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The AlmaLinux OS Project monitoring tool.

Deployment and initial configuration

This section describes a local development environment deployment and configuration.


Create docker volume mount directories:

$ mkdir -p volumes/influxdb/data
$ mkdir -p volumes/mosquitto/{data,log}

Initialize a virtual environment:

$ virtualenv --system-site-packages env
$ . env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .

Enable masquerading if you are going to access Witness outside your localhost:

$ firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-masquerade --permanent
$ firewall-cmd --reload

Create an empty telegraf-vars.env file in the project's root:

$ install -m 600 /dev/null telegraf-vars.env

Create an empty Grafana configuration file:

$ install -m 600 /dev/null volumes/grafana/grafana.ini

InfluxDB database initialization

First, you need to initialize the InfluxDB database (don't forget to either define corresponding environment variables or replace them with desired values):

$ UGID="$(id -u):$(id -g)" docker-compose run \
    -e DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_BUCKET=distro_spread \

Save the provided ${INFLUX_ADMIN_USER}, ${INFLUX_ADMIN_PASSWORD} and ${INFLUX_ADMIN_TOKEN} values into a secure place because you will need them for InfluxDB administration purposes.

Wait until you will see the following log messages on your console:

2021-06-09T21:10:26.686975Z     info    Listening       {"log_id": "0UdedM~W000", "service": "tcp-listener", "transport": "http", "addr": ":8086", "port": 8086}
2021-06-09T21:10:26.687147Z     info    Starting        {"log_id": "0UdedM~W000", "service": "telemetry", "interval": "8h"}

then terminate the docker-compose process with Ctrl-c.

Telegraf token creation

When you have the InfluxDB database initialized, you need to create an unprivileged token for Telegraf.

Run the influxdb container:

$ UGID="$(id -u):$(id -g)" docker-compose up influxdb

open another terminal to find an InfluxDB bucket ID and generate a token for it:

$ export UGID="$(id -u):$(id -g)"

# get an InfluxDB bucket ID and save it to the `BUCKET_ID` environment variable 
$ BUCKET_ID=$(docker compose exec influxdb \
               influx bucket list -o AlmaLinux -t "${INFLUX_ADMIN_TOKEN}" \
               | grep -oP '^(\w+)(?=\s+distro_spread)')

# generate an InfluxDB authentication token
$ docker compose exec influxdb \
    influx auth create --org AlmaLinux --read-bucket "${BUCKET_ID}" \
                       --write-bucket "${BUCKET_ID}" -t "${INFLUX_ADMIN_TOKEN}"

ID			Description	Token												User Name	User ID			Permissions
0a14e74bbb95c000			XMmTAPjfIuWw4FafnT84qDyYLTE9JtANoQ1ycOPbxzNWbtAWwAJpLoZhYhoosPAzXrm_gDXtWuWtHyrm1wsxBw==	witnessadm	0a149498f697a000	[read:orgs/6d0c4906bee90d15/buckets/08e28f1c21460f02 write:orgs/6d0c4906bee90d15/buckets/08e28f1c21460f02]

the last command will print a generated token and some additional information. Add this token to the telegraf-vars.env file in the project's root:


Now you can safely terminate the docker-compose process running the influxdb container.

Grafana configuration

Configure a Grafana administrator password:

$ echo 'ENTER_PASSWORD_HERE' > volumes/grafana/admin_password
$ chmod 600 volumes/grafana/admin_password

Create an InfluxDB datasource configuration file volumes/grafana/provisioning/datasources/datasource.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: 1

  - name: Witness-InfluxDB-Flux
    type: influxdb
    url: http://influxdb:8086/
    access: proxy
    isDefault: true
      version: Flux
      organization: AlmaLinux
      defaultBucket: distro_spread
      tlsSkipVerify: true
      timeInterval: "1m"

Running the system

Execute the following command in order to launch InfluxDB, Mosquitto and Telegraf:

$ UGID="$(id -u):$(id -g)" docker-compose up

Use the admin username and a password from the volumes/grafana/admin_password file to login to the Grafana UI http://localhost:3000/.

Set up a cron job for periodical sensors execution. An example below will collect the official AlmaLinux OS Docker image statistics every hour:

0 * * * * ${PROJECT_ROOT}/env/bin/python ${PROJECT_ROOT}/bin/ -o library -i almalinux

For other sensors usage examples see their docstrings in code.

Backups and maintenance

The volumes/backup directory is mounted to the /srv/backup in the InfluxDB container, so you can use the following command to make a database backup:

UGID="$(id -u):$(id -g)" docker compose exec influxdb \
    influx backup /srv/backup/witness_backup.$(date '+%Y%m%d') -t "${INFLUX_ADMIN_TOKEN}"