttrColor = -- TODO: move and use in vty, too
| Red
| Green
Expand All @@ -212,6 +213,12 @@ data AttrColor =
| BrWhite
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

instance Data.Binary.Binary AttrColor where
put c = Data.Binary.putWord8 $ toEnum $ fromEnum c
get = do
c <- Data.Binary.getWord8
return $ toEnum $ fromEnum c

-- Mimics the Linux console; good old retro feel and more useful than xterm.
colorToRGB :: AttrColor -> String
colorToRGB Black = "#000000"
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Display2.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ displayLevel session per
sassocs = assocs,
slevel = lvl@(Level nm hs sz@(sy,sx) ms smap nlmap lmeta) }))
msg moverlay =
let Movable { mhpmax = phpmax, mhp = php, mdir = pdir,
let Movable { mtype = mt, mhp = php, mdir = pdir,
mloc = ploc, mitems = pitems } =
getPlayerBody state
overlay = maybe "" id moverlay
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ displayLevel session per
rea = S.member loc reachable
(rv,ra) = case L.find (\ m -> loc == mloc m) (hs ++ ms) of
_ | sTer > 0 -> viewTerrain sTer False (tterrain tile)
Just m | sOmn || vis -> let (sym, color) = viewMovable (mtype m) in (sym, if mloc m == ploc then black else color)
Just m | sOmn || vis -> (nsymbol (mtype m), if mloc m == ploc then black else (ncolor (mtype m)))
_ | sSml && sml >= 0 -> viewSmell sml
| otherwise -> viewTile vis tile assocs
(vision, ra2) =
Expand All @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ displayLevel session per
(take 40 (levelName nm ++ repeat ' ') ++
take 10 ("$: " ++ show gold ++ repeat ' ') ++
take 15 ("HP: " ++ show php ++ " (" ++ show phpmax ++ ")" ++ repeat ' ') ++
take 15 ("HP: " ++ show php ++ " (" ++ show (nhpMax mt) ++ ")" ++ repeat ' ') ++
take 15 ("T: " ++ show (time `div` 10) ++ repeat ' '))
msgs = splitMsg sx msg
perf k [] = perfo k ""
Expand Down
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/Grammar.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,19 +10,14 @@ import ItemState

-- | How to refer to a movable in object position of a sentence.
objectMovable :: MovableType -> String
objectMovable (Hero _ s) = s
objectMovable Eye = "the reducible eye"
objectMovable FastEye = "the super-fast eye"
objectMovable Nose = "the point-free nose"
objectMovable mt = nname mt

-- | How to refer to a movable in subject position of a sentence.
subjectMovable :: MovableType -> String
subjectMovable x = let (s:r) = objectMovable x in toUpper s : r

verbMovable :: MovableType -> String -> String
verbMovable (Hero _ "you") v = v
verbMovable (Hero _ s) v = v ++ "s"
verbMovable _ v = v ++ "s"
verbMovable mt v = if nname mt == "you" then v else v ++ "s"

-- | Sentences such like "The dog barks".
subjectMovableVerb :: MovableType -> String -> String
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/HeroState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ import State

templateHero :: Char -> String -> Loc -> Int -> Movable
templateHero symbol name ploc hp =
Movable (Hero symbol name) hp hp Nothing TCursor ploc [] 'a' 10 0
let mt = hero {nhpMin = hp, nhpMax = hp, nsymbol = symbol, nname = name }
in Movable mt hp Nothing TCursor ploc [] 'a' 0

-- | Create a new hero on the current level, close to the given location.
addHero :: Loc -> Int -> String -> State -> Int -> State
Expand Down
145 changes: 94 additions & 51 deletions src/Monster.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,61 +7,104 @@ import Geometry
import Random
import qualified Display

-- TODO: move _all_ monster data here from Grammar.hs, etc.

data MovableType =
Hero Char String
| Eye
| FastEye
| Nose
data MovableType = MovableType
{ nhpMin :: !Int, -- ^ minimal initial hp
nhpMax :: !Int, -- ^ maximal possible and initial hp
nspeed :: !Time, -- ^ natural speed
nsymbol :: !Char, -- ^ map symbol
ncolor :: !Display.AttrColor, -- ^ map color
nname :: String, -- ^ name
nsight :: !Bool, -- ^ can it see?
nsmell :: !Bool, -- ^ can it smell?
niq :: !Int, -- ^ intelligence
nregen :: !Int, -- ^ regeneration interval
nfreq :: !Int -- ^ dungeon frequency
deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Monster frequencies (TODO: should of course vary much more
-- on local circumstances).
monsterFrequency :: Frequency MovableType
monsterFrequency =
(2, Nose),
(6, Eye),
(1, FastEye)

-- | Generate monster.
newMonster :: (MovableType -> Int -> Loc -> Int -> a) ->
Loc -> Frequency MovableType -> Rnd a
newMonster template loc ftp =
tp <- frequency ftp
hp <- hps tp
let s = speed tp
return (template tp hp loc s)
hps Eye = randomR (1,12) -- falls in 1--4 unarmed rounds
hps FastEye = randomR (1,6) -- 1--2
hps Nose = randomR (6,13) -- 2--5 and in 1 round of the strongest sword
hero, eye, fastEye, nose :: MovableType
hero = MovableType
{ nhpMin = 50,
nhpMax = 50,
nspeed = 10,
nsymbol = '@',
nname = "you",
ncolor = Display.bright_white, -- Heroes white, monsters colorful.
nsight = True,
nsmell = False,
niq = 13, -- Can see that secret doors under alien control.
nregen = 1500,
nfreq = 0

