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Perl scripts to help with Kerbal Space Program (v0.97.3)

Kerbin science

Return a list of science points remaining and obtained so far, helpfully organized by planet/moon. Includes KSC, vessel recovery, and asteroids! Also supports SCANsat.


  • KSP (v1.0.x)
  • Perl (Comes with OSX and Linux; Windows users will need Strawberry Perl or the like)
  • Excel::Writer::XLSX, if you want your output in a spreadsheet
    • (Install via the terminal: cpan Excel::Writer::XLSX (recommended) or get it from CPAN or GitHub)

Basic Usage

perl -<opts>

Simply run this script and an Excel file named scienceToDo.xlsx shoud appear. That's it! There are plenty of other options, of course. Use -u to specify the username of your savefile and it will use the files found in your install; use -g to specify the location of your KSP folder. Otherwise, you'll need versions of ScienceDefs.cfg and persistent.sfs in the same folder as Use -b, -s, or -p and it will sort the output; -a and -t will give you some averages. Use -j to skip all asteroid data. If you want it to calculate SCANsat data, pass the -i flag.

Alternatively, use a custom config file...

Advanced Usage

Config File (.parsesciencerc)

Users of this tool will almost certainly be running it repeatedly with their favorite options, so supports a user config file to simplify things a bit. This way, you can dump your favorite options in a file and just path/to/ without worrying about commandline options, location of the script, local files, etc. You can still, of course, pass commandline flags to; they will always override any settings in your config file.

The default file name is .parsesciencerc, found in whatever diretory you were in when you ran Failing that, it will check the directory is actually in. If you're using OSX or Linux, it wil also check your $home directory and ~/.config/parseScience/parsesciencerc (note the lack of a leading . in that last one). You can at any time supply your own path via the -f flag.

The file itself follows strict guidelines. You can see an example in sample_parsesciencerc. Each option must follow key = value format, one per line. Only the following keys are available: username takes a savefile name and gamelocation is the path a KSP folder; the rest take either true or false, lowercase. Any corresponding options provided on the commandline will override the options set here. Should the same key be given twice, the last one will be used.

username = Zaphod
gamelocation = /Applications/KSP_osx/
average = true
tests = true
biome = true
scienceleft = true
percentdone = true
scansat = true
ignoreasteroids = true
ksckerbin = true
moredata = true
csv = true
noformat = true
excludeexcel = true
outputavgtable = true
report = true

Any deviations will be ignored and (hopefully) result in (gentle) notifications.

Full Options

The commandline options here will always override any settings in your .parsesciencerc; moreover, th e negation options (-ATBSPIJKMCNEORUG) take precedence.

Usage: [-atbspijdklmzcneor -h -f path/to/dotfile ] [-g <game_location> -u <savefile_name>] [-ATBSPIJDKLMZCNEOR -G -U] -> Turn off a given option

      -a Display average science left for each planet
      -t Display average science left for each experiment type.  Supersedes -a.

      -b Sort by biome, only output data file(s).
      -s Sort by science left, including output file(s) and averages from -a
         and -t flags
      -p Sort by percent science accomplished, including output file(s) and
         averages from -a and -t flags.  Supersedes -s.

      -i Include data from SCANsat
      -j Ignore and don't consider asteroids or comets.
      -d Include science from the Breaking Ground expansion.
      -k List data from KSC biomes as being from Kerbin (same Excel worksheet)
      -l Ignore science for KSC biomes entirely
      -m Add some largely boring data to the output (i.e., dsc, sbv, scv)
      -z Don't include finished experiments, only those with science remaining
      -c Output data to csv file as well
      -n Turn off formatted printing in Excel (i.e., colors and bolding)
      -e Don't output the Excel file
      -o Save the chosen average table to a file.  Requires -a or -t.
      -r Save a report csv of per-planet test or condition data.  Require -a or -t.

      -g Specify path to your KSP folder
      -u Enter the username of your KSP save folder; otherwise, whatever files
         are present in the local directory will be used.
      -f Specify path to config file.  Supersedes a local .parsesciencerc file.
      -h Print this message


  • Put global biome first? Last?
  • New sorting (-f?) for sit_order_map first? Useful. Put global first.
  • Possible to sort by more than one thing??
  • More tidying of sorting
  • Option to ONLY include finished experiments
  • Better regex for blank lines
  • Don't need to remove the leading tabs?
  • Everything after $ticker == 1 is slow, like cleaning spaces, etc.
  • Consider use builtin 'trim'
  • Include stock in processData, probably by having another wrapper sub, or just doing after the sort? Annoying since need hash and then there's the splice.
  • Detect comet/asteroid science in pers?
  • Breaking Ground Expansion:
    • Detect presence of Breaking Ground data, notify if present and not turned on
  • Check data (like dV, etc.)
  • Other "KSC" biomes:
    • Confirm glacier lake, cove, mahi mahi, crater
    • Making History: Woomerang Launch Site, Dessert Launch Site, Dessert Airfield
  • Maybe parse SCANsat scidefs (and expansion) via sub, so use itself (see also
  • Rework recovery into the same definitions as scidefs
  • Better handling of erroneous data for handling of real but missed science (see note about ScienceAlert)
  • SCANsat:
    • Are caps different?
    • Swap experiment and condition? Or just high? Or no condition?
    • Make parallel with other experiments (sits not names, etc.). Have to redo scanSits, blah, but maybe more sense with sciDefs... Probably also affects sorting, which, yeah, okay, makes the status quo make sense, but still, it should be changed, right?
    • Wait, is SCANsat resource science scanning the same as the resource scan? Christ, that's annoying. It uses InSpaceHigh, not Recovery (see Kerbin value), so maybe different? Need to test with different games....
  • sbv values for recovery (partially done?) seem weird. Maybe double check the math throughout? They go up and down...
  • Don't understand buildData (and likewise buildScienceData)
  • Probably make some of the if/else chains hash lookups to call specific subs depending on the line
  • Avg/exp in average table is for all experiments, not just those to be completed. Should it be?
  • Check via
  • More Windows/Mac/Linux-appropriate paths to Gamedata, .parsesciencerc
  • Put all column widths in one place, lookup hash
  • Round long decimals (handle floats)

Roughly estimate science point ROI as science per delta-V needed per planet/moon. Uses average table output from (-a or -as). Scaled semi-arbitrarily.

Print known boundary heights of conditions for each space object.


Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause license.