This is an unofficial Zborovna API.
If you find bugs, have any questions or suggestions for features, please let me know and submit an issue.
- Node.js v14.0.0+
- Zborovna Account
npm i zborovna-api
const { Zborovna } = require("zborovna-api");
const zborovna = new Zborovna();
// This wil grant you access to all basic methods
zborovna.login("username", "password").then(user => {
// ('user') is holding all methods for Documents and User
}).catch(error => {
// Catch errors
// You can access all methods using ('zborovna') like this
(async () => {
await zborovna.login("username", "password");
const user = zborovna.user;
Note: If your node.js version support top level await you don't need to use self invoking arrow function
const { Zborovna } = require("zborovna-api");
const zborovna = new Zborovna();
(async () => {
await zborovna.login("username", "password");
// This will return parsed documents
const documents = await zborovna.basePage();
const { Zborovna } = require("zborovna-api");
const path = require("path");
const zborovna = new Zborovna();
(async () => {
await zborovna.login("username", "password");
const location = path.join(__dirname, "./files/");
// This will set where your files should save
This will give you local file instead of downloading from server.
const { Zborovna } = require("zborovna-api");
const zborovna = new Zborovna();
(async () => {
await zborovna.login("username", "password");
// Return an object with FileName & FileLocation & FileFormat
const file = await zborovna.getLocalFile(id);
This will download file from server, but if file already exist it will just return an object.
const { Zborovna } = require("zborovna-api");
const zborovna = new Zborovna();
(async () => {
await zborovna.login("username", "password");
// This will return an object with FileName & FileLocation & FileFormat
// And also save your file to your file location
const file = await zborovna.getServerFile(id);
const { Zborovna } = require("zborovna-api");
const zborovna = new Zborovna();
(async () => {
await zborovna.login("username", "password");
// This params are optional so you don't need to pass everything.
// Note: Search is value is for searching document you want.
const queryObject = { school, subject, year, post, filter, search, page };
const documents = await zborovna.getDocumentsByQuery(queryObject);
const { Zborovna } = require("zborovna-api");
const zborovna = new Zborovna();
(async () => {
await zborovna.login("username", "password");
const messages = await zborovna.user.getMessages(/*Page number: default 0*/);
const latestPage = messages.pageCount; // This will return last possible number for ('Page Number')
const { Zborovna } = require("zborovna-api");
const zborovna = new Zborovna();
(async () => {
await zborovna.login("username", "password");
const messages = await zborovna.user.getMessages(/*Page number: default 0*/);
// This will return context of first message
const MessageCtx = await zborovna.user.getContextOfMessage([0]);
// OR get context of all messages msg => {
const MsgCtx = await zborovna.user.getContextOfMessage(msg);
const { Zborovna } = require("zborovna-api");
const zborovna = new Zborovna();
(async () => {
await zborovna.login("username", "password");
const messages = await zborovna.user.getMessages(/*Page number: default 0*/);
// This will return context of first message
const MessageCtx = await zborovna.user.getContextOfMessage([0]);
// This will block user that sends you message.
// This will unblock user that sends you message.
const { Zborovna } = require("zborovna-api");
const zborovna = new Zborovna();
(async () => {
await zborovna.login("username", "password");
// Return an Array with blocked users or an empty array dependes if you have blocked someone.
const blockedUsers = zborovna.user.blockedUsers;
// Get user you want
const user = blockedUsers.find(user => user.userName === "username");
// unblock user
This object holds parsed data from server
interface parsedHTMLDocument {
documentID: number;
documentName: string;
documentThumbnail: string;
documentSubject: string;
documentClassYear: string;
documentAddition: string;
pageCount: number;
interface requestedMessages {
currentPage: number;
pageCount: number;
messageCount: number;
data: Array<parsedMessage>;
interface parsedMessage {
name: string;
type: string;
subject: string;
hasAttachment: boolean;
messageURL: string;
receivedAt: string;
interface messageCtx {
from: string;
userBlockURL: string;
subject: string;
date: string;
messages: string | Array<iMessages>;
interface iMessages {
profileImageURL: string;
message: Array<string>;
_raw: string;
Note: I didn't make these key values it's based on original zborovna choose. Each value is specific and is used for representation.
These are possible value for each queryObject key.
schools = {
zakladna_skola: 1,
stredna_skola: 2,
materska_skola: 3,
umelecka_skola: 4,
ine: 5,
specialna_skola: 6,
const school = 1; // Základná škola
const queryObject = { school, ...};
const documents = await zborovna.getDocumentsByQuery(queryObject);
generalSubjects = {
'r1'= 'Matematika',
'r2'= 'Fyzika',
'r3'= 'Slovenský jazyk a literatúra',
'r4'= 'Geografia',
'r5'= 'Hudobná výchova',
'r7'= 'Biológia',
'r8'= 'Dejepis',
'r9'= 'Vlastiveda',
'r10' = 'Informatická výchova',
'r11' = 'Prírodoveda',
'r12' = 'Etická výchova',
'r13' = 'Náboženská výchova',
'r14' = 'Pracovné vyučovanie',
'r15' = 'Výtvarná výchova',
'r16' = 'Telesná výchova',
'r17' = 'Informatika',
'r18' = 'Chémia',
'r19' = 'Občianska náuka',
'r20' = 'Svet práce',
'r21' = 'Technika',
'r22' = 'Výchova umením',
'r23' = 'Anglický jazyk',
'r24' = 'Nemecký jazyk',
'r25' = 'Francúzsky jazyk',
'r26' = 'Ruský jazyk',
'r27' = 'Španielsky jazyk',
'r28' = 'Triednictvo',
'r29' = 'Všeobecné',
'r30' = 'Špeciálna pedagogika',
'r31' = 'Školský klub detí',
'r32' = 'Maďarský jazyk a literatúra',
'r34' = 'Obohatenie',
'r35' = 'Dopravná výchova',
'r36' = 'Taliansky jazyk',
'r37' = 'Ekológia',
'r38' = 'Prvouka',
'r39' = 'Finančná Gramotnosť',
'r40' = 'Rusínsky jazyk',
// This subjects are for high school
subjects = {
's1' = 'Ekonomické predmety',
's2' = 'Technické predmety',
's3' = 'Spoločenské predmety',
's4' = 'Predmety z oblasti služieb',
's5' = 'Umelecké predmety',
's6' = 'Zdravotnícke predmety',
's7' = 'Poľnohospodárske a potravinárske predmety',
's8' = 'Prírodné predmety',
const subject = 'r10'; // Informatická výchova
const queryObject = { subject, ...};
const documents = await zborovna.getDocumentsByQuery(queryObject);
posts = {
'1' = 'Dokument',
'2' = 'Link',
'3' = 'Galéria',
'4' = 'Test',
const post = 'r10'; // Dokument
const queryObject = { post, ...};
const documents = await zborovna.getDocumentsByQuery(queryObject);
filters = {
'listing_kvalitne' = 'Kvalitné', // Default value
'listing_najnovsie' = 'Všetky',
'listing_autorske' = 'Autorské',
'listing_najlepsie' = 'Najlepšie',
'listing_archiv' = 'Stiahnuté',
'listing_friends' = 'Obľúbenci',
'listing_metodicke' = 'Metodické',
const filter = 'listing_autorske'; // Autorské
const queryObject = { filter, ...};
const documents = await zborovna.getDocumentsByQuery(queryObject);