speed Eye = 10
speed FastEye = 4
speed Nose = 11
eye = MovableType
{ nhpMin = 1, -- falls in 1--4 unarmed rounds
nhpMax = 12,
nspeed = 10,
nsymbol = 'e',
ncolor = Display.bright_red,
nname = "the reducible eye",
nsight = True,
nsmell = False,
niq = 10,
nregen = 1500,
nfreq = 6
fastEye = MovableType
{ nhpMin = 1, -- falls in 1--2 unarmed rounds
nhpMax = 6,
nspeed = 4,
nsymbol = 'e',
ncolor = Display.bright_blue,
nname = "the super-fast eye",
nsight = True,
nsmell = False,
niq = 3,
nregen = 1500,
nfreq = 1
nose = MovableType
{ nhpMin = 6, -- 2--5 and in 1 round of the strongest sword
nhpMax = 13,
nspeed = 11,
nsymbol = 'n',
ncolor =,
nname = "the point-free nose",
nsight = False,
nsmell = True,
niq = 0,
nregen = 1500,
nfreq = 6

-- Heroes are white, monsters are colorful.
viewMovable :: MovableType -> (Char, Display.AttrColor)
viewMovable (Hero sym _) = (sym, Display.bright_white)
viewMovable Eye = ('e', Display.bright_red)
viewMovable FastEye = ('e', Display.bright_blue)
viewMovable Nose = ('n',
-- | The list of types of monster that appear randomly throughout the dungeon.
roamingMts :: [MovableType]
roamingMts = [eye, fastEye, nose]

instance Binary MovableType where
put (Hero symbol name) = putWord8 0 >> put symbol >> put name
put Eye = putWord8 1
put FastEye = putWord8 2
put Nose = putWord8 3
put (MovableType nhpMin nhpMax nsp nsym ncol nnm nsi nsm niq nreg nfreq) =
put nhpMin
put nhpMax
put nsp
put nsym
put ncol
put nnm
put nsi
put nsm
put niq
put nreg
put nfreq
get = do
tag <- getWord8
case tag of
0 -> liftM2 Hero get get
1 -> return Eye
2 -> return FastEye
3 -> return Nose
_ -> fail "no parse (MovableType)"
nhpMin <- get
nhpMax <- get
nsp <- get
nsym <- get
ncol <- get
nnm <- get
nsi <- get
nsm <- get
niq <- get
nreg <- get
nfreq <- get
return (MovableType nhpMin nhpMax nsp nsym ncol nnm nsi nsm niq nreg nfreq)
21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions src/MonsterState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ import Random
-- move immediately after generation; this does not seem like
-- a bad idea, but it would certainly be "more correct" to set
-- the time to the creation time instead
templateMonster :: MovableType -> Int -> Loc -> Int -> Movable
templateMonster tp hp loc s =
Movable tp hp hp Nothing TCursor loc [] 'a' s 0
templateMonster :: MovableType -> Loc -> Rnd Movable
templateMonster mt loc = do
hp <- randomR (nhpMin mt, nhpMax mt)
return $ Movable mt hp Nothing TCursor loc [] 'a' 0

newMonsterIndex :: State -> Int
newMonsterIndex (State { slevel = lvl, sdungeon = Dungeon m }) =
Expand All @@ -43,11 +44,13 @@ addMonster state@(State { slevel = lvl }) = do
-- visible by the player (if possible -- not possible for bigrooms)
-- levels with few rooms are dangerous, because monsters may spawn
-- in adjacent and unexpected places
sm <- findLocTry 1000 lvl
(\ l t -> open t
&& not (l `L.elem` mloc (hs ++ ms)))
(\ l t -> floor t
&& L.all (\pl -> distance (mloc pl, l) > 400) hs)
m <- newMonster templateMonster sm monsterFrequency
loc <- findLocTry 1000 lvl
(\ l t -> open t
&& not (l `L.elem` mloc (hs ++ ms)))
(\ l t -> floor t
&& L.all (\ pl -> distance (mloc pl, l) > 400) hs)
let fmt = Frequency $ ( nfreq roamingMts) roamingMts
mt <- frequency fmt
m <- templateMonster mt loc
return (updateMonsters (IM.insert ni m) lvl)
else return lvl
10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions src/Movable.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,43 +9,37 @@ import Monster

data Movable = Movable
{ mtype :: !MovableType,
mhpmax :: !Int,
mhp :: !Int,
mdir :: Maybe Dir, -- for monsters: the dir the monster last moved; TODO: use target for this, instead and use mdir to signal the monster wants to switch position with a hero (if the monster is smart/big enough)
-- for heroes: the dir the hero is running
mtarget :: Target,
mloc :: !Loc,
mitems :: [Item], -- inventory
mletter :: !Char, -- next inventory letter
mspeed :: !Time, -- speed (i.e., delay before next action)
mtime :: !Time } -- time of next action
deriving Show

instance Binary Movable where
put (Movable mt mhpm mhp md tgt ml minv mletter mspeed mtime) =
put (Movable mt mhp md tgt ml minv mletter mtime) =
put mt
put mhpm
put mhp
put md
put tgt
put ml
put minv
put mletter
put mspeed
put mtime
get = do
mt <- get
mhpm <- get
mhp <- get
md <- get
tgt <- get
ml <- get
minv <- get
mletter <- get
mspeed <- get
mtime <- get
return (Movable mt mhpm mhp md tgt ml minv mletter mspeed mtime)
return (Movable mt mhp md tgt ml minv mletter mtime)

data Actor = AHero Int -- ^ hero index (on the lheroes intmap)
| AMonster Int -- ^ monster index (on the lmonsters intmap)
Expand Down

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