Python package to record and view events related to dates.
A python package to record and view events related to dates. This package is intended to be used and maintained by other team developers. The package must implement a DatetimeEventStore class that has two main methods:
● DatetimeEventStore.store_event (at, event) to store a event by associating it with a datetime.datetime.
● DatetimeEventStore.get_events (start, end) to retrieve the events associated with datetimes belonging to the period specified in parameter.
Under the repository name, click to copy the clone URL for the repository.
Clone your project : Go to your cumputer's shell and type the following command:
git clone < Paste HTTPS OR SSH Here >
Go to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made:
cd <PathWhereIWantToClone_storage>
To easily install Python packages :
sudo python3 install
Two prinicpal file :
- The file contain the class DatetimeEventStore with all the methods
- the file test contain the main code to test if the package works
Go to the location where the test file are located : python3
pip3 install datetime
from storage import DatetimeEventStore store = DatetimeEventStore()
store.store_event(at, event) store.get_events(start, end) store.store_event_csv(self, at, data) store.get_event_csv(self, start, end)